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Re: Hate Thread

So as I'm coming home from campus, there's an electrical truck in front of me. Guess whose driveway they pick to block as they work on the houses around here...
Re: Hate Thread

So as I'm coming home from campus, there's an electrical truck in front of me. Guess whose driveway they pick to block as they work on the houses around here...

That reminds me...when I was driving back to my apartment today, I was starting to pass this bus and was like halfway when it decided it wanted to go change lanes with me in it? :confused: Thats one of my biggest driving fears other than the bus or truck actually tipping onto me.... :eek: Anyways I got out of the way by swerving onto the other side of the road and then caught my breath for like 10 minutes.
Re: Hate Thread

I almost got ran over today by someone going 60 in a 20 zone.

And my parents wonder why I prefer taking the bus rather than walking to school...
Re: Hate Thread

Sameish Kusanagi, our little lane gets a lot of people breaking the speed limit, regardless if it's day and night, some also decide to do that loudly with either a obnoxious engine or crap music at full volume. Suffice to say, just walking down to deliver some post to a Redbox nearby can/will be potentially dangerous.

Thankfully there's some construction barriers at the ends of the lane, so there's far fewer idiots cutting through, looking forward to getting speed-bumps that are merciless to over-speeding vehicles, also the snow/crushed ice on the road helps further.
Re: Hate Thread

I almost got ran over today by someone going 60 in a 20 zone.

And my parents wonder why I prefer taking the bus rather than walking to school...

just be glad you dont ride a bike around, at least cars occasionaly look out for pedestrians, on a bike you are apparently invisible, no one slows down no one indicates, you have to assume they are going to go every direction simultaniously at maximum speed if you want to stay alive.
Re: Hate Thread

Dentistry. I don't think they exactly hurt too much, and they seem really nice to me. Just.... Too much stuff. My gums hurt from temporary swelling and I got a LOT of appointments adding up to the cost of a house. I am GLAD I have insurance that'd cover it.

I don't even have bad teeth either. I have 'cute' teeth. :(
Re: Hate Thread

just be glad you dont ride a bike around, at least cars occasionaly look out for pedestrians, on a bike you are apparently invisible, no one slows down no one indicates, you have to assume they are going to go every direction simultaniously at maximum speed if you want to stay alive.

I know we have problems over here from bikers who like to think they own the road and so pedal about in the middle of it... in an 80 zone doin like 30. They also don't move for cars, sometimes don't signal, travel in packs, wearing those utterly bright and skintight suits with the weird goggles... tis quite annoying.
Re: Hate Thread

just be glad you dont ride a bike around, at least cars occasionaly look out for pedestrians, on a bike you are apparently invisible, no one slows down no one indicates, you have to assume they are going to go every direction simultaniously at maximum speed if you want to stay alive.

You live in Australia, right? I saw a study that said you're bike laws actually cause more crashes and fatalities because so many people just decided to stop riding that the drivers' awareness went down enough that they aren't looking x.x
Re: Hate Thread

What i hate the most is people who start indicating half way through their turn and then give their horn a toot because you didn't know you were going to be in their way.
Re: Hate Thread

Since we're back to driving, people who don't turn their high beams off and blind you on the highway. I have infinity hatred towards those people.
Re: Hate Thread

What i hate the most is people who start indicating half way through their turn and then give their horn a toot because you didn't know you were going to be in their way.

Yeah this almost happened to me. A guy signaled his left turn signal and I signaled mine. I took a left and the guy kept going straight and almost hit me.

It was not super happy awesome fun times, and was quite scary.
Re: Hate Thread

What a coincidence. People have been driving rather badly this week, especially today. I had to swerve off the road a bit to avoid an idiot driving down the middle of a road on campus just an hour or so ago.
Re: Hate Thread

Boy, am I glad I don't know how to drive now.
Re: Hate Thread

I keep an airsoft pistol in my car specifically for these purposes.
Re: Hate Thread

I've always wondered what would happen if whenever someone did something ridiculously unsafe if I just followed them and leaned on my horn for a minute or two. I would have already tried it but for the lack of a method to ensure that doing something like that would actually change the offending driver's habits. I will however lean on my horn for as long as it takes when someone stops in an ACCELERATION lane to merge onto the HIGHWAY.
Re: Hate Thread

I was in an accident once where me and my mother were going down a two lane one way street, we were on the left hand side of the road. There was a person to our right, only about a meter ahead of us, who suddenly decided they wanted to go left, and tried to turn down that road directly in front of us.

