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Awesome Links

Re: Awesome Links

Heh, I got just gold and silver in celtic patterns for my ring. Tis still rather pretty.
Re: Awesome Links

It sounds really pretty and a great choice for you. What do the patterns look like?
Re: Awesome Links


This is pretty much it here.
Re: Awesome Links

This ruined my life.

Not really but it's fucking horrifying.

Late as fuck all, but I showed that to my friend, and I think he died laughing for 15 minutes. Not even exaggerating. He would not stop laughing for 15 fucking minutes. I thought I really had killed him by the end o_O
Re: Awesome Links

So, came across these on my facebook feed today. And I didn't stop crying until I was done and felt better for it. I usually don't share things like this here, but...damn.

This is the original blog post that was put up.

And this one is a response to it.

Re: Awesome Links

So..... anybody need a case for their phone?
Re: Awesome Links

May or may not be the right place to ask this...but here goes anyway.

I'm looking for a video that was linked to me years ago where this guy was sitting in a library and starting up his computer. Instead of the normal windows start up sound, his buddy changed it to a rather long sound clip of a porn and he was frantically trying to get it to shut off after a few moments of embarrassment.

Now, I've been trying to find this video for quite some time and every time I search for it on youtube or google, I get nothing but some dork going around doing sex sounds in a library around people or other videos. Have never seen the video again.

Does anybody have a clue what this is an can link it for me? I'd really appreciate it.
Re: Awesome Links

May or may not be the right place to ask this...but here goes anyway.

I'm looking for a video that was linked to me years ago where this guy was sitting in a library and starting up his computer. Instead of the normal windows start up sound, his buddy changed it to a rather long sound clip of a porn and he was frantically trying to get it to shut off after a few moments of embarrassment.

Now, I've been trying to find this video for quite some time and every time I search for it on youtube or google, I get nothing but some dork going around doing sex sounds in a library around people or other videos. Have never seen the video again.

Does anybody have a clue what this is an can link it for me? I'd really appreciate it.

Sounds like to me.
Re: Awesome Links

Sounds like to me.

Unfortunately not it. It's like a classroom looking library setting kind of like the long tables like you'd see in the beginning of ghostbusters. He's sitting in the isle seat and the camera angle is from in front of him a ways. He gets out his laptop and starts it up. As the noises start going, his buddies a few tables behind him across the isle start cracking up and he goes over there and starts messing with them.

Thanks for trying though :)
Re: Awesome Links

Anyone a fan of Carbot's Zerglings will probably enjoy this.
Re: Awesome Links

Heh. America down.
Re: Awesome Links

Heh, didn't see that post the first time, but I like the Belgium reference. May not be the original thread, but I do like how people linking here exposes me to new things.

*Refering to the post in the rep thread. My browser spazzed and posted it the wrong place somehow...
Re: Awesome Links

Warning: Might need an account on the Warframe Forums to see

What do ya get when two characters of opposite factions break the forth wall and enter a debate in the official forums?

Mass hilarity and one hell of a flame war.
Re: Awesome Links

It's been about two years, I can get away with it!

While for the most part this is just another Tumblr naughty blog, the guides on this specific blog (she's nicely linked them all on the sidebar) are all excellent reads to anyone in, wanting to be in, or are exploring a kinky relationship. 15/10, would recommend to even my own sister if it'd didn't sound creepy.
Re: Awesome Links

Finding that blog pretty interesting, Lurker. Thanks. Though some of the posts are not my kink, I'll probably end up directing the cuddlebuddy there as well. Hells, just checking out the link to the toy store on the side was helpful *laughs*
Re: Awesome Links

I've been following SF for a long time, definitely one of my favourites for giving people sensible advice about kink.

Other sex positive favorites include:

However if you just like depraved degrading porn, feel free to follow me at

I tend to only reblog my favourite images, which ends up being mostly anal, rough sex and degradation.

Re: Awesome Links

I think I remember SF mentioning alice is wet in a few of her comments, too (something about a threesome comes to mind.) but might definitely check them out.

Also finding the differences in the blogs interesting, too, just the content of the pics and the comments. Definitely interesting.
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Re: Awesome Links

Small-scale stuff.

Basically, from the outside it looks like a really, really old cobble-stone house, way out in the hills, on the inside? Looks wonderful.
Re: Awesome Links

Small-scale stuff.

Basically, from the outside it looks like a really, really old cobble-stone house, way out in the hills, on the inside? Looks wonderful.

Wat. Maybe its just me, but I'm not a fan of bare concrete. And what is that campfire doing there and why isn't there a proper fireplace?
Re: Awesome Links

Agreed with the bare concrete, but I'm guessing the owner has it worked it somehow - vent above it to redirect smoke, etc?

I suppose I liked it, because that's an example of what you can do to renovate the really old buildings, rather than bulldoze them.