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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"There are a number of darts still inside the dart bay, and at least one transport vessel that can accomodate six. Normally they would require wraith DNA to operate, but I can re-work the systems to allow one of you to pilot them."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Well, provided he's still got it, we can at least radio Burrito. Otherwise, finding him in here is going to be a pain in the ass." She starts looking thoughtful. "And while I'd prefer to keep this thing intact and uninhabited, if that doesn't seem like it's going to be a option, with those ships, I think maybe we might have our fast ticket out of here if this place decides to go kaboom, maybe?"

At that thought, she gets back on the radio. Yo, chief, you reading me? While she waits for a reply, she checks on Tsuki. "How ya feeling, hon?" She grins. "And if you say 'blechy' and yak on me, you are paying for new leathers." Hopefully, though, that would elicit a laugh instead of the undesired result.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Sparky opened his mouth to answer, and the sirens started going off all over the hive. What exited his mouth wasn't in English, but likely in his own language. "VEMBRAH NEHVAS TAHKNAY!"

John raised an eyebrow, then spoke. "Uh, god bless you? Seriously speaking, what the hell is that sound about?"

Sparky whipped around, anger in his eyes, as well as possibly fear. "The self destruct. It's been activated on a twenty minute timer. We don't have a choice now, we must do something."

He turned to Copper then spoke. We MUST reach the dart bays now and modify those ships for you. Then I will leave it to you to fly yourselves out of here. I will not be joining you on the transport."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Oh, that can't be a good sound." Copper pinched the bridge of her nose. And Sparky confirmed it. "Christ on a cracker, can we catch a break, just this once?"

Cursing done, she looks at the others. "You heard the man. Tsuki, please, please tell me you can upload directions to Burrito, because Burrito needs to get his ass to the landing bay before the twenty minutes are up." As an afterthought, she got back on the radio. "And that goes for any ulmfers that aren't with him or us. She'd mentally shout out to Shrike once she had another second to think.

"Back to Siphon, we'll grab his ass and go. Hopefully it won't take too long to learn how to make the damn transport work since--hold the phone." She gave Sparky an odd look. "You're staying on the ship." It's part accusation, part statement of fact.

(by the way, she pronounces them "ull (like 'mull') - furs. I'm hoping folks are either with us or if not, have radios, cuz if not, this is gonna get tricky.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Sparky nodded at her. "I am. The explosion from the hive going up if it remains here will shatter to the mantle, if not the core of this planet creating a massive shock wave. Perhaps large enough to even affect your forum beyond these mountains, or destroy it. I can not, I WILL NOT allow that to happen if I can prevent it. Once I've set you up for the ships, I will fly this hive as far from the planet as I can. If I'm lucky, I'll have time to make it to the dart bay and escape using a dart. If not.... well, I'd be just as dead if I didn't make the attempt, so what makes the difference. I'd rather die making a difference and doing what I can to ensure our cause doesn't die and end with me and your people. And no, you can't talk me out of it, because you know as well as I do, if I don't do this it could very well mean the end of your kind as well."


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

(Siphon, I'm going to leave the creatures' responses to you, my creativeness is currently flagging behind a bit. Extra info for Siphon (but not a big enough spoiler that I would be bothered PMing it): The armoured guy ought to hang in by a bit. Severe damage to the suit, but not completely disabling. I've no idea how many Thembrihkal would chase down Krell's group, but I suspect that the group will either get away safely, or will get away from all but 1-3, which then turns into an epic battle. Also in your response, could you put them hearing the alarm going off? That way I don't have to edit the current post (Not enough creativity left for me to touch it).)

(It's been a page or two, so I'm including a short recap for the sections.)