Needless to say we hit their side, I smashed my head on that little handle thinger above the door, and fucked the front bumper of mother's car. We were not happy, especially when the damn bimbo girls were all blubbering and hugging each other inside the car, meanwhile I've got a bit of blood coming down my face and I'm getting out to make sure no one's been hurt in either vehicle, and to initiate exchange of insurance because my mother was too pissed to even move.

Stupid bitches, learn to not be stupid before you get in a car. Also, in hindsight I think my mother has worse anger issues than me.

Amusingly though, as soon as the snow hit the ground this year all the stupid drivers dissipated. Which is an oddity.
Re: Hate Thread

D: My sympathies; that sucks, Puffer-Fish-spike-sucks. I've personally not been in a accident, but there's so many times where that could have happened, it is past the proverbial joke.

The little handle in question, we have come to call the "Oh sh*t! handle" from the number of times, either going with brothers or parents, some fool only worthy of pitying attempts to perform a majestic example of driving or is in a pointless ego-driven race with some other fool - on filters to and fro' busy duel-carriage routes.

I do commend your relatively calm reaction to the incident S'Wolf.

And agreed to some extent, at the very least the speed is lowered, idiots are easier to point out.

Oh, edited avvie! Hopefully that's remotely Christmas-y?
Re: Hate Thread

I keep an airsoft pistol in my car specifically for these purposes.

I do not allow myself to carry any weapons in the car, just in case. I'm generally very hard to get angry, but idiot drivers are one of like 3 things that do get me worked up.
Re: Hate Thread


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Y!M :lug.chin
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- Balance In Wachovia:.............24K To 80K==========180$
- Balance In Boa......................75K To 450K==========400$
- Balance In Credit Union:.........Any Amount:=========420$
- Balance In Hallifax..............ANY AMOUNT=========420$
- Balance In Compass.............ANY AMOUNT=========400$
- Balance In Wellsfargo..........ANY AMOUNT=========400$
- Balance In Barclays..................80K To 100K=========550$
- Balance In Abbey:..............................82K ===========650$
- Balance in Hsbc:.......................50K========650$ and more
1 Paypal with pass email = 50$/paypal
1 Paypal don't have pass email = 20$/Paypal
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Y!M :lug.chin
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Y!M :lug.chin
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Wachovia: 76.000$
Abbey: 65.000£
Hsbc : 87.000$
Hallifax : 97.000£
Barclays: 110.000£
AHLI UNITED BANK --- 80.000£
LLOYDSTSB ----------- 100.000£
BANK OF SCOTLAND --- 123.000£
BOA ------------210.000$
UBS ------------ 152.000$
RBC BANK ------ 245.000$
BANK OF CANADA -------- 78.000$
BDC ------------------ 281.000$
BANK LAURENTIENNE ----- 241.000$
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Y!M :lug.chin
Prices For Bin and Its List:
4547,5506,5569,5404,5031,4921, 5505,5506,4921,4550 ,4552,4988,5186,4462,4543,4567 ,4539,5301,4929,5521 , 4291,5051,4975,5413 5255 4563,4547 4505,4563 5413 5255,5521,5506,4921,4929,54609 7,5609,54609,4543, 4975,5432,5187 ,4973,4627,4049,4779,426565,55 05, 5549, 5404, 5434, 5419, 4670,456730,541361, 451105,4670,5505, 5549, 5404, 5434, 5419, 4670,374288,545140,454634,3791 with d.o.b,4049,4462,4921.4929.4627

