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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Well, my name is Rich. I am almost 22 years old. I work in a bank. I really like girls and video games. I watch anime sometimes too. I'm not thin, and not too much in shape, but not fat either. I am Spanish, from Puerto Rico actually. I like playing hentai games, they keep my mind (and hand) busy. I am on XBOX Live and Playstation Network as Papanomics, so you can find me there. I am currently looking for a nice girl to be with. I live in New York. That's about it I guess. I hope things go smoothly for me here in this forum.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, welcome to this little corner of the net Papanomics.
Re: Introduce yourself

Glad to be here. The fellahs over at TP's Palace aren't happy about it. Hell, I had fun there. But because ToonPimp is such a sad little queer, (no offense to the gays in attendance, much love) I can't partake in a forum that I generally enjoyed. I hope to do the same here, and I'd like to introduce a stupid little idea started over at that forum by one of the moderators. He was SS first, then changed his name to Rya, sometimes I think he's a she, but who cares.

They are called the White Knights, and it's pretty much just a big appreciation group for ZetaR02, creator of the awesome Project X game. TP of course got jealous and destroyed it, or tried to destroy it.

It's for real, play Zeta's most current version and check the credits. We're not a cult, we're not a faggy group of guys, we are just people who like Zeta's work, and Zeta herself, she's quite a pretty little lady, and we want to let her know that we support her, her game, and are very thankful for it. Now that I think of it, maybe we don't need the White Knights anymore. Zeta knows we like her.

Oh, Toonpimp, get back to making our free games.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Is she the most badass freakin' overlord ever?

If not, I refuse to appreciate her. Also, you do sound like a rather creepy stalker group, just sayin'.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hi it's me, Completely_Anonymous. All you're getting out of me is my age, which is 19, and this following paragraph.

I'll only post when I feel it's necessary, and I'll put everyone in their place if they step out of line regardless of their position on these forums. I like the rules, and I hate assholes who decide to break them. DON'T even try to coax more information out of me, as you won't get any.

Hi. I'm Papanomics. I'm just a dude, hanging out online, trying to find cool games and stuff. Anyway, I want to rant and complain about an asshole I know named TOONPIMP. I know there's was a place for that, but I just want to throw in my thoughts.

Toonpimp's work is not good. It's free, that's why people like him. He is egotistical, and pretty much a bitch.

I got banned from his forum for telling him that his latest DEMO was not impressive, and he re-used animations from old games, so it didn't really bring anything new. I then went on to say, "I would not pay for that." And he banned me.

He's a failed artist who tried working for Disney... but somehow he turned around and ended up drawing poorly made porn. I like free games, but I'd love to see his establishment go down, for he is a true fucking jerk-off.

I hadn't really hung at with the ULMF peeps before, I was pretty comfortable over there, I even paid for the Princess Peach you see in Pepe Le Rapiste and gave him ideas to things he'll release in the future and say they were his ideas, because he's a fucking asshole. I hope he fucking shits his pants somewhere public and I'm around to laugh at him.

You seem familiar... AHA! You're that guy that suggested the White Knights of Zeta on TPF. The way I remember it is that you were quite the avid follower of her, and I can understand that you're angry about being banned. Surely you wouldn't have been banned if you weren't at fault as well.

And no, I'm not trying to start a flame war.
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Re: Introduce yourself

I may have misread the last part, but was it a suggestion that someone can not be banned off an internet forum without some fault?
Re: Introduce yourself

Heh heh, he made like 5 accounts... one of which he tried making a new identity and when everyone found out it was papanomics, they were pissed LoL. I know, I was there. As for my name, It's a secret =P

He was mainly banned for buggin the shit outta tp and criticizing his last game. He also had some occasions where he was being a general asshole, that's why most of the members don't like him.

A good example of him being an asshole is well... that last sentence of the last post in this thread he just made.
"Oh, Toonpimp, get back to making our free games."

He's not entitled to make free games for people. Get that through your head man. He does it for his own reasons. Enjoyment of making games? Fame? A little extra scratch? Who knows, but just remember this. He doesn't have to.
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Re: Introduce yourself

I'm E7N,

I pretty much try to keep reality out.

Nice to meet you.
Re: Introduce yourself

How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself.

My name is That One Lurker. I'm looking forward to hanging around the forum. =D

I've been around here and there, but thought I might as well check this place out as well.

