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Re: Hate Thread

My actual hate is, of course, the segments of the feminist community who pull shit like this. It actually is, regardless of what they say, possible to use a word without meaning EVERY SINGLE ONE of its possible meanings. In summary, intention matters, and I doubt that Gaiman intended his use of the word to be offensive women in general, or insensitive to women who have been through that in particular.

In related notes, I keep hearing guys go on about how women don't like the word "cunt", and yet me and some of my friends use it all the damn time. We also say bitch.

This fucking cunt, who also happens to be a bitch (in whatever definition you decide to use) is just trying to start shit. I remember a day when feminists were going for equality, not trying to make women more than human. Fuck they are out of their minds.

Besides... I like Neil Gaiman.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck you, Lesser Health Poultice. When I needed you the most, you decided to gray out and not work, even though I had 3 left.
Fuck you, Dragon Age: Origins, for forcing me to resurrect my OCD game-saving ways, because you can't be arsed to put a checkpoint anywhere near where it would be helpful.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck you, Lesser Health Poultice. When I needed you the most, you decided to gray out and not work, even though I had 3 left.
Fuck you, Dragon Age: Origins, for forcing me to resurrect my OCD game-saving ways, because you can't be arsed to put a checkpoint anywhere near where it would be helpful.

Lol. Divinity II was worse for that. Autosaving lulls me into a false sense of security, and Divinity II only put them in very very specific spots. You could go through a handful of quests and still not have an autosave... and when you die, there goes two hours of play down the shitter.

Moral: Save often in RPGs.

Fuckin autosave
Re: Hate Thread

I remember experiencing something similar in Morrowind a couple times.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh god, I save like a motherfucker when I'm playing Oblivion. In two hours of game play I normally save up to about 30-40 times.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate saving in games, of course that makes me have to replay things sometimes. I still don't like to do it though.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck you, Dragon Age: Origins, for forcing me to resurrect my OCD game-saving ways, because you can't be arsed to put a checkpoint anywhere near where it would be helpful.

Hmmm. Noted. Thanks.

Lol. Divinity II was worse for that. Autosaving lulls me into a false sense of security, and Divinity II only put them in very very specific spots. You could go through a handful of quests and still not have an autosave... and when you die, there goes two hours of play down the shitter.

Moral: Save often in RPGs.

Fuckin autosave

In the immortal words of Freddy Pharkas: Save early, save often. You shot yourself, fool.

Oh god, I save like a motherfucker when I'm playing Oblivion. In two hours of game play I normally save up to about 30-40 times.

Sounds like me. Finish a fight, quicksave. Wander three screens, quicksave. Plan to rest, quicksave. Finish resting...you get the idea. Bless Bioware and that lovely little "Q" button.
Re: Hate Thread

As there was no proper quicksave button on the 360 I couldn't do that. Oblivion did autosave whenever I went to rest, or quick travel. Which was nice.
Re: Hate Thread

I tend to lapse between save states. Sometime I save every 5-15 seconds, sometimes I save every 5-15 minutes, and sometimes I only save every 3-5 hours. It just varies, no pattern or preference. Lol, thing is though when I save often I always die, but when I don't save I rarely die... so I guess it works.

Then again, I ussually play on a relatively low difficulty too so..
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that previously interesting and powerful mythological beings in popular culture are swiftly conglomerating into two different generic stereotypical monsters that share nothing with established mythos regarding them and devolve them into clearly inferior and completely boring move monsters.

Type 1: The "Twilight Vampire" Syndrome: Been applied mostly to vampires but is starting to slip into other creatures like angels and demons (I'm looking at you Supernatural.) The scene kid that pretends to be a powerful immortal creature of the night but really just whines all the time and has bad hair.

Type 2: The "Super Zombie" Syndrome: Started after the Dawn of the Dead remake and 28 Days Later let zombies run. Been used on Angels (Legion,) Vampires (30 Days of Night,) and Demons. Granted, the last one has been happening for a while, but still, it's pathetic. When I can conceivably exchange someone possessed by an angel from heaven, or a vampire whos supposedly been around for centuries, with any generic zombie from a zombie movie of your choice, that's pathetic.

It certainly doesn't help that the stories used to present these generic versions of previously powerful creatures all suck horribly. I'm not talking about the two zombie movies of course, DotD and 28DL were both great movies, but Twilight (the movies or the books,) the Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Legion, and 30 Days of Night (the movie, can't speak for the comic,) are all terrible.

End Rant.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh god, I fucking hate autosaving. Pisses me off so much. Oh look, I'll pop onto one of my other saves for a while, oh shit you've autosaved and the last time I saved properly on one of my other saves was ass-ages back and the most current save was on that autosave you just saved over.


Yes, this is the reason why I save like everything will kill me. That and games crashing. And electrical problems. My god the amount of times I had to redo the first boss on FF5 just because the electric kept cutting out, fucking pissed me the hell off.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh god, I fucking hate autosaving. Pisses me off so much. Oh look, I'll pop onto one of my other saves for a while, oh shit you've autosaved and the last time I saved properly on one of my other saves was ass-ages back and the most current save was on that autosave you just saved over.


Yes, this is the reason why I save like everything will kill me. That and games crashing. And electrical problems. My god the amount of times I had to redo the first boss on FF5 just because the electric kept cutting out, fucking pissed me the hell off.

That's one of the reasons why I like having a laptop.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm sorry Tassadar, but what was wrong with 30 Days of Night? Someone tries to make vampires vicious and less... "sparkly". I don't see how they can be so easily replaced with zombies. Sure they ran, sure they tore people apart, but they drank blood, they planned, they communicated in a language that is dead to us.

I see that vampires and zombies are so very close, both being undead feeding off the living. But I don't think the vampires in 30 Days of Night are so easily switched with zombies just because they can run about. Also, 30 Days of Night was originally published in 2002. Taken, that's around the same time as 28 Days Later, but still I don't think Steve Niles borrowed too much from that movie.
Re: Hate Thread

Again, I hate unfinished series. So, thanks to a recent new dragon on the cave game, it started a discussion about the old Disney's Gargoyles cartoon, which, though the TV series was never finished, they did in comic book form (much like Buffy's doing now.) Problem is, some of *that* didn't get finished either because (and I find a great amount of irony in this) Disney and Marvel had, in short, a falling out. Imagine my glee when I find books 1-4 of the spin-off series of comics at my local shop during the club member sale, which I promptly buy in a fit of nostalgia. I get home, read all four, and the story isn't done. Now, I expected this. So I poke about for further books in the series only to find out that 1-4 is as far as they go. If you want to read the rest of the story, you need to hunt down the Graphic Novel they put out, which includes the first four and two previously unpublished comics that conclude the story. Graaah! They did that one one of my mangas I read, too. "Destiny's Hand Omnibus!" Well, hell, I already have books 1 and 2 why would I want..."Includes never released volume 3!" Well, fuck! Hate when good stories come to a screeching halt! At least I got to read the end of that one.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate? People that absolutely FLOOD our hentai games forum with the most insignificant, vanilla, dime-a-dozen games.

On that account, I absolutely hate insignificant, vanilla, dime-a-dozen games. How many of those ARE there? Throw some tentacles or some futa in there, sure. But why would anybody need these many high school virtual novels with absolutely NOTHING INTERESTING in there? Hey, it's generic blue-haired chick #237! Whoop-de-fucking-doo. Go die in a corner and take the "man inherits house with a load of hot chicks in it" games with you. Fuck your uninteresting ass. Fuck it with a rake.
Re: Hate Thread

Which end of the rake though?