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Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
(If there's still interest in this game :x)

Basic Story (Will be written in more detail):

Earth basically becomes inhabitable, so an ark of sorts is built, and all the remaining humans piled onto it to take off in search of a new inhabitable planet.

After several generation of arks, including several being cobbled together out of synthetically produced parts and various mined resources, you, the players, are part of one of the branch arks, a group of people who decided to leave the main fleet and attempt to make it on their own towards a possibly inhabitable planet. Currently, the ark, on relatively low fuel, is in orbit around the planet, scanners picking up several possibly drop pod locations, and more disturbingly, what appears to be the remains of another ark...

Premise: The players themselves are either civilians or military. The difference is that most civilian travelers onto the planet will be explorers, journalists, freelancers or treasure hunters. Military will be strictly militaristic missions, with only as much resources as you can squeeze out of the barracks. Technology is mostly futuristic with the pew pew lasers and to an extent, bipedal humanoid robots. The ark itself is the size of a small city, with the comforts of a metropolis ie: shops, arcades, restaurants, schools, etc.

Character Creation:
You have 25 stat points and 18 character points, stat points are used for stats, character points will be explained later:

Strength - How hard you can hit, primary stat for melee
Dexterity - How well can you aim, primary stat for range
Intelligence - How well can you think, primary stat for psionics
Constitution - How durable are you

Each stat starts at 5, and the following point buy system will be used:
6 - 11 each costs one point
12 and 13 each costs 2 points
14 and 15 each costs 3 points

Or use this table:
6 - 1 points
7 - 2 points
8 - 3 points
9 - 4 points
10 - 5 points
11 - 6 points
12 - 8 points
13 - 10 points
14 - 13 points
15 - 16 points

Character points are used to build up your character, they can be used as stat points at a 2 to 1 rate (2 char pts = 1 stat pt), or spent on the following skills:

Use similar point buy system, except everything starts at 0, if you cannot figure out how much something costs, here is the table:
1 - 1 points
2 - 2 points
3 - 3 points
4 - 4 points
5 - 5 points
6 - 6 points
7 - 8 points
8 - 10 points
9 - 13 points
10 - 16 points

Raises the likelihood of an awakening (See Awakening)

Raises character proficiency with ballistic weapons

How good is the character with their fists or improvised weapons

What kind of aura the character projects when they're talking to someone, the higher it is, the higher the chance you have to convince someone to do something.

Character proficiency with being able to move vertically up some kind of object, used mostly if under pressure or if climbing the surface normally is difficult

How well can your character squirm out of situations, well, physical ones anyway.

Energy Weapons:
Character proficiency with guns that fire non-ballistic projectiles

How well a character can gamble, includes general knowledge of strategies as well as less legal methods of winning...

General Knowledge
How much a character knows in general, can be used to obtain additional information about a situation

Proficiency of character in wrestling

How well can the character hide, of course, in order to hide, there must be something to hide behind...

How well a character can jump a distance

How well a character can pick up, and identify sounds

How well a character can swing a weapon, generally applies to weapons that are meant to be used in combat

How well a character can pilot a machine, be it a ship or a robot or even the ark itself

How strong the character's general resistances are, as well as how well they can fight back if something attempts to rape them

How well can the character handle technology, generally more used for things that are not covered by other technology related skills

Generally, there aren't that big of a differences for now in classes, mostly what kind of missions you get and starting equipment:

Average Jane or Joe who decides to go onto the planet for some fun, shenanigans, research, or some other reason:
Starting Equipment:
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + str/2)
1 Handgun (1d8 + dex/4, may cause bleeding) or 1 Beam Spray (1d4 + dex/4, ignores def) or 1 Folding Blade (1d8 + str/2)
1 Hunting Rifle (2d6 + dex/4) or 1 Shotgun (3d4 + dex/4) or 1 Telescopic Lance (1d12 + str/2)
1 Junker (100 Armor, Basic Mech, Punch 1d20 + piloting)
1 Light Body Armor (3 defense)

