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Face off with a goddess

Re: Face off with a goddess


"Well, I suppose if she's been killing people there's nothing for it but to go. One last question - you mentioned supernatural powers? Like what?

"She can protect herself from most forms of damage, but we believe that if we exhaust her force enough, she'll tire, leaving her open to attack."
Re: Face off with a goddess

(and.... I'm going to go ahead and guess either we have one round to damage her before she starts being protected again, or she regains energy by raping us... or both >.<)


"Most forms?"

(I can't stop myself!)
Re: Face off with a goddess

"All forms we know of, but I'm being an optimist."
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Right then, just wanted to be sure we didn't have an ace up our sleeves or something... I guess we're ready, then. Will you be leading us or are we on our own?"

(Ugh, lightning storm started, already lost power once....)
Re: Face off with a goddess

The woman nodded,

"I'll be assisting you-"

"The hell you are!"

They heard a shout come from the stairs. The Director was walking down, an angry look on her face.

The maid rushed over to her, until she could lean down and clasp the woman's shoulders.

"What are you doing? I thought you were sleeping..."

The Director nudged her hands off,

"I've rested enough. I can no longer sleep while I know that wretch exists. And I cannot allow myself to permit the loss of another to that woman."

The Director, looking fresh and filled with rage, approached the three girls,

"You are not needed, return to other duties. I will handle this woman myself. Good day." she stated firmly and began to walk away towards the exit of the hotel.
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Speaking of losing another woman to this goddess...."

Jenn looks to the maid for advice.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris just stood there in shock. She had not exspected any of what just happened. The director, she had come out of her room. The short woman was now heading to face the goddess herself. Iris exspected the woman to be strong but... Could she really be strong enough for this goddess?! Iris shook off her surprise. Looking at the group Iris said-

" Should... Should we follow her...?"

Iris was more then likly going to follow her reguardless of what the others did.
Re: Face off with a goddess


"...My only "duty" is to ensure that filth are cleansed from this world. They day I allow someone to snatch that away from is the day I'm buried six feet under."

Growling at what the Director had just said, Luna moved to follow her...
Re: Face off with a goddess

The Maid only stared in awe at the Director.

As if hearing foot steps behind her, the Director turns to Luna,

"No, you don't," she warns, "I don't care if you want revenge for what she did to you. You'll be nothing but a distraction to me, begone!" she said, waving her hand at Luna in a dismissing manor.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris simply stood there in shock and awe at the director.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Jenn waits for the director to get out of earshot or eyeshot.


"So... what's your advice, Miss Maid?"
Re: Face off with a goddess

Luna glared at the Director, had she been anyone asides from the person who saves her, Luna would have granted such insolence a bullet already.


"I do not believe I am asking you to save me should I fall. In fact, all I desire is to keep my vow, should I die in the process it would have been of my own accord."
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris suddenly knew that she had to stop Luna. Luna was picking a fight with the director now and Iris knew that would not end well for Luna. Iris shook the shock and awe off her and walked over to where Luna stood. Iris gently placed a hand on her shoulder and said something to the girl.

"Luna, please stop... Please don't pick a fight with her..."

Iris really hoped her sister listened to her.
Re: Face off with a goddess


No...not until she gets it out of her thick head that she's not the only one who has the right to vengeance..."

Her tone was largely hostile still, angry at the Director's attempt to deprive her of her "right to revenge". Of course, this largely stemmed from the fact she didn't know the exact location of the Goddess herself, otherwise she wouldn't even be having this conversation at the moment, and would have simply gone after her without negotiating...
Re: Face off with a goddess

Though she was small, she walked up to Luna slowly, glaring at her with eyes that knew true pain, then asked her in a malicious tone

"Vengence? What has she stolen from you? Pride?" the Director mocked, as she scoffed at her, "Get over yourself, you're no great cleanser, you are just as much of a girl as your two cohorts, which the bitch in question revealed by drinking away at your soul like soup. No, you're far from worthy enough to face her." she said in an insulting tone, turning her back on them all and heading for the door.
Re: Face off with a goddess

(Storming off works more effectively if you don't do it three times...)

Jenn waits until the director is actually out of the room...
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris had only known Luna for a short time but knew that she had to hold Luna back or she was going to attack the director. Iris quickly got in front of Luna, blocking her way towards the director and clasped her shoulders. Iris said something to Luna then.

"Luna... Don't..."

Iris really hoped her sister didn't do anything stupid then.
Re: Face off with a goddess

( She still has to walk to the door, I'm giving a window of opportunity to do something while she walks away. )
Re: Face off with a goddess

(Hrm... well I have to go for the night but Jenn probably isn't going to do anything but wait for the director to leave then ask the maid if she thinks we ought to follow anyway and/or for directions)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Without anymore argument, the Director storms out of the hotel, closing the door behind her.

The maid was stunned for a time, but quickly addressed the girls when she recovered, no longer speaking in her neutral tone, but in a concerned one,

"You must go after her! She is not thinking clearly!" she begged of the girls.