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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh, there's nothing wrong with the jell-o (except the jell-o in Pittsburgh had a bit of that skin jell-o gets on the end of it, which was a bit nasty, if you ask me. Then again, I was, like, 13...) It just became something of a running joke in my family because my father was in the hospital so much and he got so much hospital food. You had to eat the jell-o or you couldn't go home.

And too late for the Winehouse reference to fool me, I guess *shrugs* Rehab might be a pain, but it'll help him in the long run, likely. Pester him.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Btw anybody know what to do if a vein in your eyeball pops?

This actually happened to my mom a couple weeks back. It looked awful and frightening, but she's a nurse and said it would be fine. It took a long time for all that red to finally drain out, but she's as good as new now.

I won't go against the advice to get it checked, but if the bleeding stopped and you don't feel any excess pressure building then you probably have nothing to worry about.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Pester him.

There's no need to pester him, he already agreed to it. I went in to see him again today, and his health has improved a lot. He can walk up and down the corridor with little problem (which also means he can use the bathroom again). He's still on painkillers though and still wakes up at night with a splitting headache. He makes up for it by sleeping a lot during the day.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This actually happened to my mom a couple weeks back. It looked awful and frightening, but she's a nurse and said it would be fine. It took a long time for all that red to finally drain out, but she's as good as new now.

I won't go against the advice to get it checked, but if the bleeding stopped and you don't feel any excess pressure building then you probably have nothing to worry about.

Thanks for the advice. I went to my uni's health center and they agreed with what you said. My eye is just a bit dry and stings a bit if I stare at my monitor too long. But the blood is fading, so I guess I'm in the clear. Damn you Deus Ex: HR.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good to hear Rule.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Agreed, I'm happy to hear your brother is recovering.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Likely going to have that, but then, I've never had that much trauma to my head. Still, glad to hear that he's making bounds in his improvement, Rule. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for him still.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Apologies on the double post, but I'm not lumping this in with well wishes for Rule's brother.

So, my mom had a checkup today with a doctor after finding another lump amid the scar tissue from her masectomy. They did a biopsy and we'll find out the results next week, but regardless of whether it's cancerous or not, she's going to have to have surgery to take it out. Funny(?) thing is, it's just about five years to the day that she had her masectomy the first time that they found out she had breast cancer.

Both of us have no doubt that she's going to get through this, but it's still hard, especially when we were due to head over to Cleveland for her five-year checkup this coming Wednesday.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hat trick, but it's been a week.

Got the biopsy results today and it's the same sort of cancer that mom had the first time. They're going to get her scheduled for surgery sometime in the coming weeks and I think they're going to be a little more aggressive in treatment this time around, so we'll have to see. Caught it early enough, again, and we're going to get it taken care of, of that I have no doubt.

On a slightly more positive note, I got a packet from the library with a couple of pre-interview tests in it that I needed to fill out and send back, so here's hoping they're taking me seriously as an applicant. That'd be awesome. Will know more about that after the 20th.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Fuckin hell... best of luck to yer mum Copper. Good thing it's caught early.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thankee, Sin. We did it before, five years ago, and we're sure as hell going to do it again.

Heh, we saw a mug in Wal-Mart tonight that said "Cancer touched my breast so I kicked it's butt!" Ultimately put it back, since it was one of those huge coffee mugs, but still good words to consider for the day.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hmm... best mug I've gotten is the House Stark stein.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You've got the right attitude Cop. Medicine is important and all, but I think strong will and fighting spirit is most important for these things. Hopefully your mom can knock that out ASAP.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

At this point, we're waiting on the doctor's to schedule the surgery and get their acts together. Doesn't think she'll be going in any time this week, but she's actually thinking it's going to be sometime next. We're just going to have to wait and see. *saunters of whistling 'We did it before'*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeesh well at least it got found early on, it can be pretty tough if they find it late. Or at least it can be judging from my mom, I'm pretty sure that's why I have to carry her kicking and screaming to the doctors office for anything.

Good luck with the job too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, she found it early both times, so thank goodness for that.

And thankee. Find out after Tuesday. I just hope they don't try to schedule an interview or anything for me on Friday. Ah, well. At least I'd be showing up in dress slacks and a nice shirt...and not a red cowl and clawed glove.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, my brother is steadily recovering, so nothing really new here. He'll leave for rehab this week. Also, his casualty insurance grants him a nice settlement if he has to stay in the hospital for three weeks, which is the case this Wednesday.

In other news, I started my teacher's education last week. We haven't been doing very much yet save for a bit of didactics (teaching to teach). I'm not sure if I want to pull through with it, but it may just be because I have to stand up WAY TOO EARLY to be on time.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Am I the only one who, when picturing Rule as a teacher, sees his avatar as exactly how he'll look in front of a chalkboard? Just a completely sketchy silhouette with only the reflection of his glasses showing any light?