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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira reviews the video a few more times before responding, "I guess that's what happened, spider things flying out, grabbing the victims, and infecting them. Looks like they can shoot them out pretty fast and accurately too, of the four intended targets, only one missed." Akira looks up at the sky, feeling a little glad that having little combat expertise means most likely not having to deal with things like this...
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

There was a very long pause before Chris replied.

"OK, that isn't good. They've mutated or been altered to be more efficient then. No wonder our teams fell so quickly to them then. Keep your eyes open Akira, who knows how many more there may be around still."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira shrugs and waves an arm absentmindedly in the air, leaning back and staring at the sky, thinking about whether or not sunblock would've been a good idea, "That's the fighting stuff, stuff that doesn't really involve me as much, if you need me, I'll be playing with the radio, just incase, y'know, they're still using some kind of frequency that I can pick up."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"The informant's name was Julio, and the person who wrote this is some insane chick called Excella Giovone. As for coming back, I think there may be a large gathering. Going to check it out, Kevin out." he says, before stashing the radio in a pants pocket and cracking his neck as his claws unfurl from his hand into a normal set of blades, at which point he begins to move towards the direction he seems to hear the chanting from.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris let that settle for a moment, not liking it. He wasn't quite sure on the Julio person, but he DEFINITELY knew of Excella. She'd begun working with Wesker just prior to the incident that had cost him his wife. Excella was madly in love with Wesker, and would do anything for him, though Chris was sure Wesker would dispose of her once she was no longer useful.

He was about to reply when he heard Kevin mention a gathering, and decided against responding. It would be better to allow Kevin to have some semblance of cover, rather than blowing it.

Kevin quickly discovered a large gathering of villagers in one area, and something hanging over a fire. It took him a moment before he realized it was a male BSAA agent, and the villagers were cooking him for food.

Unfortunately for him, he hadn't gone unnoticed, and one of the villagers suddenly pointed at him and shouted something in African. A moment later, flaming arrows came flying at him, and no fewer than twenty villagers came racing at him, various farming weapons in their hands.

Akira found that the sun wasn't too hot just yet, but it was getting warmer out. She was lost enough in her thinking that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her until after something, or someone had grabbed her.

She was quickly spun around, and came face to face with a behemoth of a villager, who also had absolutely no clothing on at all. His eyes were dead, and she could tell he had become a host to the plaga from the thing hanging out of his mouth. Said thing suddenly split in half, and tried to envelope her entire head, while the hosts hands grappled with her to keep her still. His body was also getting a little too close, close enough that she could see everything the once human man had to offer.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira was thinking about what to eat for lunch before the man suddenly interrupted the train of thought. Letting out a scream, Akira tries to kick and shove the man off her, at the moment mostly too shock to even think of using the revolvers, suddenly noticing the man's package, "What the...?! This was not mentioned in the briefing!"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Unfortunately for Akira, the second she opened her mouth to scream, the appendage coming from the man's mouth moved in fast and filled her mouth. Cutting off her scream before it got started.

He struggles seemed to disrupt it's timing though, as it struggled for a moment to keep her in place. Then it began using the appendage to fence with her tongue. Finally, it put on a surge of strength, and shoved her over onto her backside to the ground, mounting her and lining up.

One of it's hands continued to hold her down, while the other moved down in an attempt to remove her pants. It now became evident that this THING was planning on raping her, and unless she did something, she was going to get first hand knowledge of these things in a very ... ugly way.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira lets out a muffled cry as the ground suddenly got a lot closer, disgusted and horrified at what the creature was trying to do, Akira feels the pain of landing on one of the revolvers. Remembering their existence, Akira tries to grope around for one of them, hoping to shoot it a few times, there was no way a headshot would be possible from this position, but maybe a few hits to the gut... the only problem being whether or not the revolvers could be unholstered from this position.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira found one good thing, and one bad thing.

The good news was that she was able to unholster her weapon. The bad news was, she couldn't flip off the safety with only one hand without alerting the creature!

The thing quickly made short work of her pants, flipping them to one side, and then did the same with her undergarments. Then it reared back, preparing to slam into her.

A sudden thought occurred to her. She might not be able to get the safety off with one hand, but maybe she could hit the thing hard enough to disrupt it long enough to swing her other arm over, release and then shoot? It had to be worth a try, cuz if she didn't react soon, she was going to get stuffed full of this guy!
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira looks at the safety of the gun, then at the man, and then at the other arm. While not being the strongest person in the world, there was still a little power that could be put behind a blow if done right...

Laying the arm as flat as possible, Akira flails at the arm at the man's cheek, attempting to distract him for long enough to get to the safety of the revolver and hopefully get a shot or two off.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Yawning a tad boredly, Sarah decided to try and figure out what happened to the others. "Hey Chris, I'm gonna check on Akira. She's a tough little bugger, but ya haveta admit she's not the fighting kind..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Everything went horribly wrong.

Akira's blow connected with the man, and for a moment he was off balance. Unfortunately, the damn safety got stuck at the moment she needed to release it, and the big guy recovered. With a swipe, he sent her revolver flying out of her hands, and off a hut. Then with one aggressive motion, he slammed up inside of her, stealing her breath.

Sarah exited the hut after a nod from Chris, and had only gone about twenty or so meters before she suddenly found herself being grabbed at by three nude plaga infected humans! The burning lust in their eyes gave away their intentions, and Sarah realized she was going to have to move very fast, or the three would overpower her by sheer number and mass.

