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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

If you believe in the Scientology of psychology, laziness can be cured in 14 days.
Re: In today's news...

Suddenly, I'm having flashbacks from Season 7 of Supernatural...

And Shrike, hunker down and take care. You're still posting, so I'll take that as a good sign. And hey, you're at the top of the map, so means the water rolls downhill, right? *grin*

Great so the leviathans are real. Time to go raid the cleaning supplies for protection.
Re: In today's news...

River's starting to go down finally. Still feel like i'm swimming though, been raining the entire time regardless. XD

Calgary sounds like it got the worst of it, at least in city terms. some smaller places further west are pretty well washed out. Bridges collapses, houses washed away, horrible stuff, but my area is fine and safe, thankfully.
Re: In today's news...

Dunno if it's been posted and discussed yet, but WHAT THE FUCK AMA.

I'm fat and I disapprove of this.

Lil' late, but hold up, hold up. HOLD UP.

WashingtonPost said:
Studies have found that more than half of obese patients have never been told by a medical professional they need to lose weight — a result not only of some doctors’ reluctance to offend but of their unwillingness to open a lengthy consultation for which they might not be reimbursed.

I had a lengthy rant, but TL;DR, I call bullshit from personal experience.
Re: In today's news...

Small news: Snowdon left Hong Kong and is flying to Moscow. It's not his final destination. I've been told he is considering considering Cuba and Ecuador.

(Link updates live on new events)

He's there, for a moment they didn't have a clue where he went, but they found him.
Russia is refusing to give him to the US, citing moral reasons as well as a lack of legal reasons to do so. China supports them in that.

And a local news video on the European Union being more corrupt than could be expected of a cartoon villain.

It's in Dutch, so you may need to turn the captions on

Short story: Many EU employees don't even bother showing up to work, get free stuff and special priviledges, 300 in cash every day, and they often arrive at 6PM or later to collect their 300 bucks and then go right back home.
When asked about this, they get violent and try to take away the journalist's mic/camera

China's banking system is meanwhile in rough waters. Following rumours of the central bank being bankrupt, as their payment and banking system stopped working for a while.
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Re: In today's news...

So I just heard that the US Supreme Court deemed the different treatment of homosexuals in certain areas unconstitutional.
Re: In today's news...

And I just heard that 4 out of 5 water samples near fracking sites in the US are contaminated with Methane, up to 50 mg/L.
While the concentration of Methane isn't regulated, the Department of the Interior requires to take immediate action at concentrations of 28 mg/L and above.

That probably won't happen though and we will see fracking in the EU in the future, for sure.
Re: In today's news...

So I just heard that the US Supreme Court deemed the different treatment of homosexuals in certain areas unconstitutional.

Yeah, to elaborate a bit, at the federal level same-sex couples now receive all the benefits a standard marriage grants. The court also struct down California's ban, though only the specific method in which it was banned. Also, while now same-sex married couples can receive things like military death benefits, they still have to obtain a legal same sex marriage in the first place, which isn't offered in every state.

So really, still massively good, especially for those in a state that already has gay marriage, but for those in the 35 states that don't there's still a large roadblock that needs smashed down.

Also, another issue, something that caught my eye in the news article that's also good is without DOMA same-sex couples can also get easier citizenship for their partner if one isn't an American. Apparently that's a case that applies to ~30,000 people or so.
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Re: In today's news...

Considering it's the Supreme Court, this is GREAT NEWS. Still a long way to go, but it's a step in the right direction for sure.

Re: In today's news...

I think the best source of news out there breaks it down very well:

Re: In today's news...

Nothing relevant over here... A few politics gone missing, Some
important figures in some states kidnaped and some people
murdered on a daily basis...

Yep... That's our daily bread over here...

Anyway on other news:
There is a hurricane named COSME that scalated to grade A and
moves at 20 kilometers per hour around here..
Re: In today's news...

On the topic of gays

...Yeah, I can't check that one for authenticity and I can't say I want to.
Re: In today's news...

On the topic of gays

...Yeah, I can't check that one for authenticity and I can't say I want to.

Judging the outright silliness of the exaggerations? I'm going with just bigot bait
Re: In today's news...

Woman spends night in jail after a group of undercover cops try to stop her from running, including one which pulled a gun, at least one trying to break her car window, and one(Or multiple) trying to climb on top of the car.

