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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

Aya's expression changed from concerned to downright alarmed.

"No ... I most certainly did not. Claws ... Shit, it makes sense now. I'm not sure how Charles managed it but ... well I'll assume he was trying to kill Siphon, and he at least may have partially succeeded. It sounds like he's a Anqueeti Valtemporus. Er ... Ancient Vampire"

She turned and answered Bird.

"Charles I think is some kind of tortured spirit who wants to see ... well I think everything dead, I didn't really understand what he, it was blabbering about before."

She shook her head, a hint of fear creeping over her features.

"If Charles really did change Siphon as I think he did ... it's fifty fifty how he'll turn out. Right now he's gone away from us, which means he doesn't want to attack us but ... If he's pushed before he can adjust fully to the changes ... he'll be extremely dangerous, and he won't hesitate to kill anyone or anything he perceives to be a threat. The best thing now may actually be to leave him alone, or if we have to get in touch with him, it needs to be someone he'd trust implicitly. Likely either Sho or whoever he's known the longest here."

She shook her head, muttering something that clearly was not in English.
Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia listens with a look of concern as Aya gives her theory to explain the changes. How could such a thing happen? Perhaps they had lost more tonight than was immediately apparent. Things had become strange very quickly. She looks off in obvious thought for a moment, "If there is a way, I will help with what I can. But first we need to get these casualties to safety." she says to Aya, then turning to Dr Wingate again. "As you can see the situation is complicated. I'll explain what I can on the way."

Meanwhile Grace watched on, listening to the strange talk of souls and vampires. This was the second time she'd seen Ellisia with her "serious business" face on. Made her wonder what she'd missed the first time now. She turns to Isabella beside her and shrugs, "Heh... So have you got a clue what they're...?"
She had always wanted more action in her life, but now it had actually occurred, she was rather fondly remembering the simpler relaxed parts of the day earlier. She remembered how she still owed someone an apple. Though that was a strange thing to think of now...
Re: School Courtyard

Jackson only stood and watched as events unfolded about him. It was good to know no one had really died but how that one girl who had been run through managed not to bleed out as the rest of them tried to take down this Charles/Art was beyond him. He was glad to see Isabella was fine overall as she was the only one he knew by name out of the whole group.

As he watched helicopter come in to view and land, Jackson mind started to run a little wild. The sight of the helicopter caused him in start thing of wild conspiracy theories told back state side. Black helis wore most linked to Government covers ups and things akin to that back in the USA. He then shook his head side to side wondering what would people back home think of this sight.

He watched as the older woman when to work helping Art. While it didn't show on his face he was amazed at the sight of the earth it's self being repaired and signs of the damaged cause during the fighting disappearing as if fight never happened. The sight caused him to remember he was hurt in the fight. He looked to his burnt arm then looked about at everyone still there. Jackson did his best to get an image of everyone around to keep in mind to look out for them in the near future. No one really seemed to notice him which was good as he started to move around. Seeing as he wasn't really needed he started to make his way back to the boy's dorm. however he wasn't rushing so if some wanted to they could stop him.
Re: School Courtyard

Michelle remained as she was while the chopper landed, giving it a wry smile. More people, and judging by how others were treating the lead woman, more powerful ones at that. Still, she knew that trying to pull a stunt here would be a bad move, so she spun on her heel and began walking back to the dorms.

As she reached the entrance to the building Suzy came walking out and bumped into Michelle. Quick as a flash, Michelle spun round, grabbed Suzy by the throat, and slammed her against the wall, grinning at the gasp of pain. "You better watch where you're going, girl." Michelle muttered menacingly, though Suzy did nothing but glare back at the albino girl, quickly bringing a knee straight up to Michelle's stomach, forcing her to let go.

Straightening up, Suzy coughed to the side a couple of times, before wiping her mouth and looking back to Michelle. "Yeah? Fuck you. You watch where you're going." Without waiting for a response, Suzy turned and stalked off, heading for the forest.

Growling at Suzy's retreating back, Michelle clenched her fist, which began to be covered with jumping arcane sparks, cheeks flushing. Just before she released the potentially lethal bolt at Suzy, she checked herself, and sighed, the purple and green glow fading away, and Michelle carried on towards the dorms.
Re: School Courtyard

"Thanks, mate," Ian says quietly to Al once he manages to make Yume stable. He looks up at Elissia and shakes his head as she questions them about the girl's name. "Ah think Ah'll be able ta get her to the infirmary without much fuss. Prob'ly be good for her ta stay the night there instead of in the dorms." He then rather carefully gathers her up in his arms, seeming to be having little difficulty doing so (thanks to a subtle application of his powers) and he'll likely join the procession to the infirmary building, though he takes care to stay out of Mother Wingate's way.

