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Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

No way, keep em coming!

I have to say though, everything except her expressions look good. I don't know what it is but there is something about her face that seems...off.
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

In all of them, or just the top of page 6? I think I see the page 6 one... the rest, I'm not following you. XD
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

The waving tentacle at the end was awesome
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

I'd make it a daily task to climb that wall. :3
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

Awesome job, wp! I hope you do decide to put the rest of the chapters up here ;)
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

The waving tentacle at the end was awesome

XD I can't resist making things cute as opposed to terrifying. Hee hee hee.

Well, once I get a few pages of the next chapter done, I'll post them up. >.> Onea these days I'll have a chance to start colouring things, but I don't think it's going to be for a while!
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

I don't know...I think it's mostly around the mouth. I think it's mostly the mouth. Perhaps the close up of her teeth made me think that.
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

X3 I wanted to take a crack at the forum's logo, so today I whipped this up:



The small one loses its readability in the image and... I'm not entirely satisfied with using Futura (though I STILL think that Comic Sans is the devil and so avoided it, stretched tall or no!) but it was a fun exercise!

>.> I apologize in advance to the original artist, this was just meant as an experiment, not trying to offend you or anything!
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

The large one is a very luverly piece of art. I agree, though, that it loses a lot of clarity when shrunk. Maybe, for the small version, cut down on the amount of shadowing?

I note that the light source is differently positioned in your version. In the original, it's positioned to the viewer's left and down; in yours, it's right and high - at a distance with, if not beyond, the girl. Might it appear better if the light source was a little closer to the viewer - and therefore more in front of the girl?
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

I can cut down the shading and re-do. ^_^

Also, I could try the different lighting, though I'd gone with the first because it's dramatic and I'm a ho for dramatic lighting most of the time. XD Maybe if I just cut down the shadow and the light on the hair quite a lot, it'll give a similar effect, albeit from a different angle.
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

But... But... I though you were the original artist...
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

Wallpaper had done the age-verification image. I believe that it was RMan who did the forum logo.
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

Riiiight, okay. I knew that! <.< >.>
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

I'll readily admit that I could be mistaken on who did the forum logo, but RMan is the name that comes to mind.

Conjecture: From statements made earlier in the thread, it can be surmised that Wallpaper was not the one to create the original version of the forum logo.

Sorry, I've been playing KotOR quite a bit the past couple of days...
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

haha, getting ready for the MMO? I will be quite disappointed if HK-47 doesn't make at least a Cameo appearance in it, he was always my favourite :)
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

Eh...More like I've never actually beaten it, and just decided to actually get around to doing so.
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

XD I'm starting to think that I should ask for this thread to get nominated for most off-topic Blank Page showcasing thread!
Re: Wallpaper's Page (NSFW arts and writing)

How did I miss this...? I watch this topic like a hawk.

Anyways, that picture looks pretty good, though the full version picture has something funky going on with her right hand. It's resting as though it's on something, and yet there is nothing but air there. I understand the pose, and I can see how it works for the smaller picture (what with that area being cropped out) so it's not really that big of a deal.

lurvly picture wallpaper.