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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

whats yer name on it?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Already been posted, but it's Pawn-Renegade. I'm normally on it after work, anytime between 5-9pm though as I'm not in work today I'll probably jump on it for a bit after lunch.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Currently attempting to raise my gear somewhat in the newbie zone before I go over, but I've got a guy on Spiral Knights as well. Name's Iceholder.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Remind me never to go into one of those Danger Rooms again. Also, spent the last £3-odd to get 1600 energy. Spent 600 of that just in the Danger Room alone.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Remind me never to go into one of those Danger Rooms again. Also, spent the last £3-odd to get 1600 energy. Spent 600 of that just in the Danger Room alone.

Ya, Danger Rooms are pretty nasty, specially with lvl 0 gear. Actually forced me to flee a dungeoen once, and never gone back into em yet ^^;
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think the only piece of equipment at the time that was rank 0 was my shield. We won, but not without spending a fuckton of energy to revive ourselves. Though we were awarded with a Treasure Room on the next floor. Then on the floor after that everyone except for me left the party. Managed to complete the floor on my own but I had to keep doubling back on myself so the enemies couldn't hit me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So LA Noire wasn't delayed like I feared it would be (only cause of the last handful of games I've wanted have been) but The Last Templar is still no where to be found. Oh well, I'll live. Especially with LA Noire to root through now.

I've only completed one actual case (aka. Level) as the first four as a uniformed cop are actually the tutorial for the various types of game play, and its a neat way of showing how its all done. Between even level there are also flashback cinematics to when Phelps (your character) was in the marines.

Seeing as I've only done the one mission, I don't have any solid thoughts on it yet, though so far I'm really enjoying it. It's new, and the detective stuff is actually fairly interesting, and the interviews with persons of interest are not completely obvious as to which answer you should choose, and there was a bit of a twist at the end of the first case that I actually wasn't expecting.

Looking forward to seeing what comes up, if there's going to be an overall story arc beyond the bits of Phelps life, or if its going to seem more like a television series. We shall see.

For now, it's quite fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Why the fuck does Spiral Knights lag like a bitch for me? How can I run Crysis 2 and not this garbage?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Why the fuck does Spiral Knights lag like a bitch for me? How can I run Crysis 2 and not this garbage?

Because Spiral Knights is FAR more advanced that Crysis 2. Obviously. Duh.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Because Spiral Knights is FAR more advanced that Crysis 2. Obviously. Duh.

No, because it runs on Java and I didn't update it.

And on that note, Spiral Knights is awesome. My character's name is Huei, to the few people that care, if any...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd add you but I don't actually know how to do that. I tried adding Nunu and Ku but I couldn't find the option to do it.

But yeah, my laptop has no problem running Fallout 3 on the highest settings but lags like a bitch when it comes to Minecraft. Go figure.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I went to my friends list, then clicked around for the option 'add-friend.'

Your name's been added, Mr.Prawn.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Guess I'm blind then though I'm sure I never found the option to add people.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Guess I'm blind then though I'm sure I never found the option to add people.

It's in the top left corner of the screen, second icon from the left. Under 'Friends', there will be 'Friend Options'. Click that and there you go.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I've found it now and added Nunu. Also went through several floors with RJ, fun times were had. At the moment I'm looking for a Flourish recipe because it's got three upgrade paths and the fire variant looks pretty awesome.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

SirOni was cool and gave me an elemental sword.

This probably means I owe him sexual favors now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I seem to keep missin everyone D:

EDIT: Recent changes are in effect, adding in a auction house and training area in Haven. Place to train yer skills in weps and waste time waiting on energy? Dun mind if I do! Also, auction won't allow for consumables or crystal energy to be sold *sadface*
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So. It seems whatever company is making Modern Warfare 3 is going teaser-happy this round.

Though if you're really interested enough, you'll probably be able to find even more info on Kotaku. Imma just wait until the release. Either way, it seems like MW3 is going to be more of the same: Running around, shooting Russians with a multitude of guns, and most likely having to deal with sub-par players using perk setups that make them incredibly powerful in Multiplayer. Not looking forward to that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So. It seems whatever company is making Modern Warfare 3 is going teaser-happy this round.

Though if you're really interested enough, you'll probably be able to find even more info on Kotaku. Imma just wait until the release. Either way, it seems like MW3 is going to be more of the same: Running around, shooting Russians with a multitude of guns, and most likely having to deal with sub-par players using perk setups that make them incredibly powerful in Multiplayer. Not looking forward to that.

Except for the levels you play as a Russian. From what I've read there's a few levels you play as a Russian character that isn't someone who betrayed their country. Interesting choice there...

Still its coming out around the same time as Battlefield 3 which actually seems to be really trying to make something of itself, already has gameplay footage and is talking about engine updates, 12 hour campaigns, and ambitious multiplayer design. Whereas CoD is talking about story... what fucking story guys? You have a shitty story. They also only have a couple teasers.

It's also coming out around the same time as Skyrim... Elder Scrolls gets my vote regardless.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

playing a russian like that is about as original as master chief (a super soldier who doesn't turn on his creators). I like that.