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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

It was mainly the embarking into my navy thing that bothered me. Like, I think the AI had made a plan to escort them because there was an enemy ship a couple turns away, but decided to embark before help arrived anyways.

Well, that and their general carelessness with archers and siege units. My cavalry always has a ton of promotions from hunting down completely unsupported archers and siege.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah... they usually had their artillery supported when I played. Maybe it's just that civ's AI?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

? I don't think the individual civs have that much difference AI wise. Just tendencies towards being more or less aggressive and building certain units. Like, I know Egypt likes to mass their special chariots earlygame if they can get horses, but I don't think being Egypt impacts their decision making with those chariots once they are on the field.

When I play, they always charge my units with their melee and have their archers kind of around behind it, or charge the archers right up with the melee. I have never seen them leave a melee unit back with the archers to ward off cavalry, and the melee is usually too wounded from charging me to hunt down the cavalry. Maybe it's that I like playing as Greece who has really good early cavalry that makes it noticeable?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's possible. I think I never noticed it because I didn't get horses until after I took out Egypt.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Duke Nukem Forever finally has a playable demo and was shown off with live gameplay:

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Duke Nukem Forever finally has a playable demo and was shown off with live gameplay:

Re: Games Discussion Thread

This game is not going to live up to expectations by far. It's developing a "Too Human" complex.

Of course I could be wrong. But I'll wait and see, for now I don't expect much.

I suppose I also shouldn't bother looking for any decent female characters that go beyond "She's got nice tits" either.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

This game is not going to live up to expectations by far. It's developing a "Too Human" complex.

Of course I could be wrong. But I'll wait and see, for now I don't expect much.

I suppose I also shouldn't bother looking for any decent female characters that go beyond "She's got nice tits" either.

I mainly know it for it's history of Development Hell. I never played Duke Nukem 64, so I guess some of the nostalgia is lost on me. I've heard the soundbytes and theme song, but the only Duke game I played was a demo of an old futuristic sidescroller, think it was Duke II or something. It was like only the first ten levels, part of a DOS package I think. This is back when I was 10 so I don't remember perfectly, a friend loaded it on my computer (alongside Wacky Wheels and a bunch of other random shite).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I thought it was pretty funny how his life bar was his 'ego.' Makes it seem like embarrassing him is the only way to really kill him.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This game is not going to live up to expectations by far. It's developing a "Too Human" complex.

Of course I could be wrong. But I'll wait and see, for now I don't expect much.

I'd actually say expectations of it are pretty damn low, it's living up to it's past that it won't be able to do. I'm certainly not assuming it will fail, but there's simply no way it can make the same impact as a shooter in today's FPS scene, that it achieved in it's day. The demo didn't show much, but piss poor demonstration player aside, looked decent. Simply getting another round of ridiculous over chauvinistic Duke shenanigans should be loads of fun.

I suppose I also shouldn't bother looking for any decent female characters that go beyond "She's got nice tits" either.
... lol
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I suppose I also shouldn't bother looking for any decent female characters that go beyond "She's got nice tits" either.

You must be thinking of Metroid Other M.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Screw you, MOM was fun!

Ahahaha! I now firmly believe that Nintendo named it "Other M" just to have that acronym.

I played my friend's MOM the other day for hours.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fun yes. But I've never had a video game that made me want to personally eviscerate the story writer.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You must be thinking of Metroid Other M.

Never got into the Metroid series, and so can't say much about it. However having played previous Duke Nukem games, and from seeing that playable demo, I'm pretty sure there won't be any female characters with... well character.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

oh yeah update on the xbox matter. i'm gonna share an account with ym bro. i didnt know but he already started one up. so we are gonna share his membership for playing stuff online. if anyone wants to send me their vbox live names in a pm or something for ease of memory i'll send requests.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So recently I was bored and, as I'm wont to do, on a whim I picked up a game from Amazon - Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

Some games have these little moments that make you like them all the more. For Dragon Age, it was when I first saw the decapitation kill. For Dark Messiah, it was when I found out I could pick up a skull and chuck it at people.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Never got into the Metroid series, and so can't say much about it. However having played previous Duke Nukem games, and from seeing that playable demo, I'm pretty sure there won't be any female characters with... well character.

Dutches Nukem
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dutches Nukem

I doubt it.

However, I've most recently rented Castlevania: The Lords of Shadow and am working my way through it. What surprised me was that it came on two disks for the 360. Not too many games do that, and the last one I remember was Mass Effect 2... an RPG from Bioware.

I'll try to beat it in the next little while, but it could time as the bosses can be a pain in the ass, but I'll give my thoughts on it after I've returned it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I doubt it.

However, I've most recently rented Castlevania: The Lords of Shadow and am working my way through it. What surprised me was that it came on two disks for the 360. Not too many games do that, and the last one I remember was Mass Effect 2... an RPG from Bioware.

I'll try to beat it in the next little while, but it could time as the bosses can be a pain in the ass, but I'll give my thoughts on it after I've returned it.

Actually I was going to ask if anyone had played it yet. The reviews for it have been good though, so I'd like to hear what us 'real players' have to say about it.