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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Whoa wait oh shit.

Hi Gator! I too also am glad you're not dead!

...We don't know each other perhaps, but still.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

What the esteemed gentleman above me said.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Folks, I have officially moved back to the United States from Japan.

It's weird. I can't walk or ride a train everywhere (Japanese people love public transportation). Hitting on girls is more difficult (Japanese people love Americans). There aren't cheap but amazing sushi places all over the place (Japanese people... well who doesn't love sushi?!!). I also keep getting into the passenger side of my car, face-palming and walking back around to the driver's side.

Still, I've missed the US, especially the little things like being able to order a good pizza for cheap. It feels SO damn good to be back.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I dont like sushi...

good to have you back though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just read that Gator's alive.

Makes me happy. Very glad that your ex-friend is just a giant bitch.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So hi...

I read what was posted a while back and all I can say is that I'm not dead. I wasn't in a car wreck. Taylor and myself got into several fights leading up to that night. Most of them centered around my use (or rather, overuse) of the Internet. I stormed out after the latest argument and apparently she thought it'd be cute to post that as well as a similar post on my DA account. She then destroyed my laptop. Anyway, long story short, I just got a new one and saw what she posted last Friday. I'm sorry for any hardships that post might have caused.

To quote Mark Twain; "The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated."

Well shit. Guess I'll have to tear down the little memorial I built in Minecraft then. You owe me a stack of TNT.

In all seriousness, glad to hear you're not dead.
... This is not anything I ever actually expected to say.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Time to throw some snags on the barbie and grab a stubby or two because its Australia Day!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hm. I have a job interview for the position of a tourist guide in on Monday. I need to learn one page of text in German and English so I can recite them by heart. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. Still nervous, though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow! That looks really cool Rule! Good luck on your interview. If I ever make it to Germany with my dad, I'll know where to tour. ^_~
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hm. I have a job interview for the position of a tourist guide in on Monday. I need to learn one page of text in German and English so I can recite them by heart. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. Still nervous, though.

Viel Gluck!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow! That looks really cool Rule! Good luck on your interview. If I ever make it to Germany with my dad, I'll know where to tour. ^_~

When i told Ben i wanted to go there when we visit this summer he laughed and said "I figured you'd want to see it. It's one of the most popular castles in Germany." He was then mildly disappointed when I told him I wanted to go so I could meet Rule.

Silly Ben. Internet wins.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Holy freaking hell of a huzzah on the Gator thing. No being a real-life sin-eater. You stop that shit! *huggles*

Welcome back to Hope as well. I find the image of you facepalming in the car for that reason amusing. Or well, someone facepalming in a car, because I don't know what you look like.

Missed the celebratory announcements. Oh well.

And yay! More of a reason for me to go to Germany. And send people to said castle. I'll just need to know who to point them toward.

Also, Copper is gainfully employed again, not at an insane asylum this time. I'm now a pharmaceutical cashier for one of the local drug stores. Means I get to wait on the customers, give them their drugs, and be a "clean up monkey" for the people that have been at this longer than I have. Course, the more I catch on, the more I get to do, but that'll happen eventually. At least I now have a reason to tell the other job to stick it when they try to call me back for Easter (especially since I'll be in Boston anyway.)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Congrats on the new job Copper! Hope you like it and don't get too many hate stories out of it. I used to have some friends that worked in pharmacy, and they seemed to like it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I can't wait for the stories about people wanting their meds for free because isn't that what free healthcare is about?

Or stories about weird things people buy. XD
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, apparently that whole "free meds" thing is starting. One of the programs changed their policy and people can only get, like, 6 prescriptions now instead of all of them. So...yeah. The pharmacist was having a lot of fun with that tonight.

But they do seem to like me there. I just need less hectic times to learn how to look for things/look stuff up/find things/etc. I've been told on more than one occasion that they're glad to have me, so that makes me feel good, especially when I feel like an idiot for not knowing how to do everything.

And yes, I know I'm new and don't know everything yet, but it's in my nature, heh.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hey all, just popping in:) Grats on the job Cops! Learning the ropes is always hard, but you'll catch up:)

Well, I'm a lazy son of a bitch, and I procrastinate too much and don't do what I'm supposed too... Soooo... I managed you get myself another thing to distract me from studies on top of guitar playing, girlfriend, drawing, work (So much work!), gaming, reading (Song of Ice and Fire consumes my life.), youtube (Sourcefed and SxePhil!)... /drown.

Aaaaaand now I've gotten myself a WattPad profile...
If anyone's on there, say hi:) my profile is .

So yeah, play nice all! (Except for Oni, I won't ask the wind not to blow.)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Aaaaaand now I've gotten myself a WattPad profile...
If anyone's on there, say hi:) my profile is .

Not you too!

Also, read up on stuff that happened here, and it made me incredibly elated. Congratulations on not being dead Gator, that's just... wow. You're kind of like Jesus now :p