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Re: Hate Thread

There's always colder water to swim in, but you can only put on so many layers of clothing and still be mobile...

Unless those layers of clothing are ultra thin fabric from the future, that can slip over your body like thin layers of skin, and be applied over and over and over and over until you're as heavy as an iron golem :p
Re: Hate Thread

There's a reason I don't go camping.

My philosophy on weather is: You can always put more layers on to get comfortable in cold weather. In hot weather, there's only so much you can take off, and even then you're probably still going to be uncomfortable. Cold weather ftw.

There's only so many layers you can wear and be comfortable. I don't know about you, but for me as long as the temperature is suitable, in general less clothes means that I'm more comfortable.
Re: Hate Thread

There's only so many layers you can wear and be comfortable. I don't know about you, but for me as long as the temperature is suitable, in general less clothes means that I'm more comfortable.

I don't really understand what you're trying to say. Of course being in t-shirt and shorts is more comfortable than wearing a parka if you're not taking temperature into consideration. But we are. My point was cold is better than hot; I proved this by comparing the extremes side by side. At 10 degrees F, -12C, you're going to be relatively comfortable wearing a parka and some warm pants. At 100 degrees F, 38C, you're going to be miserable no matter what you're wearing. It seems like you're saying 70 (21) is more comfortable than 10 (-12) because you can wear more comfortable clothing.

My response to that would be... Duh?

@Wonderboy: not sure what you meant by the swimming aspect, but people who live in the research stations on Antarctica are able to move around just fine with the right gear. I might be misunderstanding you though.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't really understand what you're trying to say. Of course being in t-shirt and shorts is more comfortable than wearing a parka if you're not taking temperature into consideration. But we are. My point was cold is better than hot; I proved this by comparing the extremes side by side. At 10 degrees F, -12C, you're going to be relatively comfortable wearing a parka and some warm pants. At 100 degrees F, 38C, you're going to be miserable no matter what you're wearing. It seems like you're saying 70 (21) is more comfortable than 10 (-12) because you can wear more comfortable clothing.

My response to that would be... Duh?

@Wonderboy: not sure what you meant by the swimming aspect, but people who live in the research stations on Antarctica are able to move around just fine with the right gear. I might be misunderstanding you though.

Different perspective. I live in a place where -20 C is more common than +30 C, so in general warmer is better.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have to write an extended essay on Greenpeace right before summer. :mad:
Re: Hate Thread

I don't really understand what you're trying to say. Of course being in t-shirt and shorts is more comfortable than wearing a parka if you're not taking temperature into consideration. But we are. My point was cold is better than hot; I proved this by comparing the extremes side by side. At 10 degrees F, -12C, you're going to be relatively comfortable wearing a parka and some warm pants. At 100 degrees F, 38C, you're going to be miserable no matter what you're wearing. It seems like you're saying 70 (21) is more comfortable than 10 (-12) because you can wear more comfortable clothing.

My response to that would be... Duh?

@Wonderboy: not sure what you meant by the swimming aspect, but people who live in the research stations on Antarctica are able to move around just fine with the right gear. I might be misunderstanding you though.

I could wear a jacket, jeans, and a T-shirt in 100 degree weather and be perfectly comfortable.
Re: Hate Thread

When it's -30, which I consider an extreme, I do prefer the other end o the scale, +40. You can jump in the water too cool yourself off. All in all, it comes down to personal preference, I prefer super hot over super cold, but I can have plenty of fun in the cold aswell. Thing is, I like to be close to the air around me and the ground at my feet. Wearing goggles and a facemask I feel somehow robbed of my freedom a littlebit.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh you were talking about it in a summer context, not a winter one. Duh. Meh, my whole argument still stands, as you can pretty much always do something to get warmer when outside; most people don't have access to a pool 24-7 (i.e. work, unless you're a lifeguard, and even then you can't exactly dive in whenever you want).