The woman was on edge after spending the night listening to stories from dozens of sexual assault survivors at an annual "Take Back the Night" vigil on Grounds, said Daly's defense attorney, Francis Lawrence.

Somehow, this made the agents charge her with 2 counts of assaulting a law enforcement officer. (And one count of running from the cops)

I would hope this is an outlier and exception to how things normally go, and not according to standard procedure.
Re: In today's news...

Holy shit... who are these ABC folks? I don't think suspected beer warrants pulling out a damn gun. Plus at night wearing plain clothes and running up to a woman seems pretty damn creepy.
Re: In today's news...

One I just now got linked to me, and seems to have been ignored by pretty much every kind of media out there except a short message in the local media and articles in anti-GMO media.

40 tons of GMO food destroyed by locals, by hand. This is most likely done by a large group of people as they destroyed the plants one at a time. This means it is likely to be organised and planned by a large group(5500 plants destroyed by fire, one at a time, in one night. I would estimate 100+ people were involved in this because they managed to do that and still got away)

The article appears biased, but it's the only one reporting on this that isn't from anti-GMO websites
The FBI has become involved, which implies it is not considered just a normal crime and most likely something the federal level is very concerned about.

And then there's this. A few months late, but I don't think it's been posted yet, and I only just now got it linked to me.

Monsanto Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in France
France considers Monsanto responsible for poisoning farmers through their pesticides, which are now considered unsafe
Re: In today's news...

The two counts of assaulting a law enforcement officer are from her grazing two officers with the SUV as she fled the scene. So the three charges do in fact make sense but thanks to the common sense of the prosecutors all the charges have been dropped when they heard the full story. The woman also showed incredible common sense by calling 911 as she was fleeing and asking for a uniformed officer since she was unsure if the plain clothes agents were in fact officers.

Unfortunately this run of common sense only occurred when this group of ABC officers showed an incredible and utter lack of common sense in just about everything they did. If you want to stop someone to see if they have alcohol you stop at a safe distance, pull your badge, and speak loudly and clearly. Apparently they don't train these ABC officers very well or they would know something.

ABC or alcoholic beverage control agents are basically tasked with preventing stores form selling alcohol to underage drinkers and other similar tasks. So it honestly sounds like these agents were complete morons since they didn't seem to have a reason for stopping the girls in the first place. Last I checked carrying beer in a shopping bag isn't an arrestable offense and unless the girls looked like they were 6 you probably couldn't tell they were underage.

I could understand them wearing plain clothes for their work but you obviously don't go running up to someone in a dark parking lot ever. I mean good lord even if she hadn't spent the evening listening to those stories she would have been frightened and probably done the same thing or at least I hope she would. It's almost mind boggling how idiotic these agents were.

Wow I didn't realize I wrote all that. To summarize, boy those ABC agents are stupid morons.
Re: In today's news...

Something about my neighbour country Croatia.
Today this country joins the European Union. Which is a historic step for every country in Europe. But my country is currently only a candidate for the EU. So I guess IDGAF about Croatia.
Re: In today's news...

Since this got taken down for "Investigations", it's a moral duty to spread the word of it anyway, considering its topic.

Revealed: secret European deals to hand over private data to America

The short story is that European nations willingly handed over their own citizen's information to the NSA.
All the politicians who faked surprise at the NSA taking their citizen's details were flat out lying.

And some bad news

boy's horror, raised by global pedophile ring

If anyone recognises that picture, it's from here.

(Article: "Two dads are better than one", detailing how the men got the kid, making them a sort of poster-example for gay adoption)

The article has been taken down by now, but a screencap of the articles are available here:
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Re: In today's news...

Egypt having serious problems again with people en masse going out on the streets against the president

Possible new revolution incoming, it's pretty unstable.

Protestors have converged on Cairo demanding Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi step down. Frustrated with what they view as an autocratic government and few economic opportunities, opposition activists have united under the campaign banner of “Tamarud” or “Rebellion.” Counter demonstrations in support of the president are also taking place in large number, polarising the country even further. So, on the one year anniversary of Morsi’s inauguration has his downfall begun?


This is the Muslim Brotherhood's headquarters. Supplies taken from it are being torched by the people in anger over Morsi's attempt at introducing Shari'a law. Results look a little underwhelming though.
It appears the police agree with the people on this and are protesting alongside them.

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