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Re: Hate Thread

I'm sorry for directness, but I've been sick today. Are you trolling or making an attempt at humor?
Re: Hate Thread

Neither. The existence of black holes hasn't been scientifically proven. That doesn't mean they don't exist, but they still technically are 'theory.'
Re: Hate Thread

1. Your physics teacher is correct about black holes. They're a very neat theory, which would explain some random spots in space with hot gas spiralling in towards them, and massive gravitational pull, but they're only a theory. Also, no one is entirely sure WHAT they are, apart from the above definition. Are they singularities? Are such things even possible? We have absolutely no idea.

2. Fix your attitude. Learning should be a co-operative effort between you and your teacher. If you want to get anywhere, it's not good enough to kick back and blame his teaching skills. He's almost certainly taught more people than you've had teachers!

.....And, my hatred for the week.

I can't stand people who hear a lie and immediately believe it, just because they want to.

I hate it when people get mad at me for trying to care about them.

I hate people who are so afraid of actually saying what they mean, they talk around it.

I hate the habit people seem to be developing of, instead of reacting to something that pisses them off, waiting, sitting on their anger, and letting it all blow out at some poor person who's done nothing at all.

I also hate the fact that my university wants me to take my third-year exams this summer, despite the fact I missed the first two terms due to a combination of life-threatening illness AND the passing of someone near and dear to me..

Re: Hate Thread

That's true, black holes were created as a sort of hypothetical wrap-up and everyone has been confused about them, only just calculating the possibility of them. Because of these calculations based on speculation, people have come to the conclusion that it's possible for them to exist, and that has trickled down to the common idea that we think there are black holes. You'll see that most things cite specific words like "thought" or "expected." And there are still a large number of astrophysicists that contend this belief. Pretty recently, actually, a group of scientists had formed an equation to state that black holes, in our concept, couldn't possibly exist. There was something about the fact that black holes DON'T suck in everything, and that materials actually do get out of them. I loosely use the word fact because even those that suggest black holes exist agree that this would occur, called Hawkin Radiation, and this is why black holes evaporate over time, but could not form in the first place if they always leak and evaporate. What we know as black holes are much more likely blown stars, as it would explain no light in the section and a massive pull despite a small area, sort of like how people get dragged under water when a ship sinks.
Re: Hate Thread

people don't get pulled down by ships sinking.

yes yes black holes are a theory. like if you put Schrödinger's cat in a black hole is it alive? probably not but we have no way of telling.

just because the teacher was right about black holes being a theory doesn't mean he's not retarded. i have had teachers in my time who have had to have me teach the rest of the class for them because i knew the course better than they did. being a teacher does not make you right, but it does mean they generally know better than most people they teach.

its really about the same chance of finding a person thats incapable of doing their job in any other field of work, except maybe higher as I'm pretty sure teachers are underpaid and under compensated the entire world over.
Re: Hate Thread

mythbusters isn't 100%, water does shift as something goes under, and depending on airpockets, it pulls people in but not necessarily down. When the water "resets" itself so to speak, you can go down slightly, but it's not like it'll keep pulling you down enough to drown you like it was suggested in Titanic.

It is smart to question your teacher as long as you're not being disrespectful. The people who challenge what they're told is the reason black holes are a theory because they don't just take what they're given

But yeah, I had a teacher have me teach a class for her too, then she gave me a B at the end. Man, fuck that alky bitch
Re: Hate Thread

i like the stories of american teachers who would try to teach that the national language was spanish or that the holocaust didn't happen.

favorite thing though is the "theory" of evolution stuff. but i guess religious fervor isn't quite the same as incompetence.
Re: Hate Thread

i like the stories of american teachers who would try to teach that the national language was spanish or that the holocaust didn't happen.

favorite thing though is the "theory" of evolution stuff. but i guess religious fervor isn't quite the same as incompetence.