I hate overdiagnosing of these "disorders" that fucking EVERYBODY has nowadays, OCD, ADD being among the more common. I was told the other day that I had ADD (attention deficit disorder for those of you living under a rock). I was like, what the fuck are you smoking? Just because I don't like watching TV because I feel like I have nothing to do doesn't mean I have ADD. Someone who can play the same game, for twenty hours straight (including bathroom breaks and the time it takes to make a meal, though usually what I did wasn't something I actually had to cook, so I'd put it on the stove/in the microwave, continue playing, then eat while playing) does NOT have ADD. ADD means it is impossible to pay attention for sustained periods of time, and I'm sorry, but someone who has trouble keeping their attention focused on a single thing does NOT have a disorder. It's just the way they were built. Telling someone that has a short attention span they have something wrong with them is like saying that there's something fundamentally wrong with all houses without basements.

I think there are people out there that DO suffer from ADD and OCD etc, but the actual disorder numbers perhaps less than one percent of people who have been diagnosed or claim to have any of them.
Re: Hate Thread

Seeing as the other places where I've saving this rant for no longer provide me the opening to say it, here it goes.

Why do people get so pissed off at emos? If you don't like other people complaining, don't listen! Not just about emos. On this other forum, some people started a thread about how they were feeling kind of sad, and they could talk about it together. It was going pretty well, actually, then some people (granted, known dicks) come in and spam the "cheer up emo kid" stuff. It just POes me so much.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that people will sometimes call me emo when I get a bit sad remembering a dead friend.

Whom had to be fucking pressure washed off the side of my LAV.
Re: Hate Thread

Exactly. Anytime anyone gets even the slightest upset other people get all up in their face, why, seriously?

I am sorry for your loss.
Re: Hate Thread

Always remember this: "Your right to free speech does not mean my obligation to listen." Basically you can say what you want, but you also pick what you hear, see, and respond to and have the right to ignore however much of that you want.
Re: Hate Thread

i've probably said this before but i absolutely despise people who can't bother with the most basic grammar sure most people here probably speak English as a second language but ending sentences with dot exclamation mark or question mark is pretty universal as well as capitalizing the first letter of the sentence
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how hard my uni course is. I mean, for my assignments I have to watch movies, play games and write stories! And then I'm in the library all damn day talking about RPGs and playing Metal Slug! LIFE IS SO HARD.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how hard my uni course is. I mean, for my assignments I have to watch movies, play games and write stories! And then I'm in the library all damn day talking about RPGs and playing Metal Slug! LIFE IS SO HARD.


Re: Hate Thread

Naw, it is harder than people think. We lost 30% of the programmers last trimester, we expect there to be less than 15 of us by the end of the year.
I will, however, say I hate how much of a troll Carlos in my classes is.

No one insults valve in a games programming course. No one. >: (
Re: Hate Thread

i've probably said this before but i absolutely despise people who can't bother with the most basic grammar sure most people here probably speak English as a second language but ending sentences with dot exclamation mark or question mark is pretty universal as well as capitalizing the first letter of the sentence

I hate to be a bitch... but you didn't capitalize the first letting of your sentence, nor did you capitalize the 'i's as you should have, and there's no period at the end of your run-on sentence either... oh I see what you're doing. Rascal.
Re: Hate Thread

i've probably said this before but i absolutely despise people who can't bother with the most basic grammar sure most people here probably speak English as a second language but ending sentences with dot exclamation mark or question mark is pretty universal as well as capitalizing the first letter of the sentence

Ohh, oh, I get it. You're mad at people who can't use grammar yet you yourself didn't in that post! haha, quality humor, man. Quality fucking humor.
Re: Hate Thread

Ohh, oh, I get it. You're mad at people who can't use grammar yet you yourself didn't in that post! haha, quality humor, man. Quality fucking humor.

Did I mention that I hate douple-posting(except when it serves a purpose like in CCCC(abbreviation not necessarily meant to be understood))?