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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Glad to see you're back safe and relatively sound, Gator! Here's hoping your neighborhood can get cleaned up quickly!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

My brother had a motorcycle accident last night, and he's now in hospital with blood in his skull, but outside his brain. Good thing my father took him. If he'd just taken two aspirin and lied down as he'd wanted to, he'd probably be dead.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Shit, hope everything turns out all right. At least the blood is outside the brain, which leaves a good chance of him pulling through alright. Good luck to your brother Rule.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Your brother sounds like a badass for just wanting to lie down after a motorcycle accident. And badasses live long. I bet he will be fine. Best of luck.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, right now it's time to play the waiting game - if anything changes or his headache gets worse, they'll have to open up his skull to drain it. He's not in mortal danger though.

And wazzup - you say badass, I say fool. If he'd actually acted on his badassery, he'd be dead and our family mourning. I get what you were trying to say and accept your wishes, though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Keep us posted, Rule. Sounds like your brother's on his way to pulling through. I'll keep him in my thoughts. And you, too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'll keep my fingers crossed Rule.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, my brother is out of Intensive Care and in a normal hospital room now. Things are still spinning when he tries to get up, but he can eat normally without throwing up, at least. My father figures my brother will have to stay in hospital for at least another week.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

That's great. I'm glad he pulled through. Hope he recovers well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Eek, that sounds terrible. :c Motorcycle accidents are rarely little things to worry about. Best of luck to him!

In any case, I'm going to be moving (hitting the road today!) to another province and I don't know what my internet connection will be like until some time in October. Just in case my absence's been noted, I've been packing for the last, like... week. XD First big move ever. Gah!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

of course it has, I've been planning on cadjoling you into some work but you pick this exact time to be moving house.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Have fun with that Wallpaper. I've moved so many times I'd be happy if I never moved again...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good luck with the move, Wall! Hope it goes smoothly for you.

And glad to hear that, Rule, even if he does have to stay in for another week. Out of ICU is always good. Tell him he has to eat the jell-o. He's not allowed to leave unless he eats the jell-o. It's the rules!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

What's wrong with the jell-o? I haven't heard my dad complain about it.

Granted he spent his time in there trying to get nurses to pay attention to him and beer delivered.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

There's nothing wrong with the jello, trust me my mom's a hospital cook. The meatloaf now that's a different story. Also glad to hear your brother's okay Rule. (Gah almost called you Fletch)

Also good luck with the move Wall, I feel the same way gator does about moving. Yeah the first time is kind of interesting, but it gets old when you do it every other year.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, okay might be a bit much to say. It seems his head took more of a beating than I figured. Every time his eyes have to adjust to another distance, he gets dizzy. He is exhausted pretty easily and generally has to take things slowly.
They want to make him go to rehab and he said "yeah, yeah, yeah."
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sounds like me when I got my one really bad concussion both the getting dizzy at adjusting to a different distance and the "yeah, yeah, yeah" part. I don't know if your brother is anything like me but I went after enough people bugged me about it constantly. Probably a good thing to go even if he doesn't want to.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sheesh, I remember when they nearly drilled a hole in my head too... Bad concussion and so fourth, didn't go to any rehab though... I guess they figured I was tortured enough after going 30 hours without permission to eat.

But yeah, get him into the rehab thing. And also, tell him from me, just call me a friend of a friend or whatever.

"The doctors who have spent most of their lives studying this shit thinks you should go. That means... You should go."
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Glad to know that your brother is doing fine, Rule.

Btw anybody know what to do if a vein in your eyeball pops?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I guess the Amy Winehouse reference went right over your heads?

@wazzup: Go see a doctor.