Basic soldier, less choice of missions, sometimes less reward, but much easier to get equipment:
Starting Equipment:
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + str/2)
1 Handgun (1d8 + dex/4) or 1 Beam Spray (1d4 + dex/4, ignores def) or 1 Folding Blade (1d8 + str/2)
1 Hunting Rifle (2d6 + dex/4) or 1 Shotgun (3d4 + dex/4) or 1 Telescopic Lance (1d12 + str/2) or 1 Prismatic Spray (3d2 + dex/4, ignores def)
1 Scout (150 Armor, Basic Mech, Punch 1d20 + piloting, Vulcan 4d4 + dex/4) or Tank (200 Armor, Basic Mech, Punch 1d25 + piloting)
1 Light Body Armor (3 defense)

A slightly different kind of normal person, one that, for the most part, seems to be able to do funky things with their mind, generally ostracized by public and must be registered to the ark authorities, can take civilian missions, but generally pay will mysteriously be lower:
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + str/2)
1 Handgun (1d8 + dex/4, may cause bleeding) or 1 Beam Spray (1d4 + dex/4, ignores def) or 1 Folding Blade (1d8 + str/2)
2 Psion Powers
1 Junker (100 Armor, Basic Mech, Punch 1d20 + piloting)
1 Light Body Armor (3 defense)

Artificial Psion:
The ark's response to the discovery of psions. In an attempt to ensure that they will have upper hand if the psions ever revolted, artificially created ones were born in the lab. Not as horribly ostracized by public, but tend to be a little unstable, will receive Military missions...
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + str/2)
1 Handgun (1d8 + dex/4) or 1 Beam Spray (1d4 + dex/4, ignores def) or 1 Folding Blade (1d8 + str/2)
2 Psion Powers
1 Psion Scout(100 Armor, Basic Mech, Bit 1d5 + piloting, ignores def)
1 Light Body Armor (3 defense)

An awakening is the trigger for a character to suddenly pull off random bullshit, generally either in the form of smashing an enemy with some kind of powerful attack, or succeeding extremely well in some task. I will notify the player when they have an awakening, and then they can either choose to write up their own, or I will write it for them. Simply reaching the trigger though is not enough, the character must succeed on a Awakening + Trigger modifier (to be determined by how strong of a trigger condition there exists) in order to reach this state.

The trigger is up to the player, and can be anything from a strong emotion to some kind of lucky charm. Note that the more a player reaches awakening, the harder the next one will be (mostly to prevent abuse of the system)

Most mechs stand at an average of about 8 to 10 ft tall, and act like an exoskeleton, allowing the characters to travel around above ground areas, and some underground areas. If a mech is destroyed, it must be replaced. All weapons that the character can use can also be used by the mech, whereas the damage of the weapon gets an additional + piloting to damage.

Your standard ball of psion energy, deals (1d6 + Int/3)

Dancing Sword:
Throw a weapon (range or melee), and operate it from a distance, must maintain line of sight, and must concentrate. If attacked while the weapon is being focused on, the weapon may fall, higher int improves chance of maintaining a hold.

Attempt to blast a target with lightning, the lightning will then attempt to travel to the next closest enemy deals (1d4 + int/3, then the same damage minus 2 for each jump)

Attempt to paralyze a target, rolls int vs str or dex or int.

Attempt to simply shove the target away, like throw, but can instead move up to Int x 5

Attempt to read a target's thoughts, target gets to attempt to resist if they know their thoughts are being read somehow

Picks up an object, or attempts to, and tosses it, most heavy object usable is determined by Int x 4
I think that's everything for now, if I forgot something, then I'll regret it later :D

Race (mostly for RP flavor):
Equipment: (Don't list your mech here)


HP: Vit + (Highest stat)/2
Awakening Trigger: (I will PM you if I believe your chosen trigger is inappropriate for this setting)

Backstory: (Optional, but suggested)

Mech: (List your mech, if you have one, here)

Do you want sexual content for this character: Y/N
If Y, list fetishes:
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Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Interest. Reading spoilered stuff now.
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Interest here too. If we have fetishes sexual content will it show up in the RP or is it something we need to write?
Name: J1N-32R-667 AKA Jen
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Flawed Artificial Human
Class: Artificial Psion
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + str/2)
1 Beam Spray (1d4 + dex/4, ignores def)
1 Light Body Armor (3 defense)

Awakening: 4
Escaping: 4
Listening: 3
Piloting: 3
Resist: 4

Psion Powers
Telepathic: Attempt to read a target's thoughts, target gets to attempt to resist if they know their thoughts are being read somehow
Throw: Picks up an object, or attempts to, and tosses it, most heavy object usable is determined by Int x 4

Intelligence: 15
Awakening Trigger: Character reaches 0 hp, usable once per 12hours.

