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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Hey now, it was broken when I found it," the vampire protests of the rotor blade she used on the thembrikhal. Once they reach the spot and the hole's opened up, she does her best to take cover, turning her back to it to shield Tsuki as well as herself.

She doesn't seem too bothered by the slaughter of the wraith, again seeming very passive about the whole thing. Helpless foes or not, keeping the other wraith from getting up again seemed all right by her. The only thing she did comment on before they left was "Couldn't have brought up that flame thrower with ya, huh?"

As they continue on, now adding their escape plans into the works, she pipes up. "Slight problem with the one plan there, Sparky." She seems to be using the name on purpose rather than going with the alternative. "That whole suffocation thing. Unless you've got some means of not breathing, or a time delay, you're going to put yourself out, too." She looks like she'd hold up her hands if she weren't holding Tsuki. "I mean, if you wanna go all hari kari, that's fine, but if you want an alternative," she glances between herself and John, "we aren't breathers."

Despite the infestation, keeping the hive intact seemed more beneficial than blowing it up and losing potential intel. That, and who knew what sort of havoc a detination of that size could wreak, even if the LM forums were a good distance away.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

He stops dead in his tracks for a half second, obviously having not considered the vampire twist to things. "That might just work. You may feel discomfort from the plasma entering your body and sizzling at your blood, but it shouldn't really harm you. Truth be told, until I saw how many of you there were, I did not expect to leave this hive alive."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Suppose it'd only get in if we breathed it in and we don't have to do that if we don't want to. Unless the stuff seeps into skin. Regardless, it's a lot less suicidal if one of us does it than you. But for right now, let's worry about the bigger problem." Funny how she considered getting Tsuki cured more important than, oh, blast radius of a self-destruct sequence. "Then we can figure out how to clean house."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Agreed. Our target shouldn't be much more than another.... ah shit."

He paused as a dozen leech men suddenly whipped around the corner, setting their sights on the two women of the group. The nearest came forth with an extended arm trying to knock Copper off her feet, and might have succeeded if it weren't for the fact suddenly something grabbed it's arm. A quick look showed Sparky had grabbed it, though was losing ground as the creature slowly drove him back, while the others got closer. "SHOOT THEM!"

John started firing grenades at the one's getting too close, but was unable to hit the one Sparky was in hand to hand combat with for fear of winging the wraith and killing him. "I can get the others, someone needs to get that one away from him, I don't have a clean shot!"
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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki hugged Copper tightly, letting out a very pathetic squeak of fright. The source of her horror was quite obvious... only this time it was worse seeing as there were multiple... things.

"Go away... please go away...."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave growled. He adopted a fighting stance and charged forward. Somehow, he got past the flames created by exploding napalm - a careful observer would notice that he projected darkness from the sword he had swung as he charged, shielding himself from heat. As he moved closer, black light flashed from the eye sockets of the skull engraved into the Devil Blade. Grave struck the leech monster, releasing dark energy from the tip of the sword. Enhanced with the same consuming properties as the attack the warrior used against the first monster, the strike took shape of a crescent wave that cleaved obstacles in it's path.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Did he strike the one Sparky was grappling with?))

John flattened himself as Grave came flying in, having a fair idea as to what the warrior had planned and not wanting to be in the way of that wave. He watched the remaining leech creatures start to swell, then started popping off grenade rounds rapidly, melting them before each could explode. Fast as he was, he wasn't fast enough to stop one of them from exploding, the remains of it splattering over most of the hall, the force enough to make the wall groan in protest...

... and ultimately a section began falling out of the wall. A chunk ten feet by ten feet started bearing towards Tsuki and Copper, John too far away to get there in time even if he'd noiced it...

... and the piece suddenly stopped moving. A glance showed Sparky, a chunk of flesh on his chest missing and bleeding profusely from where he'd apparently been struck hard with something, both hands on the wall, keeping it from hitting the two women. "Get.... away.... from the wall."

It was clear most of his strength was going into holding that wall up, but in doing so it was holding back his healing ability, and as such, unless he dropped it soon, he'd likely bleed out.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Uh, yes. I forgot the write that. I don't think it will matter, though...))

Grave growled. In a situation like this, he didn't want to waste time. "Everyone, get the Hell away from me!" He retreated a bit, aiming at the upper part of the wall. Grave prepared himself to swing the sword. He could feel energy surging through the circuit in his body - and he channeled it into the sword, linking it completely with the circuit. Red runes flashed on the surface of the Devil Blade, forming a word that couldn't be read - it's form seemed to be constantly shifting. Grave, however, knew what was written there.


As the name was cast, the sword turned into black light, illuminating the corridor. Grave swung the blade...


The darkness split. The blade drew an arc in the air as Grave slashed with all of his might. Two beams of dark light shot forward like blades, crashing into each other and creating a torrent of force that crushed and cut everything in it's path. It dwarfed Grave's previous attack - that one was merely a simple slash. Grave stood in his place after executing the attack, panting. He didn't use all of his mana yet, but now his circuit was depleted. The moment after executing the attack was the most dangerous one, since Grave required some time to replenish his energy reserves and restore the circuit. Until then, he waited, preparing himself to dodge if necessary.
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Ignore my last post.))

