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Awesome parody for L4D2

Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

How dare you post a picture of what I masturbate with on a public forum.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Attention people who haven't pre-ordered L4D2:

Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

What I've learned about Left4Dead 2 from the demo: The billy club and the frying pan suck, the machete is a death machine easily rivaling the auto shotgun from the first game, the guitar is amusing, and the new guns are much better than the old ones.

I downed a tank in one clip with the AK47 with only a little AI help, the Desert Eagle kills just about anything besides a Witch or a Tank in 1-3 shots, and the 30 round sniper rifle is probably the best gun in the game.

New items include adrenaline (run like a crackhead pills) and boomer bile (throwable that attracts zombies to an area where they stand around and whack at the air.)

The Charger is really just a bigger easier to shoot Hunter, the Spitter does way too much damage, and the Jockey is hard to hit, but little more than annoying. Roaming Witches are actually easier to avoid than the stationary ones, so long as you don't accidentally shoot them.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

If the boomer bile hits a zombie, like the tank or witch, they will start beating up the target.

The sniper rifle is crazy, it's a machinegun with zoom, huge damage, and it goes right through zombies.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

I find it funny that everyone used to complain about Valve taking so long to finish a game, and then when they come out with a game and its sequel within a year of eachother, everyone's suddenly dialling 999 for the whaaaambulance. Having played the demo, I can say it'll be damn well worth the extra cashmonies. All the weapons feel powerful as they should, the graphical and aesthetical improvements are brilliant and WUBUBUBUBUU.
Also the new special infected are brilliant, they prevent or break up annoying corner and closet camping that kept happening in L4D1.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

I find it funny that everyone used to complain about Valve taking so long to finish a game, and then when they come out with a game and its sequel within a year of eachother, everyone's suddenly dialling 999 for the whaaaambulance. Having played the demo, I can say it'll be damn well worth the extra cashmonies. All the weapons feel powerful as they should, the graphical and aesthetical improvements are brilliant and WUBUBUBUBUU.
Also the new special infected are brilliant, they prevent or break up annoying corner and closet camping that kept happening in L4D1.

I guess people thought that the 'minor' changes between L4D and L4D2 would be too subtle. Personally, I'd buy both anyway- 1 for the 'origina' aspect, and 2 when I want to use the shinies ^^

Hmm, perhaps a special mode that mixes the two together hehe.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Personally, I like the 4 survivors from the original better, but you never know, maybe someone will eventually make a multiplayer mode that has 8 survivors, 4 from L4D2, and the 4 of the original.

Weapons in L4d2 almost feel like cheating, which I can safely say since I ran right at a witch with a machete and killed her.
It's worse then the shotgun from the first, I've killed hunters leaping at me by just swinging it around.

The charger and spitter are nice though, one guy I just played with thought he knew everything, and ordered everyone to camp in a bathroom during a horde. And then we all got hit by a charger and the floor became acid. These really do a good job at stopping corner camping.
I'm thinking the jockey is nice too, but it seems like it's just a hunter that is too weak to pin it's target.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Exactly. The spitter is used to get the fuckers moving, and the charger knocks the fucks out of the way, them pummels the SHIT out of whoever is unfortunate to be struck first by his ram.

I love it.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

At this point, I guess the only complaint is time between releases. I'd buy 2, and I already have one, but with hindsight, I definitely could have waited a year, NOT bought the first one, and have this new improved better version, pointing my finger at everyone before me and laughing about I'm better off.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

At this point, I guess the only complaint is time between releases. I'd buy 2, and I already have one, but with hindsight, I definitely could have waited a year, NOT bought the first one, and have this new improved better version, pointing my finger at everyone before me and laughing about I'm better off.

This. I couldn't have said it better.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

At this point, I guess the only complaint is time between releases. I'd buy 2, and I already have one, but with hindsight, I definitely could have waited a year, NOT bought the first one, and have this new improved better version, pointing my finger at everyone before me and laughing about I'm better off.

aka, what I did.
Re: Awesome parody for L4D2

Hence why I think it was easier for you to try and pick apart people's complaints earlier when it seemed the difference between the games was minimal.