Description: Jen is a short, slight woman with shoulder length brown hair. Having been originally created in a lab as an artificial psion, Jen was unfortunate enough to have had an error in her creation. Because of this error, her left eye is solid, slightly glowing blue with several glowing, blue cracks running out along her skin from it with the longest being almost two inches straight down her cheek and resembling jagged line of blue tears as though she were crying. Her right eye is normal, however, with a brown iris. Typically, she is seen wearing a loose, diaphanous, blue shirt and pants with her standard armored vest and shorts over it. She also tends to where a simple black eye patch to hide her left eye, even though she can see normally out of the eye when she isn't wearing the eye patch, as people tend to react badly to seeing her eye.

Bio: Like all artificial psions, Jen was created in a lab. In fact, she wasn't even given a real name. Someone just started trying to pronounce the first 3 symbols of her production label and it stuck as her name. Jen was raised with most other artificial psions in a military run orphanage and then boarding school until she was deemed old enough to start doing basic jobs for them at the age of 15. Most of her tasks involved simple messenger duties, or tasks to retrieve items from low danger areas given the lack of any truly aggressive powers on her part. However, to the delight of a few scientists and military personnel, Jen isn't that unstable either. In fact, her main mental problem lies in the fact that she won't talk. It isn't that she can't, she just won't except for rarely, seemingly unrelated occasions. Off course, the few times she speaks, she doesn't always make sense (Like walking up to a random soldier when his squad was assembling and telling him 'Pinapple' before walking away), so she might have other issues that aren't readily apparent. However, due to her lack of dangerous personality quirks and her natural close lipped nature, Jen has managed to gain a slightly higher level of clearance than most artificial psions and thus will sometimes go on missions that deal with things of a slightly more sensitive nature that usual. An example of such a mission would be when she is tasked to retrieve documents or photos that a rogue element is using to blackmail an official or ranking officer. The only mental problem that ever causes much alarm, however, for her superiors is the fact that she always bursts into laughter when given a weapon which fires projectiles. As such, all of her offensive gear is limited to melee or laser based technologies.

1 Psion Scout(100 Armor, Basic Mech, Bit 1d5 + piloting, ignores def)

Do you want sexual content for this character: Y
If Y, list fetishes: Tentacles and egglaying (Contents of fetish list subject to spontaneously increase)
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Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

...fuck, that's what I forgot, HP and psion powers, gimme a sec >_>
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Well, at least you realized it within the hour. I wasn't sure if we would have to have a PM conference with you to create them or something of the like.
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Name: Juni
Age: 21
Race (mostly for RP flavor):Human
Class: Civilian
Equipment: (Don't list your mech here)
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + str/2)
1 Handgun (1d8 + dex/4, may cause bleeding)
1 Telescopic Lance (1d12+Str/2)
1 Light Body Armor 3 defense
Awakening 3
Ballistics 3
Resist 4
Brawling 4
Grappling 4

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 8
Vitality: 9
HP: 12
Awakening Trigger: Reaching Orgasm (once every 12 hours)

Backstory: In works


Mech: 1 junker (100 Armor, Basic Mech, Punch 1d20 + piloting)

Do you want sexual content for this character: Y
If Y, list fetishes: Everything except for guro, bestiality and loli.
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Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

I have another idea to make a character with Hell Knight Ingrid (Dark Knight Ingrid) for her description but I can't find any good pics, also I think I will be editing my las post somewhat.
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Just curious: is there a reason you have the same stats as Jen, including the massive intelligence?
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

no. except i was wanting to go for a smart character. I think I'll change it though.
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

I'm just saying, you seemingly maxed out intelligence for no apparent reason. I maxed out Jen's intelligence as she's essentially a lab bred human designed with an innately high intelligence to use her psionic abilities with.
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Not to say you couldn't be smart, but average intelligence is probably 11, so anything above that is smarter than usual.
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

I'm still interested, however, I won't be able to fill out anything tonight.

