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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anybody up for a full campaign run of Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 on Realistic?

Buddy of mine got me started on the game, and then ran off to play Planetside while it's free. I NEED MAH R6V2 FIX.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

OKOKOK! You guys win...

I've started playing Spiral Knights too...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My name is Minireynolds... Sadly WonderBoy was taken... :) Just got to Haven, and sadly I probably won't be on a lot for the next few days, seeing as I have a slight case of Final Chmistry Exam on tuesday.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well I've sent you a friend request now, just going through some dungeons to make some money to buy a recipe to trade with RJ.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

WOW i made a thread just for spiral knights and you all ignore it

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Witcher 2 arrived today! Horray for difficult RPG games.

Witcher 2 doesn't disappoint at all, at least in the difficulty department. Even on average I was getting slaughtered. They changed the combat style to make it even more interactive. No more point and click. In fact, it's rather like Monster Hunter now. Stay back, wait for enemy to attack, roll past the attack, strike, roll away, rinse and repeat until enemy is dead. No more group style attack - attempting to take on more than 2 foe at once spells sure death for your witcher. It takes a lot to get used to the style of gameplay, but it's a lot more realistic than the first game and less repetitive. You actually need to plan your attack carefully according to the environment.

But gosh, the lag. My laptop isn't exactly a gaming power house, but it can still run games like crysis and MW2 at low settings and resolution. Witcher 2 however lags so much it's barely playable even on minimum settings and ridiculously small resolution. I can't even read the words in the game anymore. In fact, I think I might have to give up playing until I can get back to my desktop, which unfortunately is on the other side of the planet at the moment.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dunno if anyone's seen , but it's a website with all known information on Skyrim.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Never tried Elder Scrolls, but Skyrim sounds like it's gonna be worth a rent. Though I'm saving up my money for September 20th, trying to get

You can take the man out of the carnage, but you can't take the carnage out of the man.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Playing through Oblivion Again just for fun before Skyrim. I added a shit ton of realistic mods for Nature, indoor lighting, character actions, etc. By far my favorite is deadly reflex, which adds hundreds of variables to combat with new moves and skills, and even mortal kombat type Finishers with power moves if done right.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's a point, now that I'll have my souped up uber computer before Skyrim comes out I could get it for the PC...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's a point, now that I'll have my souped up uber computer before Skyrim comes out I could get it for the PC...

I'll personally still be getting it for 360, but Elder Scrolls do have longer lasting game appeal on PC simply because Bethesda is quite mod friendly.

To prove this, they're trying to find a way to get user created content to console players. Holy shit balls.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

user created content to console players.

Dear god. If they could do this for New Vegas, I'd be in 7th heaven.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Most Bethesda console games are almost unplayable for me because of that reason.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I play Ar tonelico Qoga and Saint's Row 2 on the PS3. When the PS Store returns, I'm getting Dead Nation. I'm looking forward to Catherine and Dead Island later in the year.

My PSN ID is Suri_Mano, if anyone wants to add me, maybe play SR2 and Dead Nation when I get the chance.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I keep hearing that Bethesda are looking for ways to get user-generated content onto consoles. I would love to see this obviously, but I find it hard to believe that the content will be completely free to access. I really, REALLY hope so though.

It would be incredible if they DID make the content browsing Free. But Knowing How money hungry Microsoft can be (Especially making Games for Windows Live on PC. Jesus Microsoft, back the fuck off) it would be nice for console gamers to get free shit, especially made by fellow gamers. Hell, even Releasing Construction Kits and creation kits On Consoles.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Recently picked up 'The Witcher 2' and also rented 'Knights Contract'. Won't be finishing Knight's Contract but I'll be putting up my thoughts in the next few days. When I get a chance to play more of The Witcher 2 I'll share my thoughts on that as well.

I remember Alias really enjoyed the first one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've picked up a double copy, to try and flog the game it's buy one, get one free. Or, looking at it from a different perspective, they're charging double what you'd normally pay for an indie game, for two copies.

But $20 isn't a huge amount for an indie game that boasts 55 single player levels.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've picked up a double copy, to try and flog the game it's buy one, get one free. Or, looking at it from a different perspective, they're charging double what you'd normally pay for an indie game, for two copies.

But $20 isn't a huge amount for an indie game that boasts 55 single player levels.

Make it humans versus tentacle monsters and throw in game-over rape scenes... call it a deal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've picked up a double copy, to try and flog the game it's buy one, get one free. Or, looking at it from a different perspective, they're charging double what you'd normally pay for an indie game, for two copies.

But $20 isn't a huge amount for an indie game that boasts 55 single player levels.

Interest shown. I'm a sucker for tacticals and it looks liek it may even work on the craptop, meaning I can play it more then like... 2-4 hours a day if I'm lucky