Sho seems mildly aware of the helicopters before they even show up, kind of glacing in that direction, but not putting two and two together until there's the sound of them descending toward the ground. For the most part, she stays out of the way and lets Art's mom handle things, not to mention others are quicker to respond to her questions. Her mind was definitely on something else.

"Not everybody Ascends, even if we wish it were so," Sho murmurs quietly to Aya as she theorizes on what happened to Art. She seems a little more preoccupied with the talk about Siphon, though. "You know the situation best," she says quietly to the blonde. "If you think I need to go find him, I will. If you think he needs his space, I'll give him that. Still, I don't like the idea of him going off and going through something like this," she mentally chided herself. She didn't even know what this was, but she wasn't about to abandon Siphon because of something beyond his control. "And being by himself," she concluded.
Re: School Courtyard

As Jonathan listened to the conversation and various explanations that were given, he began to realize that he wasn't really needed here. He didn't even know these people, and his abilities were not needed. Bird didn't understand what was going on anyway. It seemed that others would need some time to digest the recent events as well. He could find them and ask for a detailed explanation later, when everything was clear. 'Oh well. I guess I can go and look around.' Jonathan turned around and set out without any clear goals in mind. He wasn't moving very fast either, so anyone could stop him if one wanted to do so.
Re: School Courtyard

"thank you, but be careful, I dont want anymore damage done to his body," She then turns to Al. "A novice Caster? I haven't heard of any other Casters in this country besides my family, though you may learn something from me so okay, I'll let you assist. I could do with another pair of hands helping with the healing anyway. You're Corax, the one I spoke with earlier right? I doubt there is much you could do but you're free to join us if you want." Art's mother makes to head in the direction of the infirmary but she stops as Aya finishes talking.

"I'll not pretend to know what you mean by 'ascending', but it sounds as if you're saying Art has died. Which isn't the case as his body is still breathing, albeit weakly." Art's mother comments to Aya, slightly more snappy than she intended. "And if Art does die, naturally I'll be holding the person who dealt the 'finishing blow' accountable." Art's mother then listened patiently to the others as they talked about Charles and how Art came to end up in his current state.

"Possession? By this 'Charles' person? I'll need to know of his motivation and anything he may have said," She says before setting off towards the infirmary. While she seemed concerned about why her son was possessed, Art's mother is also eager to learn more about this spirit.

"I...I'm no hero, I couldn't do anything," Isabella replies weakly to Grace. Now that her book was hidden away again she focused on who those demons were and why they were floating above her while she was unconscious. Then it suddenly hits her, everybody would have seen her book and what she was capable of. "I, I've got to go," Isabella quickly says to Grace, a look of shock and sadness on her face as she assumes everybody will be hounding on her soon now that they know what she is and can do. Without giving her time to reply Isabella gets up and rushes back to the girls dorms.
Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia nods, and carefully tucks her arms under Art to lift him, handling his weight with ease and moved to follow. She made certain to carry him in a way that wouldn't harm him further, and somehow it seemed like she'd had to carry wounded before.

Grace began to respond to Isabella but hadn't expected her to suddenly run off like that, "nonsens... huh?" She says breaking off to turn as the girl runs from the scene. "Hey wait! Where are you going...?" She calls, but Isabella didn't look like she was stopping and was getting away fast. "Jeez... she's fast. Come on! Wait up!" She calls again though out of hearing distance now, and so makes chase after her towards the dorms.
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Re: School Courtyard

Sho listens to Art's mother with a frown on her face, biting her tongue until the woman is well enough away.

"Then you'd best start looking for the spirit. It's not like he gave us much choice in the matter." She sighs, turning to Aya. "I'm going to go see if Siphon's hiding out in the forest. Seems to be his favorite brood spot. Leave the window open, would ya? I'm probably not going to sneak in by the front door tonight, all right?"

With that, she leaves the blonde and picks her way along the grounds, just trying to get to the gates without being seen. Once clear, she takes off in a sprint, thankful for the evening shadows, her dark clothes, and the fact that most everyone will likely be looking inward than outward if anything is still seen as being amiss.

Ian, meanwhile, still holds Yumi in his arms, trailing after Mother Wingate and Elissia, since they seem to need to get where they're going sooner than he does.
Re: School Courtyard

Aya nodded to her.

