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Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Roxy giggles, "Even the ghosts here hunt humans, driven by the same succubus magic in the air all around us. Which reminds me, you've probably been absorbing the magic in the atmosphere, haven't you? That would explain why you seem so mental. You humans can't merge with other kinds of magic like we demons can. You should be careful about doing stuff like that."

After thinking for a moment, Roxy leaned back, her nipples angled upwards a little towards the sky as her hands folded behind her head, "What would I do with the power of a Demon Lord?" she asked aloud, pondering Zoltan's question, "With the power of a Demon Lord... I could do whatever I wanted. I would have slaves, who live to bring me pleasure, riches beyond any common human's dreams, and an influence known throughout Hell. I'd have the power to change entire realms, or even create my own, to suit my liking... Being a Demon Lord is almost like being a god. Anything I would want, I could make it become reality."

She hummed quietly, her tail swinging to and fro as she seemed to become more lost in her own imagination with each word she spoke of her aspirations. "To be free of all restraints... Without chains of weakness and mortality to hold us back... To make even your wildest dreams come true, I think that's what everyone wants, deep down. And as a demon, you lose the fear of chasing those dreams. Sex and love become the reason to live our limitless lives. But, for some of us, that's still not enough, even to drown in pleasure. We see things that are wrong with the world, and seek the power to change those things, to make our perfect world..."

Stepping closer to Zoltan, she grinned slightly, while gingerly slipping her arm around his waist, trying to avoid causing him harm, "You aren't so different from a demon after all." she giggled, "But don't give up on that dream... All I need is an angel, Zoltan." She leans in a little closer to him affectionately, "I can make that dream of yours come true, all with a little dirty work and the power of a Demon Lord." she promised him.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan didn't answer the question straight away. His tone was one of quiet reflection. "Nothing worth having is given freely. Tis earned. And for now... I do not believe I have earned a kingdoms worth. However I have not given up." Zoltan was distant when he said it as if his mind was elsewhere when Roxy had walked along side him resting her figure against him and her arm around her waist. It had felt like hours walking and Zoltan would then gently pulls away from Roxy. "What dirty deed?" Zoltan asked as he would concentrate on summoning his magic to him once more.

He was silently envisioning his body in the bare flesh, whole and unspoiled by injury or plight. Using his magic he would cure himself of his injuries after the long time coping with them. He looked over his hands and his face feeling himself now without pain in his body "Good. My magic is back to a much more manageable level. Not at full strength but Im in better shape then I was before." Zoltan looked to Roxy now pondering a question in his head. She said there was more then one Demon Lord or such. "Wouldn't there be others that oppose you on your dream? Other demon lords that wouldn't like having another to compete with or give up such a position?"

Zoltan thought for the moment on what he could do with his magic as it was currently at as he sought a better means to get to the witches coven whilst listening to Roxy's words. Flight would be something useful. "Roxy, we should start taking flight to the Witches Coven via wing now. I think I have a way to fly once more. So perhaps we can finally make some real progress." Zoltan had thought about what would be a simpler task for his magic and it came to him easily enough. The trick was focusing steadily upon his body's back letting the threads weave his body an extension in the form of a pair of large leathery bat wings akin to Roxy's own wings with sharp bones upon the wings edge giving a natural weapon.A grimace of pain came to his face but in comparison to the pain he had endured a few moments ago, the pain from growing the wings felt like a pinprick now. Being burned as he had once been would always be the worst kinds of pain one could endure. Regardless he began beating his wings letting the air catch underneath them. "Let's make haste."
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"Earned, huh?" the succubus said idly, looking to Zoltan out of the corner of her eye, minding her step as they nearly reached the end of the gorge, where the sounds of a waterfall could be heard. "I can't believe I'd hear someone like you talk about earning things..." she sighed, her chest sinking with the sudden loss of air in her lungs, "Why bother wasting time on morals? What good have they ever done anyone? All that stuff does is make you a victim to those who gain their worth and power by taking everything you have... How could you stand to live just on people's gratitude alone?"

"As for the dirty deed..." she hummed, "Hmm... I suppose you'll find out should we get there. Or maybe you'll learn how a succubus handles things during our time together?" she giggled.

His inquiry about other demons that might seek the power Roxy would obtain was met with a quick shrug, "Of course there'd be bumps along the way. I called it survival of the fittest for a reason, you know." she reminded him, before looking up to the waterfall a little distance ahead, and nodding to his statement of necessary haste, "Yeah, the best way out of here now is to fly, if you think you can handle it, loser." she teased with a playful chuckle.

She gestured with her head, "Go on ahead, see if you can fly. If you fall, I'll try to... Catch you~" she giggled.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan would reply as his wings bet slowly lifting him off the ground his feet hanging just inches from the grass keeping himself balanced and aloft with unconscious thought. "I cannot explain it completely that it would appease your curiosity Roxy. But it is fulfillment of the spirit I think. Consider it a "human" flaw if you must, but morals define an individual and without them humans are truly just animals. But perhaps you will understand it yourself during this time spent with me." Zoltan answered to the best of his abilities as he would then starts heading towards the edge. "Don't worry, I'll try and keep up with you." he said with a slight smile before he began to fly out into the open airs before taking full flight with Roxy now.