"So. You wish to see my face?" Burrito says, grasping the downed woman and picking her up by the collar "Why?" he asks, his right eye red with a small yellow dot in the middle and smirking "You seem familiar. Like I've seen your kind before. I feel an attachment to you and your kind."
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Sparky waited until the last possible moment before forcing himself to move with what little power he had left, using his body to shield the retreating Copper and Tsuki from any damage and shrapnel that might be left from the wall.

After a few moments, he turned to Grave, nodding once. "Thank you."

He then sagged against the wall, focusing on healing himself, the wound slowly repairing itself over the course of the next minute or so. When he was done he stood fully again. "Let's get going before anyone decides to investigate that shall we? One deck away now."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"No problem."

As Sparky regenerated, so did Grave. Not in a physical sense, of course. He waited for his power to return. After using Ragnarok, Grave depleted all of the power he had channeled into his circuit. Altough his reserves began to restore themselves immediately after the blow, it took his a while to restart the flow of energy in his body. The warrior did a stretch and sighed. Even with an operational circuit he needed at least a couple of minutes before he could use another big projection, or release the sword's power again. And it would most likely not only drain his power, but damage his body as well. If Grave only had some time to rest and restore all of his power... "Dammit, I guess I overdid it. I won't be able to use this again for a while, so you better keep your guard up."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.


The wraith kept moving, making sure to avoid making little noise in doing so.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Unfortunately for Sparky, Copper didn't move until Grave finished his attack, not wanting to get anywhere near the energy discharge. As soon as it was loosed, however, she bolted, doing her best to shield Tsuki from the debris as well, not at all concerned about herself.

"You okay?" she asked the hacker once they stopped moving, taking a minute to watch her, knowing the sight of the swarm had spooked her. "All gone for now," she told her quietly.

While the group took their few moments to recoup, she took stock of the situation. Sparky seemed to be doing all right, having had time to heal. That, and past experience told her that if he could find anything to feed on, he'd be feeling even better. Grave was a concern, but physically, he seemed to be holding up well. "Yeah, let's hope you won't need to," she remarked to his not being able to use his attack again for a while.

"John, how many shots left in that pop gun?" Always best to keep stock of the ammo. "And as for you," she turned to look at the wraith, "thanks, at least as far as Tsuki's concerned. For future reference, worry about her over me. I'm tougher than I look."

Once the two that had been actively engaging the leeches were recovered, she moved out with them, moving as quickly and quietly as the group could manage.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John quickly counted then spoke. "Twelve rounds plus one in the chamber. Thirteen total."

Sparky nodded at Copper once more. "Very well. Strange though, that is the first time I have seen them grouped like that since we first encountered them."

He continued onward, and eventually led them to a small room. Entering it, they discovered it was a semi freezing room, chilled but not quite low enough to freeze anything. Inside he removed eleven bottles matching the one he had described earlier. Handing one to Copper, he moved to grab a portable unit. "That is what you will need, she'll have to drink that and while you tend to that, I'll set these remaining ten up to not go bad."

He then set to work, entrusting the vampire with the bottle.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Oi. Hey. Only got two hands." And both were currently filled from supporting Tsuki. Setting the other woman down, she took the vial, knowing she'd probably want to be upright trying to drink the stuff anyway and not choke. "Well, you heard the...man. Bottoms up." She passed the vial over to the other woman for her to drink.

"Great. They're grouping. Probably sharing information or figuring out how to spawn," she muttered of the leeches.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave took the advantage of the fact that the group stopped for a moment and did another scan of the area. The explosion must have alerted someone, or something. As for his status, physically he was fine - at full strenght, using Ragnarok wasn't a problem. However, at that moment his power was still weakened. It'd take at least three more minutes before he could fire that kind of blast again, and there was a large chance that Grave would get hurt in the process. Not cleaved, smashed or torn, but physically hurt. And every next blow would make things worse, causing other symptoms to happen. 'If I had an hour or so to recover, there'd be no problem. Well, that's a screwed up situation we're in.'


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I'm okay. Thank you... and sorry," Tsuki said before downing whatever sort of liquid it was.

(Sorry I haven't posted much. Been out of it recently what with being sick and all.)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"No worries." Copper rubbed the other girl's back, sticking close to her as she drank the solution, definitely keeping an eye on her during and especially after.

((No worries. I'm in the same boat, but getting better. Summer colds suck ass.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Don't worry about it, hell I'm STILL not at 100% from the cold I had.))

Tsuki would feel a slight discomforting feeling in her stomach as the solution went to work, disintegrating the things growing within her body. It almost would feel as if she was going to be sick to her stomach, but she wasn't. After about three minutes of that sick feeling, she began to feel better, and less than a total of five after, she was nearing peak performance again. Sparky hadn't been kidding when he'd said the stuff worked fast.

In the meantime, Sparky had returned carrying a cooling case, the vials inside of it. "I'm finished with what we'll need from here. When your feeling up to moving we should... Tsuki, yes? Hopefully you'll be feeling well soon, my understanding is that this solution works very rapidly, and the discomfort wears off quickly."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave took a look around the room. "So, what's next? I suppose that we have to get Siphon back, locate our fearless leader and do something about that self-destruction mechanism. I'd suggest doing something to the inhabitants of the hive as well... By the way, I suppose there's no such thing like small or medium-sized aircrafts aboard the hive, right?"