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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ehhh... I don't think Martin Luther King Jr. would seriously fit the Brujah stereotype. Rebel, sure, but I don't think the "violent anarchist" part fits him. I'd put more of a bet on Ventrue.

...If you don't mind a non-player's two cents' worth.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I was aiming for being somewhat against stereotype, while still being a rebel though. Which also demonstrates why I think Brujah's are too far into their stereotype, and hence seriously hard for me to roleplay.

Not that I mind someone elses opinion, it's not like I'm going to hunt you down and break your ankes with a sledgehammer or something. I was aiming for discussion while I waited anyways.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Dmronny staring in 2010's Misery.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

>.> Zevran would make a nice Toreador.

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Zevran would make a nice bedwarmer. But yes, he would actually make an excellent Torrie. Cultured, intelligent, appreciates subtle elegance, sneaky as all get go and very skilled numerous arts. Reminds me of our "Four Horsemen" cotiere we had at one point. Death was a Toreador because, well, "Death is an art."

And actually, MLK *might* actually make a good Brujah. They're not all about the fighty-fighty. Brujah are revolutionaries. All about change and not being static. It's just that more of the modern brujah take it to mean being punks and toughs and pretty much "sticking it to the man." Heck, back in the day, the Brujah were warrior-poets that were known to be excellent tacticians as well as skilled fighters.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ronny, you should know that saying my name summons me. And I didn't say anything because I didn't have anything to contribute. Now I do.

I think Martin Luther (the original) would make a great Brujah, too. I mean, talk about a revolution.

Morrigan is quite clearly a Gangrel, and so is probably Oghren, as he already embraces "the Beast" or in his case, his wrath.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

If the Brujah were once warrior poets, would Sun Tzu have been one as well?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hey some people complain, because there's too much posting in OOC threads. I didn't figure you for one of them, but you never know.

I would put Sun Tzu as a Torie myself because he made war into an art. He could make an interesting Brujah though too, since he made it into an art at a time rife with revolution. He'd probably actually get embraced by one of the weird oriental vampires though in reality. Of course I only call them weird because I don't actually know all that much about them.

William Wallace would be an awesome Brujah, but that's a little too obvious me thinks.

So heres what I have for my ideal famous representative in each clan so far. Some are a little hard to come up with obviously. Feel free to disagree, or suggest someone for a missing spot.

Ventrue: Queen Victoria
Brujah: Che Guevara
Toreador: Leonardo Da Vinci
Tremere: Aleister Crowley
Nosferatu: Socrates
Malkavian: Ronald McDonald, er I mean Vincent Van Gogh, er Santa Claus, er Homer Simpson...what how do you embrace a cartoon.
Gangrel: Charles Darwin
Setite: Pablo Escobar
LaSombra: Pope Benedict XVI

EDIT: Quick question what generation would either Copper or Shrike say someone from the 1220's would be? Also what kind of powers would he have, and how does an Amaranth usually work?
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Generation has very little to do with actual age. You could feasibly have a 13th generation vampire from back in the 1200's. Generally, though, I'd probably put someone there anywhere from 6th (being generous) to 9th. I'd honestly have to take a look at my VtM: Dark ages book to see when they start DA vampires. I think it's 9th gen, but I'm not 100%. Been a while since I've looked. Powers, now that's a different kettle of fish. Some vamps that old would have different powers (Brujah get Temporus, Malks would have Dementation [they kinda gave that back in 3rd edition]) and since they would have time to develop their powers, its feasible they'd have plenty of time to practice. Not saying they'd be maxed out (because, you know, they might not *have* time to practice...got stuck in Torpor, had to keep things low key, no mentor, etc) but they'd probably be decently jacked with 3's or 4's in at least one ability or two.

What's an Amaranth?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Actually to keep this from getting to far off track, I'll just PM you to explain more what's going on. Since this only losely has to do with the game.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Copper, ILU.

Also Rule, I have to agree there. What about Sten?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Also Rule, I have to agree there. What about Sten?

Well - he's not too big on our social structure, has tight connections to his kin, he is very strong, not too pretty and seems to understand animals. I'd place him as a Nosferatu.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well - he's not too big on our social structure, has tight connections to his kin, he is very strong, not too pretty and seems to understand animals. I'd place him as a Nosferatu.
Poor guy, relegated to the ass uglies.

Damn. Now I'm going to do this to every character I see/read for the next week or so. xD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Chibi, I started playing Vampire in college almost 20 years ago. You *never* stop doing it.

Sten could be a Gangrel, too. Just throwing that into the ring. Leli's a Toreador, there's no getting around that one. *laughs*
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Chibi, I started playing Vampire in college almost 20 years ago. You *never* stop doing it.

Sten could be a Gangrel, too. Just throwing that into the ring. Leli's a Toreador, there's no getting around that one. *laughs*
Well Crap.

*smuggles Torrie Zev away* >.>

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah it'll never go away, just like if you hear the "It's a small world after all" song. Except that people don't try to rip your vocal chords out with this. So it could be worse.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah it'll never go away, just like if you hear the "It's a small world after all" song. Except that people don't try to rip your vocal chords out with this. So it could be worse.

Nope... just the jugular. And even then, just for a snack.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So where'd Shrike get off to, or is she just being sneaky again with her plotting for our characters.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I think she said something about Eve and Fletch being difficult.

Doesn't surprise me. Eve is such a primadonna.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, I'm still hanging around, still having trouble finishing fletch off without needing another imput or two from him. Yesterday and today I spent training someone else at my job, tomorrow and the day after is the big super-inspection, and Sunday is apparently the busiest day of the year :/

So yeah, I might get some more work done on Saturday after work, but I don't think I'll be able to finish it then, we'll see.

Sorry again about it taking so long :/