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Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...


That explains so much.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Don't mind me, just goin' for a walk.

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Jesus, that dog(?) is so creepy. Makes me want to brush my teeth after seeing something like that.
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Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...


Except for completly missing anal orgasm, has any of you ladies here had any "mental" orgasm?
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Bloddmouth Carnist is either a M:tG card or a metal band, and I can't decide.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Two words: 'Om' and 'Nom'
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...


May have a slight political message in it, but it's still amusing.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

At least she decided to end it there rather than humiliate herself further. Well done sir.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

At least she decided to end it there rather than humiliate herself further. Well done sir.

It's a joke, it never actually happened Kiwi. The same thing happened in the States with the fictional "General Reinwald" and there's also a Welsh based version with a "Mr. Jones".

Though... I don't think "well done sir" is very appropriate. Funny as it may be (I admit to chuckling), the comment is pretty damn offensive to compare giving a youth a man-made object (a rifle) to a woman's biological self.

So, raising a valid point (one I happen to not agree with) and being countered with "well you have a vagina so you could be a prostitute" is not exactly fair, or well done. Witty enough for some humour, but in reality would have constituted a PR nightmare.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Actually, that comparison fails on a much baser level - it's comparing experience to possession. After all, the child would not be keeping the rifle; only the skill with the firearm. While, on the other side of things, it would be fallacious to think that possessing a female - or indeed male - biology would innately grant any amount of sexual prowess. (I am operating under the assumption that success as a prostitute does generally require some form of skill, as essentially all professions do. Perhaps sexual skill is a poor indicator for success in prostitution; perhaps 'lack of shame' or some-such would be a more applicable skill to mention here.)

On the other hand, given the wording of the joke, it's possible (if an excessive stretch) to interpret the fictitious general's words as indeed comparing skill with skill - which requires that he is aware that the reporter possesses a significant amount of sexual ability, giving the joke a whole 'nother level.
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Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

It could have been a comment to how she was dressed?
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I suppose, if they were both in the same radio studio, but I was assuming the interview -er and -ee to be themselves separated by radio.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Eh, on Australian radio usually the interviewee is in the same room as the host/interviewer.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Honestly can't say I listen to radio, since my only exposure is 4kq for a few minutes on the way into work, but I can agree with that.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I could be wrong, but it seems far more likely he's saying "You're dressed like a whore" than "You're female, and thus a whore."