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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

having been unable to make it out the previous day and that the other missions were underway she sighed and once more decided to take a trip out into the town to go supply hunting

(Looting Run for Kali lets try this again)
Re: Shops, and missions


"She'd better," Claire agreed, grimacing. "Everything seems so disorganized here; thank God David and the other guardswomen seem to be holding up the roof and surrounding area so well." She canted her head slightly and mused, "it might be nice to find something that they can use, as a token of gratitude, you know?"

Looking for other women who were interested in doing some looting, Claire spotted Kali looking at the board -- she was about to approach the other woman when Kali sighed and hurried out on her own. Claire turned back to Caitlyn, raising both brows. "It's pretty hard to keep anyone in one place for more than a minute. Think we're going to snag anyone to watch our backs, or should we just go out and do this thing?"
Re: Shops, and missions


"I'd really like to have a third," replies Caitlyn, with a small sigh. "You're right though, it's hard to keep track of everybody all at once. I'm sure we can find someone though."

She looks at the list of assignments that Jesse keeps, searching for a familiar name, "What about Christie? Do you think she'd be interested in coming out with us?"

(( Hey RJ, can I just go ahead and take one of the .32 magazines? xD I don't want to interrupt Jesse. ))
Re: Shops, and missions

(Caitlyn grabs a .32 magazine!!! She is now wanted for theft!)

(Just kidding, you got the .32 magazine. :p)
Re: Shops, and missions

Claire chewed on her lip as she thought about it. On the one hand, the last time they'd gone out, they'd had a pretty bad go of things. On the other, at least they were a little smarter about all of this (Claire hoped) this time around. There wouldn't be the same kind of fooling around. Hopefully.


"Yeah, let's see if she's hanging around the lobby." she agreed. "If not, we can shout out to anyone else who's up this early to grab her bag, and we can head out that way?"

((Back to the Inn-thread?))
Re: Shops, and missions

((Time to try this again!))

Sarah moodily wanders into the shopping area, looking at the wears on display.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse smiles at the blond as she inspects her gear,

"Hey, sweetie!" she says with a bright smile, "Did ya need something?" she asked with a wink.
Re: Shops, and missions

She looked over the different items, then said quickly, "What ya got for handguns?" as she figited with the one in her skirtband.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse showed Sarah the only two types left in her stock, a .38 and a 9mm.

"These are the only two types we have left..." she said with a distant tone.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse showed Sarah the only two types left in her stock, a .38 and a 9mm.

"These are the only two types we have left..." she said with a distant tone.


"Or at least what ya gonna show me?" she said plainly.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse blinks,

"I... don't know what you mean," she said in a confused tone.
Re: Shops, and missions


"Nevermind, that was a bit too blunt of me. So, got any ammo in my pricerange for a 9mil?"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse nods,

"Why, yes, I have some magazines left here... But we're running out..." she notes.
Re: Shops, and missions


"Wow, any way I can help with that? Two clips please, by the way..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse nods as she passes Sarah two 9mm clips,

"There's not much left in the city that hasn't been looted, from what I hear, but some people are finding bits and pieces, and I could use anything you bring me." she says with a smile.
Re: Shops, and missions

Walking into the store as Jesse was occupied with Sarah, a gore covered Luna plucked the other sword that had been given to her earlier off of her belt, and placed it on the counter, apparently completely ignorant of the fact that she looked like a character out of a horror movie. A bored look on her face, she proceeded to stare at the other two as they conversed.

(I just realized Luna should still be covered in gore as well as other nasty stuff from the mission, seeing as how she hasn't had the time to clean her self off yet...)
Re: Shops, and missions

Without looking at the sword, a look of shock appeared over Jesse's face as she noticed Luna in her condition,

"Oh goodness! Sweetie, are you alright?" she asked as if Luna had sustained a deadly injury, as she rushed from her counter, holding a cloth in her hand, and began brushing it over Luna's blood soaked face.
Re: Shops, and missions



Luna stared at Jesse quizzically as the blood was wiped from her face, taking a moment to process why the woman was reacting in such a manner. Even after realizing that the other party had been disturbed due to her appearance, the former vigilante's response was hardly settling.


"...This isn't my blood."

A quick examination after her face was completely wiped off would show this was true, having hardly been injured at all during the mission except for being sent flying by a tentacle. The gore splatted upon Luna was purely that of the ones she had hacked apart in her frenzy.


"I'm returning the sword by the way... it didn't cut as well as I would have liked it to."

Should the blade of the sword have been examined, one would have found it to have been stained heavily with blood, and dull around certain parts, seeing as the blade had not originally been forged to cut bone repeatedly time after time again...

(Just for RP purposes, lets just say Luna's blade is specially forged for her... thus why she doesn't want a second blade anymore.)
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse wraps her arm around Luna, trying to suggest she come with her,

"Come, let's get you cleaned up, sweetie. We can't have you running around the hotel covered in blood, you'll scare some people!" she said with a slight giggle.
Re: Shops, and missions

(Uh oh?...)


"There's no need... I'm fine."

Despite this however, Luna didn't attempt to resist in any form, as a result of lacking motivation to. What was the worst that could happen anyway?...