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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

The contrary is the likely outcome. It's guaranteed to make money, since the fans of said extremely popular franchises are guaranteed to buy them no matter how obviously a cash grab they are.

Probably. It sucks how many game developers really just produce mediocre works and chuck it at fanboys. I'd rather they go with the Blizzard "It is done when it is done" mentality.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

What. Just... WHAT.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

What. Just... WHAT.

Yo. Yo, Gabe.
That's nice and all.
Personally I won't be using it, but it's fun to see what you're testing.



So yeah. Decided to try this map out.
Apparently, I need a competent team of people to play with.
Randoms suck ass 100x more-so than usual, and the bots apparently like to jump to their deaths.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Sylvari race has received an update this week. Apparently they have a new design to them. I can't see much a difference but maybe you can.

There's also a video and some new pics & info. Good jazz.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Probably. It sucks how many game developers really just produce mediocre works and chuck it at fanboys. I'd rather they go with the Blizzard "It is done when it is done" mentality.

It definitely would be nice to have more developers work that way...though having the money to do so is one of the problems for many companies (considering they're losing money the longer they wait where as downloadable content, cash grabs, and the like helps bridge the gap for them so to speak).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Deus Ex 3. All of my boners for that game.


I played the leaked beta and suprisingly haven't died from withdrawl. But these last few days are going to be hard.

If you haven't played the beta, I'll just tell you all. This game is definately not a console port. And from what I've seen it is a worthy prequel to the first, and shames the second.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It definitely would be nice to have more developers work that way...though having the money to do so is one of the problems for many companies (considering they're losing money the longer they wait where as downloadable content, cash grabs, and the like helps bridge the gap for them so to speak).

Releasing the same game again with some extra characters and repaired issues that could have been dealt with through patching is not the way to do things. DLC is one thing, releasing the same game with all the fixes with a slightly different title is another.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Don't know what level of experience you have with computers but you can build your own for about half the money you'd spend on a pre-built. All you really need is a hint of mechanical know-how to put it together and a guide for refrence (I'm sure there's tons online). My rig is about 5 years old, but because I know what I'm doing, it still runs any game they put out. About the only thing that I've updated on it is the graphics card (I splurged a little and paid $300). And it only needed that because of the fact that they keep coming out with new rendering software that a card made a year beforehand can't figure out how to work.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not playing on max graphics settings. But I'm not one of those graphics nuts.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Or you could just buy the parts and get someone who knows how to do it to build it for you.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Capcom aren't exactly hurting for cash, though. They really don't have any valid excuse for their recent shenanigans.

Oh I know. Capcom is just money hungry. throwing out the same crap over and over that they know people will buy anyways.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wow. Maddens graphics haven't improved in the past half-decade. That's the one thing EA does halfway decent is pretty-as-fuck graphics. I don't even know why I'm surprised. Ive always expected EA to do trashy kick-the-players-in-the-balls moves like not updating a game for years on end except to rotate some stats and names. Christ. And the really sad part is that they'll make BANK off of it. I guess if the business model ain't broke...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

anybody going to get deus ex human revolution? the reviews were pretty positive, but I am not entirely sure that the gameplay will be fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Pre-ordered it a while back. I'm in the EU though, so I'm going to have to wait until Friday. And if my delivery gets borked and goes slowly (the order was processed early, so fingers crossed) I might even have to wait until Monday. I'm going to have to tread carefully online until then.

oh nice! mind giving your opinion on the game after you give it a spin?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

A personal review would be much appreciated. Review scores and previews are nice but nothing beats some hands on experience. I hope the hype is a good indicator, but knowing from experience well...

Oh but enough of that negativity. I immensely enjoyed the first Deux Ex from way back in the day and it still stands as one of my favorite games of all time. If it's all going well than this game should definitely rock too!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those of us in the US:

The condensed story: Gamestop has apparently ordered it's employees to remove a free code that comes with Deus Ex: Human Revolution, to a service called OnLive. In essence, they've taken a coupon for another copy of the game away from you. Not a physical copy, mind you, just a digital copy.

But you still can't return a game once you've opened it. <3
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So... there was a coupon in the game for a free digital copy of the game?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Probably to allow people to have access to it without needing the disk.

It still doesn't make sense to me. Buy a physical copy, then get a free digital copy from another source.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It was essentially a promotion stunt for OnLive.

It's still a crock of shit. While I understand they don't want to promote a competitor, it's the fact they thought they could get away without anyone noticing.