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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

been too lazy to look it up yet but what is the monthly price tag for live?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not sure about the monthly price, but I'm pretty sure in America its either $40 or $50 for a year. Which isn't that bad. Sure, they could not charge for it altogether, but this is Microsoft we're talking about. And if you don't have a wireless adaptor I think they're about $60.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i have a wireless modem and my box does get internet connection i just havnt set up live. but i gotta get the 50 bucks first befor ei can spend it on a year access.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hrm...I'm not 100% BUT I think you can party up and play custom matches with people. Either way it wouldn't do any harm to make a silver account.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am ashamed of all of you. Nobody's actually discussed Dead Rising 2 yet? I got a month of Live just to play it online. It's so much fun. Tenderizers are awesome, by the way.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm kind of in the poorhouse, atm. The most recent game I bought was Red Dead Redemption. Lately I've gone back to Borderlands and L4D2.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dead rising is indeed fun i got the s ending on it for my first playthrough and saved as many people as i could! sadly a handful of the psychopaths gave me too much trouble to bother fighting them.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am ashamed of all of you. Nobody's actually discussed Dead Rising 2 yet? I got a month of Live just to play it online. It's so much fun. Tenderizers are awesome, by the way.

I refuse to buy Dead Rising 2 because a friend kept pestering me to lend him money to buy it. That and I've got a fuckton of other games I should be playing at the moment.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i played case zero and found ym favorite weapon to be the paddlesaw but i cant find a paddle or a chainsaw in the massive area known as fortune city. and i only own Dead rising 2 and Reach total right now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm more surprised that no one has spoken of Pokemon Black&White. They've been out in Japan for some time now and the fansites have been having two weeks worth of field days with all the new info.

For instance: the new starters...sorta...

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I haven't spoken about them here bcause I've been too busy on /vp/ discussing them. And to be honest, there's only a couple of the Pokemon I don't like in this gen. Wotter1/2 has grown on me but I fucking hate Wotter3. I am disappoint with Pignite ending up Fire/Fighting, the fucker should've been Fire/Dark or Fire/Ground. Shit would've been awesome. And Smugleaf I was always going to love anyway.

I laughed my ass off when PokeXperto was right all along and /vp/ had a major asspain raging session.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am ashamed of all of you. Nobody's actually discussed Dead Rising 2 yet? I got a month of Live just to play it online. It's so much fun. Tenderizers are awesome, by the way.

I haven't talked about it yet because I'm still not sure where I stand on the game. I'm probably about half way through the story but I keep getting distracted by Civ V and next week will be Medal of Honor (I'm a sucker for FPS games it seems).

It's fun so far, but at the same time my enjoyment with it gets ham stringed by a few things that just frustrate the hell out of me.

A) The Time - I know this is a key part of the game and what makes it original and its own thing, however I will keep finding myself rushing against time to do certain things, then right when I'm getting into the story and want to know more... I have a few hours to go out and kill zombies and... psychopaths (more on them later). I also don't like the bars on the side that tell you how much time you have left. They go down in chunks rather than gradually shrink with each second. This can leave me with an illusion that I have plenty of time left and so I go across the mall to save a couple of guys fucking around in a god damn knife store. Suddenly, just as I reach them my timer starts flashing red warning me to get back to the damn safe house to save my daughter. I had to rush back, pushing and sprinting through crowds of zombies, while the two guys behind me slowly start to fall behind, going backwards at some points to attack a zombie or simply curl in a corner and cry. I didn't have the time to save them and they died, and that was fucking frustrating.

B) Leading off from my first point, Survivors - this time around I was told the zombies would concentrate more on the player character so they wouldn't attack the survivors as much and hence it would be easier to get some of the dumber/weaker/annoying ones back to the safe house. I have yet to notice this very much as they still get grabbed as I'm rushing through a casino and have to go back and jump kick the zombie off of them, and they still do little to help you out. You still have plenty of idiots who cry, whine and even drunkards who puke everywhere and you have to carry else they just stumble around. I don't know why but I seem more annoyed by the fuckers this time around.

C) The Psychopaths - I have good and bad points about them, but first I'll mention the bad points. Still fucking annoying as hell. A deranged protester can suddenly jump around like a spider monkey swinging a piece of broken mirror hard enough to send me stumbling to the bathroom floor. A crazy contestant from the 'Terror is Reality' show can take 5 magazines of assault rifle ammunition to the head. It's times like these that I wonder how the fuck the zombies are an issue in the first place; if human beings can take that many rounds when wearing a damn t-shirt and a horrible hair cut how the fuck did the zombies take over? Apparently it gets easier as you level up, and you should go back for a second play through to get more enjoyment out of the game because you'll be more powerful. No! This is not an MMO, I do not want to grind saving idiots and mashing zombies until I'm powerful enough to take on these guys only to get a bit of cut scene and more experience. I should be able to get full enjoyment out of the game on my first play through, and if I really enjoy it I'll come back.