Mean person's group:

The discontent group continued scouting the hive, until poor luck found them running into one of the leech people. Before anyone had a chance to react, the leech man pounced the group's only female TP member. The other TP members panicked and tried to line up the creature, causing the armoured man to shout
"Wait! STOP!". Unfortunately this was to no avail, and the panicked TP members opened fire on their comrade, killing her in moments. The leeches, meanwhile, simply reformed, and found itself without any remaining female prey...
The leech man flung a tentacle out, impaling one of the three still living Toon Pimp members, making him not-quite-so-living. The man in the armour decided something that could withstand bullets and still reform was not something he had a chance of beating, and fled. The cries of the two TP members left behind did not last anywhere near as long as he had hoped, and the sounds of a slimy mass following him along the hive kept getting louder. The man became ever more frantic, realising his only weapon, the nerve lance, would likely have little effect on the conglomerate creature.

In desperation, he turned to the only remaining tactic he could think of. With the sound of tortured metal, the man tore off the left hand of the suit, exposing live wiring. He turned to face his pursuer with the determination of a creature backed into a corner. If this didn’t work… He waited as the leech man arrived, and flung a tentacle at him. Unable to dodge, the tentacle impacted the armour, which actually managed to stop the tentacle from penetrating, even if it did make a huge dent. Reeling from the blow but knowing he would die if he didn’t act, the man grabbed the tentacle in his right hand before it could retract, and shoved the left arm’s open wiring into it.

Krell's group:

He put the TP member down as one of the armoured men gave a report.
"Krell. Hostility, fear, despair and sorrow. Right-forwards and up a level."
Fucking psychics. Krell thought, Can't give good directions for shit...
"Sorry, sir."
Oh. Right. Fucking psychics...
"And have you got any idea what that would be coming from?" Krell asked, with more than a hint of sarcasm and rhetorical-ness to the question.
"I only do intentions. You know that."
"Yep." Fucking psychics-
"But if I had to guess, I'd say prisoners, and torturers in the act of applying their trade."
For a moment, Krell tries and fails to find any fault with his psychic’s logic. Annoyed at being shown up, he angrily proclaims,
Well, then, we've got some prisoners to save, don't we!?" Come on, slackers! Time's wasting!"
Meanwhile, the other group had found their way unmolested to the place where the Thembrihkal were storing some of their breeding stock. They were currently conversing about their tactics, having realised their chances of surviving taking on more than one of the beasts at a time.
“…Alright, so we want to have Rambo and William using maximised truce, then send Aya, Ike and this guy,” He motions to the TP member, “to go get the people. I and Ethan will stay here to guard Rambo and Will, and give covering fire if Truce wears off too fast.”
Aya:“I still think you and Ethan ought to be coming too. We need all the extra hands we can get, and we still won’t get all of them.”
“Don’t be an idiot. We can’t carry that many without them catching us, screw what Ike and Ram can do to slow them down. Now, are we agreed?” All the armoured figures nod.

Rambo and William, the psychic who had guided them safely to the den, began to chant and concentrate, respectively. A little while after it began, Krell ran out into the open, hefted his HK21, and fired off a stream of lead at the nearest of the tentacle monsters. The two suited people identified as Aya and Ike followed suit, with Aya throwing explosive grenade-esque bouncing disks at her targets, and Ike spraying them with a… water pistol? The strange weapon’s use became clearer when the explosion of one of the disks caused the fluid that had been sprayed over the Thembrihkal to ignite violently.

The Thembrihkal were not that far from the group when Rambo and William finished casting truce; when they did reach the armoured group, they could not bring themselves to attack with full force. The monsters swung their tentacles as if through treacle, and the strong armour the group was wearing was enough to block any damage from the weakened monsters – even the Kevlar worn by the TP member proved too tough to get through. This did seem to affect the casting group as well, however. Krell’s bullets stopped being able to hurt the enemy and just became annoying *ding*s on its hide. The explosions lacked kinetic energy – hell, even the flames didn’t seem to hurt as much. Knowing this, the defenders stoped and the retrieval team went in, with the Thembrihkal chasing after them. For all that the spell seemed to slow things down, it did not seem to impact non-hostile movement.

The three reached the victims, each person prying one from where it lay and moving back to the group, unperturbed despite the monsters fanning them with tentacles.
“Rambo, how’s the spell doing?” Ike asked as he returned, wondering if they had time for a second trip.
“You’re good.” Rambo replies simply. The three take another trip in and back, and Aya asks quickly,
“Got time for a third?”
“Just barely,” Rambo replies. “Make it quick.”

