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Re: Hate Thread

basicaly your saying you like being a man, but you wouldn't mind having been born a woman.
Re: Hate Thread

Meh, I don't suppose I would mind. But that is only based on what information I have now. I'd probably be thinking the opposite had I been born a woman.

It's just awful hard to get dp'ed by two other women as a guy.
... I've said too much
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Re: Hate Thread

mouth and anus Toxic... oral and anal... double penetration.

Sure it's not as easy without a vagina... but still possible. It's the triple penetration that starts to get a little difficult... and whilst again possible, triple penetration as a male just doesn't sound fun.
Re: Hate Thread

I know someone who tried the front as a male... he said it was the stupidest thing he has ever done.
Re: Hate Thread

It's not a big deal. Sounding isn't my thing, but a friend of mine does it. I'm far too squeamish. Maybe if it was part of a bondage play and I wasn't the one doing it, but I don't think I'll ever be able to force myself
Re: Hate Thread

In other news, I have now accidentally rekindled my fear of hospitals I didn't even remember I had :(
Re: Hate Thread

You've gotten a catheter at a hospital before?
Orange And Magenta Penis, I am surprised at you!
Re: Hate Thread

No, from something unrelated.

I have had major surgery as a child though.
Re: Hate Thread

And way to jump into the stereotype that every woman needs a wardrobe the size of a small house to simply get through the week. I for one have simple t-shirt and jeans for most days, with sweaters for colder days. Some skirts and nicer tops for nicer occasions, and a dress for formal occasions. And the only reason I have lots of footwear is because the military dumped more pairs of boots on me than I can shake a stick at, and I was able to keep most of them.

Dunno why but I find it hard to imagine you as a skirt/dress wearing woman.

And the only thing I have a ton of in the way of clothing is teeshirts. Boy do I love me some teeshirts. I think I have at most 3-4 pairs of jeans, some short sleeved shirts that I wear over my more plain teeshirts when I can be arsed, maybe a couple of long sleeved shirts that I hardly wear, a pair of lazing around bottoms which double up as pajama bottoms when it's too cold, 3 hooded jackets of varying thickness and a jumper I wear to work.
Re: Hate Thread

Though must stereotypes are highly exaggerated, to the extreme in a-lot of cases, they tend to be there for a reason.

African individuals liking chicken more than other races isn't a myth, cliche's in their very essence are cliche because it's a "common conclusion", so while not all women are overboard or fanatic over clothes, it's undeniable that a select amount are.
Re: Hate Thread

Dunno why but I find it hard to imagine you as a skirt/dress wearing woman.

I don't wear them often.

Though must stereotypes are highly exaggerated, to the extreme in a-lot of cases, they tend to be there for a reason.

African individuals liking chicken more than other races isn't a myth, cliche's in their very essence are cliche because it's a "common conclusion", so while not all women are overboard or fanatic over clothes, it's undeniable that a select amount are.

Africans actually like chicken more than other races? I dunno, I hardly ever see coloured folks at my local KFC.

Of course, when we deal with gender stereotypes, I hope you realize we're not even talking about the entirety of women. Plenty of women around the world aren't in a situation to fall into these stereotypes. What about women who can't afford it? Then there's still the women that choose not to.

My point being, we can't just sit back and say "Oh it's a stereotype and must have come from somewhere truthful so its okay". If yer not saying that believing in stereotypes is okay, I don't see the point of bringing up the fact that some people will fall under stereotypes (there's 6 billion people on the planet, it'd be impossible not to).
Re: Hate Thread

Well, it is true that most stereotypes do exist for a reason.

That said, it's not particularly fun to hear, while working, from your co-worker. "God, all white guys are rude and arrogant. I'm so glad I'm marrying a brazillian."

I glanced over my shoulder and gave a sarcastic "thanks" that was either ignored or not heard.

Arrogant and Rude are two words I'd use to sum up that person I was forced to work alognside.
Re: Hate Thread

I hadn't read anything on there for like a month, so was a bit behind.

Anywho, it was the eye removal thing specifically that I didn't like.
Re: Hate Thread

Africans actually like chicken more than other races? I dunno, I hardly ever see coloured folks at my local KFC.

That's because KFC SUCKS ASS. Popeye's is where it's at. Best fried chicken EVER.
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

KFC is pretty terrible, but we don't have popeye's where I live. There are a ton of options for good fried chicken in the south though. Bojangles is pretty good if you want spicy cajun style fried chicken and for normal fried chicken there are lots of local chains that do it well.

Also, I think that that's more of an African-american stereotype than a black people in general one, which might explain sinful not being aware of it.
Re: Hate Thread

Also, I think that that's more of an African-american stereotype than a black people in general one, which might explain sinful not being aware of it.

So African-...canadians...? are completely different?

...yeah, I can see that, actually. Everyone knows Canadians are way different and better than Americans.