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ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael looks down at the elevator beneath his feet, then back up to the U9 samples trying to kill him, wondering how he managed to muster the strength to overcome them, then chuckling as he aims all four of his tentacles at the U9 to his right, intending to impale it.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sam quickly pulls herself onto the floor, reaching out towards the others with one hand as she strains, a little less shaky now, "C...c'mon! Let's get out of here! Hurry up!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Having expended the last of her air in that attempt to hum and with the tentacle around her throat tightening, Sens vision starts to go dark and blurry as she begins to pass out from lack of oxygen. At this point, her body starts going limp and she loses the ability to feel anything that is happening to her as her body starts shutting down.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sandy squirmed, the human on top of her not helping her perdicament as she tried to squirm out from under her, the tendrils on her making her whine slightly at the touch...


As Sarah is dragged roughly about, she yelps and whines, her legs kicking feebly as she feels it rub at her. "N-NO! GET OFF ME YOU FILTHY BEAST!!!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

As the girls clambour out of the elevator and back into the corridors the elevator lurches downward suddenly, a metallic twisting sound can be heard before it starts to plummet down, its speed getting faster and faster as it descends. The girls are alone in the corridor, though only for a second as the other Licker's tongue shoots out of the elevator doorway and coils around Lila and climbs into the corridor with them.

The tentacles spear through the U-9, it lets out a loud cry for a moment before its own tentacles hang lifeless and limb, uncoiling from around Michael. Though as the elevator drops down the U-9 he impaled flies off Michaels tentacles and bounces around the elevator shaft until its many limbs become tangled up in the machinery. The other U-9 now seems to be apprehensive about attacking Michael further.


Seeing Sen at the point of almost passing out and taking it to mean that her Siren ability has ended the tentacle around her neck loosens until it is merely draping over her shoulders. The other tentacles continue to explore her body, teasing her breasts and stomach as well as moving down to between her legs, caressing her mound and moving under to fondle her ass as well. A noise could be heard getting closer and closer, and soon a sillouhette of a beast walking on all fours can be seen in the mist.

The tentacles continue to assault Sandy, the one in her mouth thrusting in and out of her in fast, sharp movements until it finally reaches its climax and ejaculates in her mouth, pumping its seed down her throat as well as filling her mouth. The tentacle pulls out of her mouth and shoots several more ropes over her face, some of it splattering on Sen's ass in the process.


The Alpha ignores Sarah's comment and thrusts into her, its full length piercing her with the first thrust. The Wolf thrusts in and out of her, pushing its full length into her with each thrust, its claws digging into Sarah's shoulders.

Lying on the floor in the shadow of a doorway Karen would see a semi-automatic machine gun which was already fully loaded, the owner of it can be seen in pieces further in the room.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Michael watches the U9n sample fall limp, then turns his attention to the other one "Care to join your friend?" he says, tilting his head to the right and smirking, then bringing all four of his tentacles to point at the sample, ready to move should it choose to attack him, slowly lowering himself into a crouch to absorb any shock that may hit him from the elevator stopping.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Karen picks up the machine gun ad though she has had no experience with firearms or violence of any kind, in her heart she knows must do the best she can to either scare off or eliminate some of the wolves attacking the poor woman in front of her. She steadies the gun as best as she can towards the Alpha male, the one on top of and violating the woman, hoping to hurt or kill it and not harm the innocent victim underneath.
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Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila looks down at the tongue as it coils around her soft body. She looks to it in a state of panic as she is taken to the corridor.

"Kyah! Assistance!!!! Hnnnngh!!!!! I-I am caught!"

Lila actively squirms around as hard as she can, then she finds only one option. She takes the tongue and tries to bite it.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Coughing loudly, Sandy spat out some of the icky goo the monster spashed at her, shaking her head as she feels the pleasure growing anyway...



She screams as the beast dives into her, struggling at the animal's savage thrusting inside her, limbs flexing and twitching as she tries to get free of it.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Shuddering at the sound of tortured metal, Suzy turns round to see Lila grabbed. "No! Hang on Lila!" Suzy yells, before sprinting back and reaching out for Lila's hand, pointing over the small girls shoulder to fire at the final Licker, growling angrily at it.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Again Michael manages to hit the U-9 square in its 'chest', the speed of the elevator literally tears the monster upwards, its lifeless body slicing in two. The elevator picks up more and more speed until finally it hits the floor, a resounding metallic crunching sound can be heard echoing up the elevator shaft

((Take it to PM's now, Burr, name the PM 'ULMFD Continuation'.))


The Licker lets out a roar of pain as Lila sinks her teeth into the beasts tongue, and with a howl it loosens its grip on Lila as Suzy fires a bullet directly into its brain. The monster then falls backwards down the elevator shaft as a metallic crunching sound can be heard coming from deep within the shaft.


