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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Holy shitballs, sounds like you got lucky this time.

Hopefully it wasn't expensive as well. At our lab (uni), after every detected smoke/pressure anomaly, an automatic fire alarm goes off and the fire fighters will come.

This cannot be canceled and the whole shebang will cost several thousand EUR. Even if it's only a little "poof", which can happen while destroying some leftover nBuLi for instance.

So are you a chemist or an engineer?
What about you, plmnko and OAMP?

BTW have fun on your "research vacation".
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I work at an hospital lab and also im a teacher at the uni, my research there is inmunology mixed with NPs
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I did get a degree in chemical engineering, bu I'm something in between, more inclined towards engineer I guess.

Thankfully not too much damage was done, and the costs were very little, so everything went out OK in the end. And damm you're right, I got really lucky this time. I have that problem with the fire alarm but in my appartment, whenever I try to cook something good, the thing goes off and I'm forced to leave the building. Pain in the ass if you ask me. Thanks, I'll try my best 'researching' :D

Wow plm that's awesome, the immune system can be quite challenging sometimes, if not always.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

So yeah, been a while, but I'm going to go ahead and make a return post.

For those who don't remember, but still care, I'd left because of parental gripes due to a lack of job. I'd actually resolved that issue close to a year ago now, but laziness, as well as somewhat insane schedule for a while, kind of prevented an earlier return.

For those interested, I got on at a local grocery store as a night stocker.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So yeah, been a while, but I'm going to go ahead and make a return post.

For those who don't remember, but still care, I'd left because of parental gripes due to a lack of job. I'd actually resolved that issue close to a year ago now, but laziness, as well as somewhat insane schedule for a while, kind of prevented an earlier return.

For those interested, I got on at a local grocery store as a night stocker.

Welkie back \o/
Re: Member Announcements Thread

\o/ Yaaay!

Welcome back, man!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome back. It's been a rather long time or at least it seems that way.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Over a year, at bare minimum.

Probably won't be nearly as active as I previously was, at least during the summer. We're down one of our full-time people, and the company always does big sales runs during the summer.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

New jobs wander around now and again, Newbie, so don't worry overmuch about that. Sorry to hear about your pup, though. *hugs* Maybe having the time off from work will be good. Less distractions.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Three days, and this is my own announcement, rather than a reply.

Today marks my and the cuddlebuddy's one year anniversary *smile* We are going to be celebrating it by going to see The Wolverine, possibly shopping (with the potential for lingerie buying *grin*), and dinner at Red Lobster. What happens after that, well... *innocent whistling*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

A romantic game of Scrabble?
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Congrats Copper. May you and the cuddlebuddy have many long nights of cuddling in lingerie ahead of you.

Just to be clear, I do mean the both of you in lingerie.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

A romantic game of Scrabble?

Parcheesi, actually. Or, well, D&D.

Congrats Copper. May you and the cuddlebuddy have many long nights of cuddling in lingerie ahead of you.

Just to be clear, I do mean the both of you in lingerie.

CB doesn't do lingerie much and looks better out of it, in my opinion. But maybe at some point in the future. Definitely can agree with the long nights of cuddling, tho.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

cuddling and D&D at the same time?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yup. We're talented like that. Doesn't help if it's late, though, and we pass out *laughs* but it makes for comfy gaming, that's for certain.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Copper attempts to snuggle. CB casts "snog." Roll for initiative.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I smell supplemental material use and Larping involved. Specially for grapple attacks.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

All I'm going to say on the matter is that it's a lot easier to RP certain scenes with someone you're in a relationship with and leave it at that. ;)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

What? How pointless is that?

And yes peps, I'm back!


So yeah, I'm back from my vacation/work trip, and all I've got to say is that I've got mixed feelings about it. There were amazing beaches, glorious rays of sunshine, beautiful landscapes, and nice people; but then there was work. I thought they (my co-workers) were joking when they said that we had to work, but I assure you, they were not. Only two and a half days were vacation and joyful experiences, while the other were just research, paperwork, experiments, more research, and even more paperwork. I only slept well three days out of the week that I've been there.

I mean, generally it was good, a nice change once in a while, specially because there was a romantic chapter in the trip too ;)