Looking forward to getting to know you all ;D
Re: Introduce yourself

That's like the exact opposite of what I had suggested.

It sounded like you said he had to have done something wrong to be banned, now you're saying he didn't do anything wrong, saying he would only be angry citing the phrase "banned unfairly"
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: Captain! (Not my real name, but it is who I am)
Age: 18-45 last time I checked, can't remember the exact whereabouts.
Gender: I have a penis, so you could pretend I'm a Futa whilst groping me if you're semi-lesbian, but apart from that male.
Birth Place: South Africa (Yes I'm serious! Although at the moment I live in the United Kingdom, I was born and raised in South Africa, land of the politically retarded)
Occupation: FoamSmith! (don't ask, you don't wanna know)


Hair Colour: Brown, Darkish
Eye Colour: Depends on the lighting, Green, Blue, light of all the previous.
And for all you shallow people out there, I'm neither skinny nor fat =D

Zodiac: due to the fact that those who are stalking me online could derive personal information important to myself from my zodiac, it shall be kept secret, but personally I would LOVE it if I was born in the year of the COCK.
( for obvious reasons )
Common Utterances: Penis, Pee-Pee, Genitalia of male persuasion.
Bad habits: Porn......Porn......Masturbation.

3 things I dislike:

1. You
2. Your mother
3. The smug look you're giving me right now, no, just no, stop that D:<


TV Show: Wait, this needs thought, I'll get back to this in an edit.
Drink: Anything containing Taurine
Shoe: Wait, you mean people actually favour shoes over one another?! Ok fine, my left shoe.
Hat: Why my Captains hat of course.
Colour: My favourite colour is Penis......I mean light Tan.

Do I.....

Smoke: No. Fucking Addictive stuff.
Swear: FUCKING MOTHER FUCKER WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST FUCKING SAY?!(ten points for Samuel L. Jackson for inspiring this.)
Flip out and kill people: Only on the internet.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Well I don't play guitar, I might have air guitar'd once or twice whilst drunk.
Knit Scarves for Orphans: Only if they pay me in sexual favours.

The Future

Can I see into it?: Well I can predict outcomes of things, And I can see certain humorous things happening, but I can't say I have paranormal powers.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: I don't do well with movie references.
Where I'll be in five years: Two possibilities, My house (herp derp)
OR: Zombie Apocalypse, oh I hope I hope I hope.

Other stuff

Reason for Joining: I was tired of lurking, /raged at some guy, joined afterwards, was pretty funny.

HOLY SHIT WHO PUT THAT ON MY ACCOUNT WHAT IS THAT HOOOLLY SHIIIIT!, but seriously I don't remember seeing that before what is that? ( The Ingenious Hidalgo, Don Quixote of La Mancha) (Ten minutes after this I checked him up on wikipedia, I approve, though the sad ending makes me sad ); )

Oh for those of you who saw me earlier, then I disappeared, I was busy with holiday stuff, I'm here to stay now.
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Re: Introduce yourself

Is she the most badass freakin' overlord ever?

If not, I refuse to appreciate her. Also, you do sound like a rather creepy stalker group, just sayin'.

Zeta, is sexy, I find that good enough.
Re: Introduce yourself

cappy i gave you your user title because Don Quixote tilted at windmills. also it seems to work very well that you fap to it.

papercut, have fun, don't cause trouble and you'll be fine here.

anonymous i think the reason this place works is that we don't bother following the rules to the letter (except the ones we have to by law). if you try to rule nazi that would make nunu sad.

that other lurker (we already have one) welcome to the forum i hope you have fun, and papercut is allowed to hope for free games as much as he wants and your not allowed to quash that (however depending on how frequently he voices this hope it may just get annoying). whether TP wants to or should make free games is another matter entirely and something best not discussed... well at all really... its like arguing about religion, no winners only losers and generally a few dead bodies as well.

heya seven *waves*
Re: Introduce yourself

*snirk* someone say me name? I agree with Sirius...*

wait... another lurker, not a lurker? O,o


Ontopic: welcome to the fourum, enjoy your stay, and stay outta my lab, the critters are agitated from disuse
Re: Introduce yourself

Sigh. Another day, another custom title.
Re: Introduce yourself

I don't think you know how special you are... There are probably no more than 25 people on these forums with custom titles.
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