D) The Save System - The developers said this was being fixed and made much better. Not so much. All we really got was 3 save slots and the ability to save after a major plot point. While this is an improvement, it's still a pain in the ass when you're rushing across the "city" (It's really just a series of indoor casinos and shopping centers), and if you get killed then there could be a long amount of game time lost... unless you start from scratch. From fucking scratch but with a few extra levels. A checkpoint system would have been nice, or a save anywhere and any time would have been best.

E) Some Graphical Issues - Graphics are not too huge a deal for me, and they do not make or break a game for me. However there were a few moments when graphics and visual design choices took me out of the moment. When Chuck is hacking his way through hordes of zombies, the blood splashing on him can look rather... flat. It just doesn't fit with the rest imagery, or even the blood spattering on the ground or spraying through the air for that matter. It just looks like you have your avatar painted a solid red. The other moment that really took me out was in a cutscene. Chuck gets shot at by a guy with a pistol. The pistol does not move at all during this scene, no recoil no moving slide, just a random muzzle flash. The guy's finger wasn't even moving, everything was still except that muzzle flash. To make it worse the guy's finger was nestled safely behind the trigger... wow.

Those are my major complaints. However the game does do some things right, oh so very right.

A) Killing Zombies - Nailed this one right on the damn head. Even the shooting is made much better, but that's not even close to how cool it can get. Throwing spears, tomahawks, lawn mowers... a big purple dildo. They're all amongst the many many weapons you can find, pick up and use against the undead. As has been mentioned before, the combos. Some great shit: Machete and broom make a polesword, fire axe and sledgehammer, 2X4 and lawnmower, spray paint and traffic cone (makes zombie heads go pop). While I wish the system was a little more expansive letting players make their own creations rather than "Item B goes with Item V and nothing else" it's still fun to see what comes out of these combos. Not to mention the visceral carnage that follows.

B) The Main Character - I always though Frank West was a bit of a dick and was never able to connect with him. Chuck Greene however I feel is a much more likable character. Hell I even like some of the major characters that he deals with. However I do feel the story is a bit silly, but it's not bad and I still want to know what happens next, so the writers did something well there.

C) Levelling Up - Even though I trashed this a bit earlier I still think it's a neat system. A level 1 character can still easily kill zombies, but the cool skills to kill them in fascinating ways throughout make for some awesome views. I also like the transfer of a finished character to go through the game again. Yes I know I mentioned this earlier, however if I want to go through it again, not having to start the game like I just picked it up from the local game store is nice. However, with Dead Rising 1 I found it almost impossible to play a new character after having gone through the game as so much is taken away from him, and I fear that something similar will happen here.

Like I said, I still don't know where I stand on the game as a whole. I feel let down because I had such high hopes after Case Zero. I wish I had some more outdoor environments like there was in that mini-prequel where I could climb up on buildings and find interesting ways into the stores. A full town like that would have been awesome... but in many ways Fortune City feels a bit too much like the Mall from the first game. I also didn't have as big a problem with the survivors in Case Zero. Strange that I pulled much more enjoyment out of the "demo" then I have the full game so far.

Still, we'll see what more play time brings to me. Hopefully the story doesn't spiral further into silliness.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

From what I've experienced, haven't had too much trouble with the survivors in the full game, same as Zero. The only times when they get stupid, is when they're not moving. Then they start to attack, and fuck around. Wading your way through zombies as fast as possible is your best bet, and if one or two fall behind, just set down a waypoint, and then retrieve them. I don't really know why you're MORE frustrated with these new survivors, all I know is that I'm pretty damn happy that when I see one's fallen behind, he isn't crawling around on all fours through a pack of zombies like a retard. Worst case scenario, he was grabbed by a stray zombie that didn't happen to focus on me as it was stalking along.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think my main issue is again the timing. When I do go off to get survivors I'm suddenly needing to rush all the way through the city back to the bunker, where I can't even stop to save them less I risk not being able to complete the story.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

the survivors havnt been too bad to me except for the slow ones..for example the knife store duo. and now and then ya get a couple with guns or a melee weapon that hold their own. at least they did with me but i was always carrying around the leadership magazine.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

New gameplay trailer for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I'm going to end up getting this game, purely for story purposes. Don't get me wrong, I quite like the gameplay, but it's the story that's making me want more.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm starting to dislike the new military system in Civ V. It's not that it's bad, so much as the AI uses it so poorly. In the older games, the giant AI doom stack of units that they get from cheating doesn't really take much finesse to use, and the AI can be a real threat. With the new system, they constantly make terrible tactics level choices such as charging into the tiles adjacent to my melee units with their archers and siege, trying to overrun a fortified melee unit on a hilly forest tile while 2 tiles away 4-5 longbowmen sit licking their chops for the next turn, or the time a computer declared war and embarked his whole army next to 2 of my naval units. I just hope in the future they do something to make the combat AI more competitive, because right now going for domination victories feels like cheating.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

What difficulty are you playing on?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

King. I dislike playing on emperor and up because the AI's cheating gets really noticeable.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fair enough. Well they haven't been too bad against me at least. I've noticed a few errors and but nothing that would have been slap in the head stupid.