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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

*bows* Glad to be of service.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Drat so I can't create an army of ninja vampire penguins from my super secret arctic volcano lair, then. Ah well back to the drawing board.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

*Steals crumpled up plans...stuffs in shirt...flees*
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hey... what in the blazes? I wasn't told of this? Damn my apparently failing eyes for not seeing its resurrection. I would love to play Claire again. She was someone rather different for me, so I'd like to get back behind her eyes.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

WB Sin!

Hehehe, so I was meeting with a friend tonight that is also familiar with Vampire and we're swapping "war stories" and I'm telling her about all of the Embraces that we had going on in the game, including how they got all twisted around into each other and the like and there was much laughter and many "Oh gods" to be had. Good times!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I wish I had someone to swap war stories with...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well I did say to get in touch with Sinful, guess no one was paying attention.

Oddly enough, though I was embraced all by my lonesome unlike most of the others. Ah well darn tentacle monsters and their dark alleys, thank god Copper didn't write my portion. I don't mind if someone likes tentacle yaoi, but that doesn't mean I wanna be involed in it.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I wish I had someone to swap war stories with...

I'm glad I do, but my war stories are just that, war stories. Talking with folks helps me deal with some of the shit.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, we are still in the "gathering up of loose threads" state. BurningGold just messaged me and mentioned playing again, too. Told 'em to pop on over here and say hello.

And hey now, I may like my yaoi, even tentacle yaoi, but I know when to draw the line.

*huggles Sin* I'd offer to listen but I probably wouldn't be much more than an ear and you'd probably scare me, I will readily admit. But still, talking does help, big time, so don't be afraid to indulge (like you need me to tell you that.)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

>.>;; I just kind of feel awkward now.

My altruism line is drawn at listening to soldiers talk about their duty. No offense intended Sin. My psyche just can't deal with it.



Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I was more mentioning that it helps to have someone to talk to as more of an offhanded comment. Most of my friends from tour are still very much alive, and its good talking to them, helps them as well.

Anyway, like I was saying earlier, Claire is a fun character for me, and I'm willing to jump ahead if it's easiest. Though I may talk to Shrike privately about a few things concerning my character.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hello. I'm still interested and stuff.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

You know what the only bad thing about this game is. It's that now whenever I see a movie or read a book with vampires, I constantly try to decide what clan they're in. Which is very hard with so many because they tend to mix and match whichever powers seem coolest to the person who made it. I watched the Lost Boys the other night and now I'm completely confused as to wether they should be Ravnos or Brujah.

Nice to see you again BG.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

When in doubt, call them Caitiff. *laughs* but yeah, my friends and I used to do that alllllll the time, too. Although there's a "Bloodline" clan that's based off of the Lost Boys (Bloodlines being fan made clans that are kind of offshoots of...something else. I believe the 'Lost Boy' ones were Ravnos off-shoot, as they got Chicanery.)

If you want to see an excellent representation of the Sabbat, check out "The Hunger." (I think that's it. I'd honesly have to check.) The movie is horrid but the fact that they're Sabbat is pretty spot on.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I've tried to do this while reading the Vampire Chronicles again.

Dear God in Heaven, it's confusing. I keep wanting to think Lestat is a Toreador, but he isn't quite there... he's close enough though. I mean, he was French after all.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I've tried to do this while reading the Vampire Chronicles again.

Dear God in Heaven, it's confusing. I keep wanting to think Lestat is a Toreador, but he isn't quite there... he's close enough though. I mean, he was French after all.

I don't think his nationality really comes into play at all. I mean, Joan of Arc was French and she was pretty much 100% focused on the destruction of the English and Burgundy forces.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Nice to see you again BG.

Nice to see you too dmronny.

I've looked at my character sheet for this for the first time in a while... I actually don't like her very much. Hot damn did I make a boring character.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I don't think his nationality really comes into play at all. I mean, Joan of Arc was French and she was pretty much 100% focused on the destruction of the English and Burgundy forces.

Urm.... Yeah.

You know the saying, "There are exceptions to every rule"?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I don't know sometimes the most boring characters turn out to be the most interesting, especially since we don't know muh about how your character would have turned out yet. A lot of the others got much more nteresting after they were embraced.

I would say Lestat seems most like a Toreador, with the whole music bit. Plus the fact that Marius loves him so much, and he's like the epitome of a Toreador. Though I wouldn't say him being French actually had much to do with it as Amadeo is most like a Toreador and he's from the Ukraine. Not to mention Mael is technically French and he sure as hell isn't a Toreador.

Yeah I've seen the Hunger at some point and like you said a horrible movie, but a very accurate description of the Sabbat.