Tomorrow love, I promise. *pat pat* AND AWAAAAAaaaaay
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Name: Julia
Gender: Female
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + str/2)
1 Handgun (1d8 + dex/4, may cause bleeding)
1 Telescopic Lance (1d12+Str/2)
1 Light Body Armor 3 defense

General Knowledge:5
Gambling:1 (She can bluff like a pro.)

Awakening trigger: Getting furious. (she's very cool headed so she rarely gets postal level angry)

Backstory: Julia is an adventurous journalist from Earth who tries to find the most exciting stories to cover and document to the point of having a special camera built into her glasses so she can litterally take pictures of anything she sees. She's no stranger to life threatening risks having covered several of the wars that reduced the earth to it's current sad shape from the front lines and keeps herself in a respectable shape for a person who makes their living writing and taking pictures. Now aboard the ark she's chomping at the bit to explore the new world below no matter what awaits.


Mech: Junker (100 Armor, Basic Mech, Punch 1d20 + piloting)

Do you want sexual content for this character: Y
If Y, list fetishes: Tentacles, plants, bondage, sticky stuff, and just to be wierd and stand out, snakes.
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Well, showed interest before, and I'm willing to give a sci-fi game a shot. Not sure how good I'll be with this, but giving it a go. And I'm breaking with the "J" names. Sheesh!

Okay, confused. You said that the Skills are the same "except everything starts at 0." Does that mean that our Stats start at 5? (Given that the buy up starts at 6?) I don't see anything that states to the contrary. Will finish Lu out once I have that answered.

Name: Lucy "Lucky" Monroe
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Military
1 Hunting Knife (1d6 + 6)
1 Handgun (1d8 + 3)
1 Prismatic Spray (3d2 + 3, ignores def)
1 Light Body Armor (3 defense)

Awakening - 2
Ballistics - 2
Brawling - 2
Energy Weapons - 2
General Knowledge - 2
Melee - 2
Piloting - 2
Resist - 2
Technology - 2

HP: 17
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 12
Intelligence: 8
Vitality: 11
Awakening Trigger: Great-grandfather's medal - Lucy sees this as her lucky charm and always has it with her. Whenever she needs to pull off something with insane odds (an insanely tricky shot, a heavily mis-matched fight, charging a bunker, etc.) she rubs it three times with her thumb. Naturally, she needs to be prepared for whatever it is she's doing.

Lucy stands 5'6" and is of trim to average weight, thanks to her military training and routine. She keeps her black hair cut short but not to the point of being a buzz-cut. She just doesn't like having it at a length were someone can grip on to it. Her eyes are black and she usually wears some sort of shades, be they glasses or visor, when she's in a non-ark environment. Dress is either military uniform/mission appropriate gear or when in "civvies," she usually wears a tank top covered by a many-pocketed vest, cargo pants, and boots.

Backstory: Following in the family footsteps, Lucy enlisted in the military early on and found herself almost immediately caught up in the conflicts that lead to Earth needing the arks. And being in the military, it only stood to reason she went along with them to help keep the civilians and other personnel safe while they're out searching for a new home. She's an averge soldier, but for some reason, seems to have a bit more going for her than normal, hence how she earned her nickname.

1 Scout (150 Armor, Basic Mech, Punch 1d20 + 2, Vulcan 4d4 + 3) - Lucy calls it Monstro.

Do you want sexual content for this character: Y
If Y, list fetishes: Bondage, multiple partners, having her breasts played with (up to and including tit-fucking.)
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Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

Judging by the buy chart, which states that it takes 1 point to go to level 6 in a stat, you can either assume a) that all stats start at 5, or B) all stats start at 0, but the first point gets you from 0 to 6 and just spend at least 1 point in each stat so they are at least six.

Yes, it's better safe than sorry to ask, but option B amuses me, so I had to take this opportunity to say it.

(I thought the same thing until I looked at the table at the bottom of the 'stats points' spoiler)
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

still interested will place a character sheet here after some time. plus where does the info on mechs come from that i see people posting?
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

It's a class item.

Also, since I can't stop myself:

Prismatic Spray (3d2 + dex/4, ignores def)

I think you may have gotten the effects of Prismatic Spray wrong... The effects of a prismatic spray are
Re: Space Ark Plymouth Signup

It might be like, face melting pepper spray. "No means no!"