"You got it, just be careful alright? I'll see you later."
Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan left the courtyard, deciding to move towards the dorms. It seemed that no one was interested in talking with him. He wasn't suprised. Those people had their own problems plus that recent incident on their heads. As he pondered that, Bird remembered that he has his own problems to deal with. Due to his negligence, he had to find himself some temporary shelter for the night. Shaking his head, Jonathan made his way towards the boys dorm.
Re: School Courtyard

Trixie had hanged in the back as Art's mother appeared and left. She didn't know why, but probably she felt best not to make eye contact with the woman, especially with the state of her uniform. Still, as she left, Trixie waited a few moments, then followed.
Re: School Courtyard

Isabella found herself a nice isolated tree and sat with her back against it, on the side looking away from the school. Once she was sure no one was coming and that she wouldn't be seen she pulled her sketchbook and pen out of her bag. Hesitating for a moment she then opened the book, uncapped her pen and quickly sketched away. She drew for a few minutes before a familiar figure pulled itself out of the sketchbook and stood in front of her.

"Um...lets see..." Isabella muttered quietly to herself as she stared at the faux-Charles standing in front of her. "Uh...lets see a sword attack.." At her words the imitation swung its sword in front of itself, a sweeping arc passing just above Isa's head. It then resumed its idle position. "Uh, how about a lightning bolt?" Again at her words the knight lifted its arm up and a lightning bolt shot upwards, a second later it stood still once more. Not bothering with a fire attack as she already knew what would happen she then ordered it to perform another task. "How about teleporting?" This time the knight stood still, unable to follow her command. Uh, teleport please?" Once more it ignored her command. It seemed as if teleportation was beyond the copies ability. Sighing Isabella dismissed the knight, obviously teleportation was out of the question for now. Not until I've worked out how it works she thought to herself.

Taking her iPod out of her bag she plugs in her ear phones and puts some music on. Once she did that Isa quickly drew a cat, muttering various colours under her breath. A moment later a tortoiseshell cat sprang out from the book and onto her lap, where it stretched once and curled into a ball. Isabella then started to idly stroke the cat, her eyes closing as she lets herself be taken away by the music.
Re: School Courtyard

A little before the bell rang for lunch Isabella had fallen asleep, tired from not having slept all that well last night. The sketchbook lay abandoned next to her as the cat continued to purr quietly, her hand resting on its back. The bell hadn't disturbed Isabella's sleep mostly because of the iPod still playing its music into her ears.
Re: School Courtyard

Emily made her way through the courtyard, stopped for a moment and pulled a letter out of her pocket.

"Stupid letter...why do I have to be the one to deliver it..and why did I have to be put in this damn school..." She mutters to herself quietly. She continues to look at the letter for a moment longer, as if considering abandoning it before stuffing it in her shirt pocket once more and continues her walk.
Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan followed Emily. He was wondering what she was doing here. Certainly, the girl didn't look like one of the students. On the other hand, he saw enough to keep his guard up around her. Still, Bird was curious. He walked closer to her as she inspected the letter. "You've made a nice mess back there." Not the best opener for a conversation, but it'd do.
Re: School Courtyard

Emily wheels around on her heels and balls her hands into fists as she faces Jonathan.

"Great, another moron who wants some," She thinks to herself. "And what? You came hoping to try and best me?" Emily barks at him as she scowls.
Re: School Courtyard

'Quite a typical reaction... She seems to have a hot temper. This might really be fun.' Jonathan smiled slightly. It seemed to be a friendly smile, but he was smiling mainly because he found someone he might annoy a little for fun. Bird had to remind himself that he should befriend her first. Otherwise, he might end up with a few broken bones.

"Eh, not really." He raised his hands, showing that he has no ill intentions. "I just thought you don't look like someone who can one-shot a guy much larger than you so easily. And besides, I don't think this is the best place to fight. As much as I'd enjoy it, I don't want to ruin my reputation right after coming here." Altough he sounded sarcastic all the way, Jonathan seemed to be relaxed and calm, with a friendly expression on his face. Without a doubt, this girl would have a hard time fitting in - she stood out way too much. "My name's Jonathan. Nice to meet ya."
Re: School Courtyard

Emily squints an eye at Jonathan as he introduces himself before lowering her fists. For now.

"Should I need to give a reason about how I beat the snot out of that kid?" Emily replies, irritation in her voice. Bird's manner of speech was really rubbing her the wrong way at the moment. "Emily Wingate." Emily introduces herself bluntly without offering him her hand in friendship. After all she was too pissed at the moment.
Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan shrugged. "I guess you have a point. And a nice name." Now that Bird knew her name, he decided to try and get to know her a little. He'd have to convince her to speak, somehow... The fact that she was pissed off didn't help. In fact, Jonathan wasn't sure how to continue the conversation.

"Still, I have to admit that it was a spectacular show... Though I'm not sure if everyone will appreciate that. By the way, you're new here, right?"