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Nigeria, Africa.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah nodded, taking off her trenchcoat and carpet bag, placing the black garment into it. "In that case, Dex, can you carry my stuff? You know what they say, you can't take it with you!" she managed to say with a wry smile, before sliding behind one of the test tubes, spinning out the concoction before starting the injection.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris nodded. "Better move quick, I can hear them now."

Sure enough they could hear faint, careful foot steps coming down the stone corridor. Then a couple muffled voices.

"You don't suppose they got out before we got in do you Chad?"

"Don't be stupid, we watched them go in, let them in so they could bag it for us then followed moments later. They didn't get past us, there's no other exit."

"Shut up, both of you, sound carries in these kinds of caves. Just for being stupid, the two of you go ahead in front of the rest of us if you think they're deaf. If you two end up dead we'll know they set a trap. Not negotiable."

Chris frowned.

"Ok, let those two get close, then Sarah you distract the laggers. I think Roger and I can take out one person each as long as they aren't getting cover fire from their companions."

They were fortunate, where they were was the echo chamber, and sound didn't carry out of it, but they could hear every last breath of their would be attackers, giving them quite an advantage.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah nodded, as the serum drained, her skin allready growing paler. "Roger that," she said.

To those that were watching, she would eventually grow translucent, clothing falling away as she became earthral, now floating about a foot from the ground, three extra arms spurted from her shoulder area, as her original two became clawed, feral in appearence. A single third eye appears from ther forehead, her other two squinting as she gets used to the spectral effects.

After giving a few seconds to get used to her new form, she flitted to the ceiling, half-in half-out as she flew to take on the other group.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I always find a way to make a break for it", Dex replies to Rj coolly before storing Sarah's stuff safely out of the way. She can't take it if she's gonna have to run anyway.

As Sarah flits off, Dex calls out to her. "See if you can score me one of their uniforms, might help me out."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger sighed, and shook his head with disbelief at the strange things that were suddenly happening, "That's it, I'm fucking convinced, I've joined the mother of all circuses. Come one, come all, to see the arachnid ghost lady from beyond the grave!" he joked to himself at the absolute ridiculousness of nearly everyone around him. "Am I the only one that's not a fuckin' monster?" he quietly asked himself, as he took position near the entrance to the room they were in, and waited for the footsteps to get loud enough, so that Roger knew he could pop out, and make a quick shot to the closest target's head, and quickly retreat back under cover.

"One decided she'd become a ghost, and the other just wants to fucking run away... I'm so fucked. This is one of the worst places to die. But, if I am going to die, I'm gonna do it fighting as a man, not some kind of fucking coward."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The two men who'd been 'ordered' ahead came around the corner, not immediately spotting their quarry.

"The hell? What the fuck is this shit?"

His partner didn't get a chance to reply, Chris moved in one motion, firing his handgun and sending a single round into the partner's right eyeball, killing him instantly. This left Roger to take out his target, who was too shocked to even move, but that wouldn't last forever.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger would take a shot at the confused man, aiming for his head, and in the same motion, would lean out of cover slightly, and take a couple quick shots down the passageway where he assumed his friends supposedly were waiting, not worrying to take the time to aim his shots, lest he be shot himself.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger's first shot struck true, tearing the man's left eyeball out.

His wild shots, while they didn't strike any of the guy's companions, did convince them it might be best to take cover, and as such, Chris was able to squeeze off another round, a groan of pain heard in the hall.

"Winged him, not a kill shot. Fuck."

Now the other group returned fire, with full auto's.

"Oh that's fair. Time to even it out."

He grinned, unclipping a flash bang, but not throwing it yet, waiting to see what Sarah could do, unsure of if the flash would even blind her or not.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

All of a sudden, diving out from the ground right in front of the group, Sarah lets out an unearthy wail, enough to chill the bone marrow, some of the nearby pieces of the installation flying around, more as a scare tactic then actual harm... for now.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Three of the men let out a shout, turning and firing their weapons at Sarah. Of course being as she was a 'ghost', this had no effect.

"Motherfucker! What the fuck is that? SHIT!"

Confusion in their ranks was apparent, and Chris decided against the grenade.

"Roger, think you can hit one of them if I draw their fire?"

It was a gamble, but he was willing to take shots at him if need be.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Cackling madly, the girl suddenly starts flinging some of the debris and items at the various targets in front of her, doing her best evil creature impersination as she tries to even the numbers a bit.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I think Mrs. Hyde is already taking care of cover fire." Roger said to Chris, before leaning out of cover just a little, to take a few shots at the confused and frightened men shooting at the ghostly figure.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Two of RJ's shots struck one of the men, the first spinning him around and the second impacting into his skull.