UK Nomall NO BINS(Serial) with DOB is :10$
UK with BINS(Serial) with DOB is :15$
UK Nomall no BINS(Serial) no DOB is: 6$
UK with BINS(Serial) is :12$
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Y!M :lug.chin
Re: Hate Thread

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Y!M :lug.chin

Ccv US is $ 1.5 per ccv (Visa)
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Ccv US is $ 3 per ccv (Amex + Discover)
Ccv UK is $ 5 per ccv (Visa + Master)
Ccv UK is $ 6 per ccv (Amex + swith)
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Ccv EU is $ 6 per ccv (Visa + Master)
Ccv EU is $ 7 per ccv (Amex + Discover)
Ccv Au is $ 6 per ccv
Ccv Italy is 15 $ per cc
seden 12$
spain 10$
france 12$
Ccv Germany is 14$ Per Ccv
Ccv DOB with US is 15 $ per ccv
Ccv DOB with UK is 19 $ per ccv
Ccv DOB + BIN with UK 25$ per ccv
Ccv US full info is 40 $ per ccv
Ccv UK full info is 60 $ per ccv
1 Uk check bins= 12.5$/1cvv
1 Sock live = 1$/1sock live > 5day
[email protected]
Y!M :lug.chin
- Balance In Chase:....................70K To 155K ========300$
- Balance In Wachovia:.............24K To 80K==========180$
- Balance In Boa......................75K To 450K==========400$
- Balance In Credit Union:.........Any Amount:=========420$
- Balance In Hallifax..............ANY AMOUNT=========420$
- Balance In Compass.............ANY AMOUNT=========400$
- Balance In Wellsfargo..........ANY AMOUNT=========400$
- Balance In Barclays..................80K To 100K=========550$
- Balance In Abbey:..............................82K ===========650$
- Balance in Hsbc:.......................50K========650$ and more
1 Paypal with pass email = 50$/paypal
1 Paypal don't have pass email = 20$/Paypal
1 Banklogin us or uk (personel) = 550$
[email protected]
Y!M :lug.chin
Track 1/2 Visa Classic, MasterCard Standart
* US - 13$
* UK - 17$
* EU - 24$
* AU - 26$
Track 1/2 Visa Gold | Platinum | Business | Signature, MasterCard Gold | Platinum
* US - 17$
* UK - 20$
* EU - 28$
* AU - 30$
[email protected]
Y!M :lug.chin
Bank transfer
Balance 71.000$
Wachovia: 76.000$
Abbey: 65.000£
Hsbc : 87.000$
Hallifax : 97.000£
Barclays: 110.000£
AHLI UNITED BANK --- 80.000£
LLOYDSTSB ----------- 100.000£
BANK OF SCOTLAND --- 123.000£
BOA ------------210.000$
UBS ------------ 152.000$
RBC BANK ------ 245.000$
BANK OF CANADA -------- 78.000$
BDC ------------------ 281.000$
BANK LAURENTIENNE ----- 241.000$
please no test
[email protected]
Y!M :lug.chin
Prices For Bin and Its List:
4547,5506,5569,5404,5031,4921, 5505,5506,4921,4550 ,4552,4988,5186,4462,4543,4567 ,4539,5301,4929,5521 , 4291,5051,4975,5413 5255 4563,4547 4505,4563 5413 5255,5521,5506,4921,4929,54609 7,5609,54609,4543, 4975,5432,5187 ,4973,4627,4049,4779,426565,55 05, 5549, 5404, 5434, 5419, 4670,456730,541361, 451105,4670,5505, 5549, 5404, 5434, 5419, 4670,374288,545140,454634,3791 with d.o.b,4049,4462,4921.4929.4627

UK Nomall NO BINS(Serial) with DOB is :10$
UK with BINS(Serial) with DOB is :15$
UK Nomall no BINS(Serial) no DOB is: 6$
UK with BINS(Serial) is :12$
Please do not request : cc for TEST and FREE. DON'T CONTACT ME IF YOU NOT READY NEED TO BUY .
[email protected]
Y!M :lug.chin