Not bothering to waste time on a response, and knowing that they can only carry one more, Aya dashes back to the nearest victim, unceremoniously hoisting them over the suit’s shoulder and sprinting back. Unfortunately for her, the spell wears out all too fast. While she had put some distance between her and the steadily pursuing tentacle beasts, when they realised the spell had ended they rushed full-speed. Krell opened fire to pin the enemy down, but his bullets simply couldn’t hurt them enough. Being freed from the need to keep up the spell, however, allowed Rambo access to others. A paralysing glyph appeared under Aya’s pursuers, slowing their movement for a few seconds – not much, but enough to get Aya to safety. As she approached with Thembrihkal’s not too far behind, each armoured person took up one of the unconscious victims, and Krell took the left over one for good measure. They turned and ran, with Aya throwing disks behind her, Ike spraying the ground with flammable fluids, and Rambo laying down more paralysing glyphs whenever he could muster the mana. Whether that would actually be enough to outdistance the Thembrihkal was yet to be seen…

Burrito's group:


Get… me up. Show me… your face”, marking the first time Burrito has heard her speak without shouting, though strangely the restrained malice in her voice seems to be greater than the unrestrained malice she had displayed before.
"So. You wish to see my face?" Burrito says, grasping the downed woman and picking her up by the collar "Why?" he asks, his right eye red with a small yellow dot in the middle and smirking "You seem familiar. Like I've seen your kind before. I feel an attachment to you and your kind."
As the woman’s suit’s cameras spied Burrito, it became apparent that he was not the only one who felt a connection between him and these suited people. Unfortunately, this connection did not seem to be a positive one. With a volume and ferocity that made her previous outbursts look like the complaints of a schoolgirl to a tentacle, she screamed,
BURRITO!! KILL THE MEMBER!! KILL HIM!!!”, banging on the inside of her immobilised suit as she did. While this was completely ineffectual in harming Burrito, it did knock some of the stuff that coated the hive floor off of the suit. The reason for the woman’s malice became all too clear as the dislodged grit revealed a symbol on the chest of the suit…

The symbol of the Lurkers. Burrito did not have much time to contemplate his new discovery, as even through the din of the woman’s rage, he made out the sound of both a gun and a sword being pointed at his back, and the voice of the gun-toting Lurker.
Move slowly.”


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave growled. "Alright, it doesn't look like we have any other plan left. Let's move and get Siphon back. I hope that Burrito got your message, Copper." He moved towars the door and took a look outside to check if there was anyone waiting for them.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Sparky nodded. "Once I have you set up I will broadcast over the P.A system of the hive. There aren't enough living Wraith to stop me now, that's why they armed the self destruct. They know they can't hold the hive against multiple attacking fronts."

The man stuck the wiring into the leech creature, causing it to writhe in electrical agony. As he relished his victory, the body of the creature suddenly began to swell, running towards him before going off like a small bomb.

The group running from the Thembrihkal would soon discover after using their slow spells only a few times, they suddenly no longer had the ability to cast it, or any other spell, making them realize soon that somehow, the creatures chasing them were sapping away the very mana they needed. What was worse, the creatures were beginning to close the gap, and now the alarms had begun blaring a distinctly different tone than they had before, a vocal count down beginning in wraith.

All of the groups would soon hear a few words, spoken in wraith, but easily translated since the term self-destruct, was almost identical.

"Brevaksha. Ventra Munten ve dak seaf-destructivakoh."

((Warning, Twenty Minutes to self-destruct.))

The message would repeat every minute, counting down until the final minutes of the hive's life.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"You and me both," she told Grave. "If it's clear, let's get out of here. We'll work on the fly. The sooner we can secure our means of getting the hell out of here, the more time we'll have to help the others reach us."

Shrike. Shrike tell me you can hear me.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Amazingly, Shrike reponded not mentally, but over the radio.