Between that and Sarah's antics, the men had begun to panic enough that Chris saw an opening. He wouldn't miss it.

RJ would spot a single smile on Chris's face, and then he was just simply gone. He hadn't run down the hall, oh no. He actually seemed to have teleported into the group. RJ might wonder why he hadn't just done that to get the artifact and then it would hit him. Chris actually had to be able to see his target to teleport to it, which meant there was a limit to his effectiveness at times.

Chris appeared in the middle of the group, flashing in and out as he weaved in their midsts, handgun flashing until he was out of rounds.

He took out three. A quick count confirmed that their ambush had killed two, RJ had killed another with his covered fire, and Chris had just killed three more. That left six left of the group, who now, wrongly assumed him to be their largest threat and not RJ or the ghost attacking them.

While Chris probably could have struck them with his bare hands, he wasn't. This was likely due to the fact they were so closely knit together that he wasn't taking the chance of being struck by them. However this presented their backsides to RJ and Dex, giving them perfect targets.

((RJ, Lurker, feel free to do something to the remaining group, Chris is just going to be weaving about, distracting them from the REAL threats. This is what he tends to do against larger groups, dodge, avoid, evade, distract so the others can get easy kills.))


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Noting a huge pipe with a weak fitting nearby, Sarah turns her face to look at RJ, as she said quickly, telepicpy of course, "Hey, can ya blast that pipe free? think it can take them all out in one strike that way, but I can't seem to get it to budge!"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

It didn't quite hit Roger, as the director of the scene had claimed. Roger didn't even give it much thought, simply accepting the distraction without a second thought.

When the monstrous Sarah turned to Roger, the first thing on his mind was that the inhumane monster was seeking another target, and that Roger was that target. On instinct, Roger already knew that bullets would do no good should Sarah attempt to attack, and should he have to defend himself, he'd hope the element of lightning, his Tesla, would possibly effect her. But above all else, he'd evade any attack she made first, and figure out what the trick is that makes it so she can influence the world around her, yet still remain unaffected by hostile projectiles.

However, to his surprise, she was asking for assistance, using her, "telepicpy" whatever that was.

(Hehehe, I just had to jump at that misspelling. :p)

Roger blinked for a moment, confused at the giant, monstrous, ghostly, naked woman somehow speaking to him, and shook his head, "What. The. Fuck. Ever..." he said, before taking aim, and taking shots at opposite sides of the pipe, so that it might become weak enough to be torn away, before taking out his now empty clip, putting it into his ammo pouch, and taking a replacement magazine out, and sliding it into the handgun, and then chambering the first round.

"I swear to fucking god, I'm getting tired of this freak show." he thought quickly, while taking cover, and going through the process of reloading his gun. And then he waited for her to do what she, "thought" she was going to do with the pipe, while staying safely behind cover. "I'm already tired of this... I'm not going on another mission, unless I know everyone in my squad is a god damned human being! Why the fuck was I invited to this monster freak show!?! I'm not even one of them!" he exclaimed within the depths of his mind. Roger made a commitment; After this mission, he'd have a talk with the, "higher ups" of the organization, about this whole situation. And figure out exactly why they wanted him to go along, as this was a question that now, was burning in his mind. Between Chris, and his 'superman' feats, and Sarah's ability to turn into a monster, where did Roger fit in? He knew he was more human than, likely, anyone in this whole squad.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

With the object loosened, Sarah mentally threw it at the men, going to bowl as many as she could over.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She got four of them 'napping', the pipe in question having jagged ends to it that pierced into each man, if not directly killing them from the piercing, leaving them completely vulnerable to weapons fire.

However it was the other two who managed to get out of the way that Chris's eyes remained on, and he sprung into motion, hoping Sarah would finish the other four off.

A quick burst, a kick to one mans head, then a dual arm neck snap killed one, and placed him in perfect position to get the other one. He got off a lucky shot as Chris turned, a 9mm round striking into the upper arm.

Much to his shock, this didn't slow Chris down one bit, and he too ended up with his neck snapped. Chris even stopped to gather their weapons and ammo for his own squad, before turning to see if Sarah had finished off the other four, if they were even still alive from her initial hit.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Spiraling her improvised weapon, Sarah sent it flying downward onto the remaining enemies in several smashing strikes, the goal to pulverize them.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

With the others handling the situation fine by themselves, Roger decided to remain in cover, likely for the remainder of the little skirmish inside this underground cave.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She struck three of them, killing them with the blow.

Chris tended to the remaining foe, sticking the gun to his head. "Say hello to the innocents you've murdered in hell for me asshole. Burn and never find rest."

He then pulled the trigger.

After this he stood, pocketing the weaponry.

"Ok, let's get the fuck out of here before anything else shows up shall we?"