I can't quite put my finger on whom you're irritated with, an over religious teacher or a teacher who tries to make it out like evolution isn't a theory?
Re: Hate Thread

I can't quite put my finger on whom you're irritated with, an over religious teacher or a teacher who tries to make it out like evolution isn't a theory?

Nunu is irritated with it all. It's cause of that damn New Mexican desert. Sand gets everywhere, and the plants are just so fuckin random, and then melted sundae desert suddenly solidifies into frozen milk once the sun drops beneath the horizon to journey to the homeland of Nunu, where the dingos roam free to consume little critters that wished that the canine had not been brought to those shores by inconsiderate men so long ago in an age where ships were made of wood and propelled by sails high on their masts, taking direction from constellations put up in the sky by the Gods of Greece who lived atop mount Olympus before they decided to change their names and have their new underlings conquer their old ones in vast legions that spread across much of Europe, until them Romans collapsed upon themselves after ruining so many good lives, like the Carthaginians whose cities were burned and lands salted so that nothing could grow there again, unlike that damn New Mexican desert.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my keyboard, my v key is apparently broken, and I hae to push it like three thousand times to get it to work.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my keyboard, my v key is apparently broken, and I hae to push it like three thousand times to get it to work.

That's just fucking ignorant of your keyboard.
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

"Black holes are only a theory, we don't know if they exist, and we have yet to discover compelling proof that they do."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole#Alternatives said:
After observing the motion of nearby stars for 16 years, in 2008 astronomers found compelling evidence that a supermassive black hole of more than 4 million solar masses is located near the Sagittarius A*

I guess I didn't make it clear that black holes is just one of many things he completely disregards or avoids. What I quoted above was his explanation for not teaching us anything about black holes, even though our book clearly states he should.

Also, I know he has taught a lot of students, because my mother was in fact one of his students. I also know that he's not a good physics-teacher because his field is actually geography, and the only reason he's teaching us physics is because we're lacking teachers.

And for those of you still in doubt, this is not my single subject opinion. This is the opinion of pretty much every student he currently has.

We spent the entire last physics class listening to him talk about hunting and chess.

As for the theory of evaporation, it's technically not the black hole that radiates, but the fact that it sucks in one particle from particle pairs at it's horizon. This radiation is greater the smaller the mass of the hole, however, it is very minute, and calculations have shown that unless the mass is less than approx. that of the moon, the black hole recieves more radiation than it radiates from the leftover light from the big bang. Currently around 2.9 kelvin.
Re: Hate Thread

does he also teach that evolution is just a theory?
Re: Hate Thread

Is he from the New Mexican desert?
Re: Hate Thread

Nope, he regards that as correct, although, he does seem to think that the creatures adapt and then pass on their adaption to their offspring instead of the offspring being slightly mutated and then selected through teh "Survival of the fittest." He also teaches the theory of the big bang like it is a proven fact, saying: "That's the way it is, it's been proven." When later asked about this proof, he shrugs and launches into a long monologue about the WMAP study.
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Re: Hate Thread

does he also teach that evolution is just a theory?

Evolution is just a theory, it hasn't been proven, and there's definite flaws and evidence against it.

Although it HAS been proven that animals can adapt, there's serious doubts against all of us originating from single cell organisms.
Re: Hate Thread

Nunu is irritated with it all. It's cause of that damn New Mexican desert. Sand gets everywhere, and the plants are just so fuckin random, and then melted sundae desert suddenly solidifies into frozen milk once the sun drops beneath the horizon to journey to the homeland of Nunu, where the dingos roam free to consume little critters that wished that the canine had not been brought to those shores by inconsiderate men so long ago in an age where ships were made of wood and propelled by sails high on their masts, taking direction from constellations put up in the sky by the Gods of Greece who lived atop mount Olympus before they decided to change their names and have their new underlings conquer their old ones in vast legions that spread across much of Europe, until them Romans collapsed upon themselves after ruining so many good lives, like the Carthaginians whose cities were burned and lands salted so that nothing could grow there again, unlike that damn New Mexican desert.
I'm confused