Faintly, I don't have the focus to actually reply though. What's going on?


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

After a moment (or two... or more) Tsuki was feeling a lot better. Still, she fake vomited over Copper, and then smiled a little bit after. That should serve as a measure of her condition. Now, if only she could stay that well... seeing as a ship blowing up wasn't exactly supporting her positiveness.

Of course, mentally, Tsuki was definitely still quite scarred from her experience. But, she tried to not think about it. It wouldn't help them at the moment. She'd mope later.

She stood and waited to follow.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Copper growls at Tsuki, but there's absolutely no malice in the sound, just play menace. She smiles, too, given that, at least physically, the other girl seemed fine.

"The damn ship's going to blow up, that's what's going on. Where are you? And if you don't know, describe it. I've got a guide."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito flinches slightly at the loud screaming, looking at the symbol on the suit and dropping it instantly "No wonder I feel a connection to you. You're all lurkers like I used to be." he says, then senses the gun pointed at him and hears the words "Do you really think you can kill me? You've no idea what I once was." he says, raising his hands above his head and sighing "Are you sure you want to take on a Member?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike answers slowly, her voice sounding strained. Likely, her mind was still reeling from earlier.

Whoa, calm down there. I'm back at the ship we found, figured I'd be more help here than in person. How's Tsuki? My pants have disappeared, tell her not to worry about it though, I still have my home-made leather panties. And for the love of god Copper, if the hive's going to blow, what are all of you still doing in it? Even the wraith are bugging out, they're launching those small fighter ships out all over the place, but they're all just bugging out.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"We need to go back and get Siphon. Long story, but Tsuki's good. I'll tell you over a beer back home. Hang where you're at for just a little longer, if you can. From the sound of things, we've got just under twenty minutes to bug out of here. If you see anything that looks like something other than one of those single ships, tell me asap.

"We're gonna have some company in the cargo bay if we don't hurry," she tells the others. "Some of the other wraith are abandoning ship in the what'cha call 'em. Darts. Hopefully if they're leaving, we won't have to deal with them on our way out."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Wouldn't you just barf beer back up? Shrike says over the radio, her laugh quite audible. Don't worry, I'm your eyes in the sky.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave ventured into the corridor outside the room and was checking if there was any hostile being nearby. "Move it, the lot of you! We have to pick our commanders up and bail!"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"We'll discuss that later. Just keep us appraised on what's going on out there, all right? And be careful."

For the retreat, Copper still stuck by Tsuki, though now she had one of the wraith blades in her hand as she followed along. Keeping the same order as before made some sense.

"Allright, we know the way is at least partially clear. Let's see if we can't pick it up, but be on the look-out for any new surprises, aye?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Interesting. The other Wraith are abandoning the ship? That means most of them are commanders such as myself, not the larger, wider warrior wraith. We MUST be careful now, if we come across any warrior wraith, and there are no commanders left, they will revert to an almost animal like state. The good news is they won't be able to use guns. The bad news is they will be highly unpredictable in their attack methods, and gain some strength doing so."

They quickly backtracked, picking up Siphon along the way, John carrying the stone statue of him.

Sparky then continued leading them towards the dart bay, pausing only once to listen to a set of footfalls moving away from them, then continued onward. In minutes they had reached the dart and hangar bay, most of the darts gone. However there still appeared to be a number of them left, more than there probably should have been.

"This is good, this bay was hardly used. It means most of the surviving, fleeing wraith are doing so on the opposite side of the ship, at the bay there. This will take but a few moments, chatter amongst yourselves while I set up the transport and several darts."

He then got to work, John waiting until the wraith was out of sight before setting the Siphon statue down. "Alright, besides me and him, who all else here even knows how to fly a chopper or anything?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave shrugged. "I used to pilot a small fighter like those things more than once. It's been a while since I've participated in a dogfight, though, so I might be a little out of practice." The warrior began to study the nearest dart. "On the other hand, once you learn how to fly, you just can't forget that. I'll have to familiarize myself with the controls and I should be ready to go."