Akira meanwhile found herself being roughly abused by the plaga infected human. In and out, in and out, the creature seemed almost to enjoy this. She found herself unable to do much more than buck wildly underneath him, as his full weight had her pinned. That was, at least until it suddenly let loose a groan like a zombie, and flooded her insides with something almost unbearably hot. Akira also felt what seemed to be several eggs travel up inside of her, scraping along the way.

Numbly, her mind registered with shock that the creature had actually implanted her with plaga eggs! She had no idea how long it would be before they hatched, but one thing was certain. Her attacker wasn't finished yet, not by a long shot.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira lets out a cry of surprise as her gun went flying, so many things could've gone differently, if only there was not that false lull of security which led to this, if only the damned safety hadn't gotten jammed...

The thoughts were interrupted as Akira lets out another cry, this time of a sexual nature as the infected began it's abuse, the pure force of the creature causing several gasps, ending with the uncomfortable feeling of the hot fluid streaming in, and the even worst horrible feeling of realizing what was going to happen,

In a state of shock, and panic, Akira simply lays there, the idea of eventually becoming one of those... things, and likelihood of being forced to help create even more too horrible a reality to think about...
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Seeing the plagas, one thought ran into her mind- "CHRISSSSSS! WE GOT SHITHEADS!!!!" she screamed, unslinging the shotgun and releasing shots into the creatures. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Shit!" Kevin says as he hears the African shouting, turning and sprinting back the way he had come "Chris! My cover's been blown! I've got twenty-plus infected villagers chasing me down, and they seem damn intent on killing me. Get ready for one helluva fight!" he yells into the radio, stopping only to whirl around and slice at a villager, then resume his sprint, cursing himself for not being more stealthy.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah was lucky she had been unslinging the shotgun first as she spoke, otherwise she would have been in major trouble.

She had no sooner finished her shout than suddenly the head of all three plagas opened up wide. Two of them lunged and missed, but the third managed to insert it's long tongue like digit into her mouth, in an obscene kiss.

It was promptly met with a shower of shotgun pellets to the face, and retracted just as fast from the sheer force.

Unfortunately, the three of them were now scattered, and they all converged on her from different angles. Quickly she found herself grabbed from the sides, being wrestled to the ground by their combined might ....

And then suddenly one of them simply no longer had it's upper body intact, while a second was driven back by a hard punch, followed up by a hailstorm of Assault Rifle rounds.

This left one intact for Sarah to kill, and ironically it was the same one that had just tried to kiss her. Chris meanwhile was snapping the second one in half.

Akira in the meantime found herself being continually abused by her attacker, though now she could hear the sudden gunfire not far away. The creature had removed it's tongue from her mouth now, so perhaps she could get off a call for help before it could stop her?
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira starts to scream loudly as loud gunfire fills the air, it was probably... Chris, and that girl with a lot of guns, they would be able to help, hopefully... "H...Help! Over here!" Starting to squirm around wildly, hoping to get at the other revolver and perhaps have better luck with that one...
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris started to reply to Kevin when he heard Akira's voice.


Quickly he shouted out.

"Regina, Clara, go help him. Give her the Glock Regina, she needs a weapon. Everyone else wait here. Shit, we should never have split up into single people!"

Mentally he was kicking himself in the rear for letting two of his people go off alone like that, it was a rookie mistake that HE shouldn't have made.

He bounded around one of the corners and staggered to a stop when he saw Akira's predicament.

Never before had he seen a plaga infected host do this. Hell, he'd never even HEARD of anything like this. What bothered him now was the possibility that it could infect her or worse like this.

Mind made up, he moved over and yanked the thing off of her. Instantly it reared open it's face and roared at him. Raising an eyebrow, he relieved the beast of it's entire head, ripping it off the shoulders and throwing it and the body away.

Then he knelt down by Akira.

"God, how bad did that thing hurt you?"

Kevin found that the group of villagers was gaining on him, and just when it looked like impossible odds ....


A shot rang out and exploded one's head. The rest looked about unsure of what had happened, and suddenly more shots rang out. A second later, Kevin could see Regina and the new girl Clara firing weaponry into the crowd, dropping some like flies. A few survived, but they were a broken line now, and easily pickable.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira shivers while watching the thing on top of her move around, then suddenly die as Chris finished it off, shivering, the eggs, that was the important part, Chris needed to know about the eggs, but then Akira pauses, realizing that if the eggs caused infection, then well...

Akira looks at the creature that was now dead, it's head lolling off in the distance, thinking that that was most likely going to be the solution to the infection, "I...it just raped me. That's all... my safety jammed so it managed to get my weapon away from me before I could open fire..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris shook his head.

"How the hell did the safety jam? I checked those before we left. Must be the heat ..."

Another shake of the head and he looked back at her.

"Your sure your ok? I've never heard of one of these things sexually attacking an uninfected person, that isn't their method of infection. Force feeding a plaga yes, but if this one only raped you then something has altered them. I wonder if it was trying to make more immature plagas through you in order for them to cause an infection, or to birth from you to infect more people?"

He hesitated a moment as he got her clothes for her, then turned half red before asking her something.

"Ah, Akira, I uh ... I don't mean to belittle what just happened or make things worse for you but ... that thing didn't finish did it?"

He seemed a tad uncomfortable asking that.