Sen and Sandy would soon realise that the tentacles had no intentions of letting them go too soon, and suddenly they'd both feel each of their holes being pistoned in and out of by the tentacles.

After a while, which would feel like an eternity to the girls as the tentacles penetrated them, filling and covering them over and over again with their seed, the tentacles slowly pulled back, seemingly warn out from their unrelended assault on the girls bodies'. The tentacles loosened from the girls, to the point that it may be possible to break free from them.


As Karen took aim at the Alpha Wolf and fired one of the smaller Wolves turned and jumped in the way of the gunfire, taking the bullets and dropping dead on the floor. This alerted the rest of the wolves, two of them broke from the circle and lowered their bodies close to the ground, growling threateningly at Karen. Without hesitation the two of them lunge at her.

The Alpha Wolf continues to rape Sarah, its member pushing in so far that the tip of it pierces into her womb. Sarah would feel a swelling inside her, just inside of her vagina, as the Wolf's knot begins to swell up.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"AH! NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Karen yells out she continues to fire, hoping to take her attackers out before the beasts can rape her, not wanting her first time to be with animals; especially not disgusting, drooling beasts like these wolves.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Huh. Those things aren't that tough." Suzy remarks, cautiously walking over to the elevator door and peeking down the shaft, before turning back and walking to Lila. "Lila? You alright? I think we need to find someplace else to go. We aren't getting back down there." Turning this time to Sam, she continues, "Although I don't think we've talked properly yet. If we're gonna be working together, I should at least know your name. I'm Suzy." she concludes, gesturing at herself as she finishes.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila nods, then gets up to Suzy, looking to Sam. She stays quiet and idly brushes the moisture from the mutant's tongue off her body. She looks to Sam, looking directly into her eyes. She stays silent, just staring at them. As is custom to 'add data to the brain' out of habit. She then speaks.

"My name is Lila M-3210. But since I am a human, you may call me Lila, instead of my model number, 'Baby', or 'Stupid Robot' like my previous owner so adressed me as a long time ago."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Driven to orgasm again and again, Sandy had collapsed on the floor, though with the tendril's relaxation, her claws slid out again, as she tried to roll the scientist off her and claw out some of the tendrils away from her!


"W-what the-AAH! NGH! GET IT OUTTA MEEEE!!!" Sarah squeals, noting the beast's swelling. There's no way she wanted it still in her when it finished! With the wolves that had grabbed her running off to the intruder, she balls her fists and tries to beat the beast off of her.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

As the vines finally slacken slightly, Sen tries once again to use her legs to lever herself free. The only noises she makes during the process being a series of musical grunts as the serum she took earlier has seemed to have worn off yet.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Before Sam has the chance to reply to either of them a long appendage flies over the edge of the elevator shaft and grabs onto Suzy's leg. The sudden pull would most likely slam her to the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of her. A loud snarling sound can be heard, and a moment later the Licker that Suzy had shot off Lila climbs up the side of the shaft, blood trickling down the wound.


Sen seems to make some progress with removing the tentacles from around her, though as she sings her voice quickly reverts back to normal, the serum having finally worn off.

That is until Sandy throws Sen off of her, several of the tentacles slicing into pieces as she attacks them.


Again, the shots all hit the wolves, one dropping dead the other one seriously injured but not killed yet. Now noticing Karen as a major threat to their pack leader the remaining wolves break from the group and draw their attention to her. Growling, they all rush at her.

The Alpha Wolf lets out a howl in pain as Sarah's fists connect with him, though this only make it more angry. It climbs off her, its penis still in her due to its knot swollen in her, it then makes to drag her off elsewhere so that it might not be disturbed any more.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sam lets out a scream of surprise and runs forward, scrambling to hold onto Suzy, gripping her arm tightly, "O..oh god..."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila squeaks loudly as she looks around this activity. She shivers a bit as her eyes accidently cach sight of the bright glowing eyes of the licker.

"... I have no form of self defense...."

She backs up as she keeps her gaze to the licker, calmly backing up.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Falling to the floor, Suzy yelps and throws out her arms to break her fall, though she ends up flat on her back nonetheless. Gasping slightly for breath, she pulls against it, kicking at the appendage with her free leg, trying and failing to hold her gun steady to shoot it, missing badly. "'Not so tough'... eh? Famous... last words..." She grunts, before turning to Sam on her arm, continuing "I can't... Shoot it..." she is interrupted by a brief coughing fit, "Care to... finish the job?" she finishes, proffering the grip of the pistol to Sam while trying to find a nice crack in the floor to get her fingers into, currently oblivious to Lila's retreat.