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Re: Mjorna

As Tork sees Yulka approach he puts down the knife he used to cut off the branches. As he walks towards her he pulls the heavy leather gloves off his paws and hangs them onto his belt. "Heya there. . . Must've missed you arriving. Name's Tork." He brushes his hand off his pants and reaches it towards the Bunny Kin.
- - -
After a bit of of wandering the forest Toya sees something like a hoofprint in a patch of dried earth. As the experienced hunter examines it closer he quickly identifies it as a boar's hoof. Could be his lucky day.
Re: Mjorna

"Boar, huh? Well... Might be a bit hard to take down in one piece, but dinner's dinner." He says with a confident smile, following the print as quietly as he could.
Re: Mjorna

Right then. Let's get going," Leon says as he heads towards the town.
Re: Mjorna

"Ah, uh it's... nice to meet you Tork." Yulka gave a small curtsy before taking Tork's hand timidly. "My name is Yulka."
Re: Mjorna

Tork grins and gives Yulka a good, strong handshake. "No need for all'a that. I'm just a carpenter. Met Wulfric yet?"
- - -
It doesn't take Toya long to make out a scraping sound nearby. Carefully he peers around a tree and sees his prey. And what prey it is - At least 150 pounds of fat and muscle. Currently the boar is busily digging through the soil, it must have smelled a truffle or two.
Re: Mjorna

"Indeed." Virgil says, following Leon closely and looking at the tall walls of the city "To think this used to be a city of great power. Now look at it."
Re: Mjorna

"Oh... my apologies then," Yulka said timidly, before nodding, "I have met Prior Wulfric."
Re: Mjorna

Meda smiled happily, her basket full of berries. "I have got to remember to come back in a day or two for the rest." She said it aloud to herself to make a better mental note of it. She then began to walk to where she believe Ilph was picking raspberries.
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Re: Mjorna

"Ah, so you're all settled in", Tork nods. With a thumb over his shoulder he adds "gonna turn those trees into boards so I can build more huts. They'll not be as fancy as the log cabins, but we've got a shit ton - pardon that - of people coming in."
Re: Mjorna

Yulka brought a finger to her lips. "Not exactly settled... I just have my equipment and animals out in a field over there...." She gestured to where she had come from. "Though, it's nice to see we have a builder," she said with a smile.
Re: Mjorna

"Oh yeah we do. More than one really." Tork turns towards the stone house and shields his eyes with his hand. "Don't know where Sarem is, though." He shrugs and turns back towards her. "Anyway, once the boards are done you'll have a place to stay in no time."
Re: Mjorna

"Oh! Th- thank you!" Yulka curtsied. "But, you don't really need to. I can manage, so you don't have to work so hard for me," she said modestly. Of course a hut would be nice, but it was also polite, especially having just shown up and having just met Tork, to be kind and modest and the like.
Re: Mjorna

Tork waves it off. "Ah, don't mention it. I'm building huts for everybody, so. . ." The carpenter starts to count the arrivals off on his paw, but quickly gets confused and stops. Scratching himself behind the ear he murmurs "Damnit, gonna have to make a list."
Re: Mjorna

Yulka nodded. "I've met... three people then? The prior, the doctor... uh... did I ever catch his name?... I might have forgotten.... He helped me with my bump.... And the third is yourself." She guessed that there were at least a few more than those three she knew and herself.
Re: Mjorna

"Aye. Surprising what one little sickness can do to a world," replied Leon as he entered the gates.
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Re: Mjorna

"I've seen what happens to people who suffer from this plague. I buried many good friends back in Blackmont." Virgil says as he looks around at the city "I just wonder why we were spared. What makes us so special?" he thinks aloud as he follows Leon "Still. Since I'm here, I decided I'd help as many people survive as long as possible."
Re: Mjorna

The liongirl's face pales visibly, her staff clattering to the ground. The few bodies she had seen earlier hadn't been as bad, but THIS...

Staggering away slightly, she leaned against the wall as the meager meal she had at the village made it's escape. After whiping her mouth clean- and glad the cloth had slid down when she bent over- she retrieved her staff, her face drawn again to the gastly scene. Shaking her head, the image still imprinted in her mind, she shoved the doors shut swiftly, before going to a few of the soldier's bodies, stripping off the armor before starting a funeral pile to burn.
Re: Mjorna

The armor of the Altrist soldiers is pretty heavy compared to the armored cloth and leather tunics of the Emeidians. Hera would need help if she wanted to bring some of those back to Mjorna.
Nothing but the occasional crow disturbs the lioness' grim work.
- - -
"Ah well, you'll get to know us better tonight. Toya - another new guy - is out hunting for food. Hopefully he'll bring something back." Tork turns his head and looks at the trees he's been working on. "Erm, I kinda have to get back to this. D'you mind if I work while we talk?"
- - -
Virgil and Leon enter the stone plaza, surrounded by ruins. What did the prior say? Left? He must have meant that alley that follows the city wall.
Re: Mjorna

"Here. We'll follow this path and see if we can find a storehouse. Keep an eye out for any carts. We'll need them to carry the food, if we find any," Leon says to Virgil, heading down the path himself.
Re: Mjorna

"By all means, go right ahead. Don't let me get in the way." Yulka looked at the wood, pondering exactly how much of both material and effort it would take to build a hut like the others. Her own makeshift shelter obviously couldn't compare, but then again this way she wouldn't need to bother the builder for a roof, at least for a while.