Zoltan spoke as he twists and turns looking down over the landscape free of gravity. "Always did love flying. As a child I always wanted wings." Zoltan looked over the trees and mountains looking for signs of perhaps anything that could point out the witches coven. "As for why I feel I have not earned it... well... you saw what happened." Zoltan's failures were one reason but also was the fact that he did not consider himself to be worthy of leadership if he couldn't even defend his own tower from such a direct threat.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Following him, the succubus quickly caught up to him, swirling her body about with aerial expertise like a dart moving at high speeds, while rotating around Zoltan before settling in formation beside him. She giggled at his mention of loving to fly, though she left it at that as she began acceleration towards the mountains. "You give humans too much credit!" she shouted, her voice just loud enough to reach him through the wind.

"In the demon world, humans are a lesser race, especially men. The witches hold a similar view, so you'd better walk behind me, and only speak when spoken to, alright?" she instructed him with a strict voice, indicating that displaying an independent, self-respecting attitude before any servant of Hell would be most unwise.

Eventually, Zoltan would spot a small, flat cliff on the side of the mountain that overlooked the forest, and on it, just barely seen, were grey tents that matched the color of the ground, hiding the presence of habitat from afar. Roxy seemed to know exactly where this camp was, as she suddenly began angling her body down, rapidly descending towards the camp. As she neared the mountain, her wings spread like a parachute, slowing her decent, until she came to a complete stop, landing on her feet, with many witches already gathering around her, some leaving their tents even with next to nothing on, each with their staffs in hand.

Making room for Zoltan's landing, Roxy stepped out of the way. The many witches, most wearing the stereotypical witch hats from children's stories, were surprisingly small. They were no taller than children, but with the aura of demonic energy around them, they were certainly far from it. Most of them seemed to wear clothing tantamount to uniforms, most noticeable being their skirts, and their affinity to a dark red color. Beyond that, there were few variations of taste between them, such as their footwear, and underwear.

However, one witch that stood out among the others was seen departing a tent in the very middle of the camp, with two religious poles with beast skulls on either side of the entrance. Her hair, a dark brown, was done back into two tails with the use of similar skulls from the totem poll. A major difference from the others, was a pair of brown horns sticking out from her head. Angled like that of a ram's deadly weapons, they were clearly developed for skewing a foe's internal organs.

Asides from her torso, her arms above the elbow, and her thighs, the rest of her body was covered in short, wild fur. Her paws reminded Zoltan of a demon war beast he'd recall reading about in a rather 'dark' book, with three, extremely deadly claws on each finger. And her legs from the knee down were led to a pair of powerful hooves. Though her muscle structure, from an outward appearance, seemed nonexistent, her body parts were clearly meant for destruction, just the same as the tool she carried, which was a horrifying design of a scythe, seeming to pulsate with a demonic life of it's own.

The witches that had gathered around Roxy made way in respect for this upperclass monster, as she stepped without hesitation towards her two guests. "So, you've decided angels were too much trouble?" she asks Roxy, only glancing at Zoltan for a moment to regard his characteristics.

"Yeah, right," she snapped, "Actually, I was hoping you could help me with that." She folded her arms underneath her breasts confidently, "I want you to open a portal to Heaven. This man's soul will be enough."

Rather than her minions, who started smirking and chuckling quietly at her statement, looking to Zoltan as if he were far from up to the task, the horned demon raised an eyebrow, stepping towards the man curiously, looking him up and down as she stopped in front of him, a bit uncertain herself. "... He smells like an ordinary human..." She holds her paw to her nose, squinting an eye, "An unwashed one at that. I don't believe his power alone is enough."

Roxy grinned, turning to Zoltan, "Zolt, dear," she called for him in an unusual tone, as if she had some kind of ownership over him, "make your mistress proud, and demonstrate the extent of your power." she commanded him.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan beats his wings following along with his natural speed though he stayed beside her. He continued himself lucky since he was perhaps one of the few who can claim not to be so weak, after all... how many can say they made a succubus like Roxy yield? Though it probably would have ended in a draw of all things had they kept going. When he realized he would have to swallow his hubris down and let Roxy pretend to be the one dominating him, it didn't sit too well with him and all the same he figured he play along... if only to spare her some face. After all since what she said was true then being a vassal to Zoltan was perhaps one of the deepest shames she could endure. He would stand behind her which might not be the most unpleasant situation from his vantage point.

He walked along with his hood up figuring to keep his head bowed though he did not enjoy this. He wouldnt show it however, his mind was currently turning under the thrall of events as he had to consider that all things can change. Still why should he care about the politics of hell? He just wanted to make sure mages would no longer be so hunted for a change in humanity's place in the world. If humans were valued so lowly and considered such a low threat then that would be changed, by his hand and others. It was something he had to keep himself focused on.

As he was observed he noted the witches... well the real ones beyond the true demon that was their leader anyway he could sense the demonic touch they had within them which was probably a source for their power beyond their spirits. Similar to a steroid for the physical form almost though this was just a simplistic theory and not actual fact perhaps. He would make note to perhaps research these ones. When he looked at the demon that addressed them, their leader, of course she turned her nose up at him as expected. Few ever took a human seriously on the island which was in his mind a weakness that was widely shared if the facts were accurate enough. By that logic they would usually be surprised when they meet a human that could actually challenge them.

When his "mistress" commanded him he remained silent for the moment before he looked up. Only Roxy heard him when he first walked by her whispering to the succubus "Loser." The tone he carried with the whisper was flirtatious or playful akin to her own use of it. He gave a lingering look letting her quietly know that he wanted to return the favor when this is over and she could probably tell he was disgusted with this act but he stomached it because well... well he didn't want to see her lose face or get hurt like he did when he woke up the first time. The sight of her bleeding to death possibly in horrible pain... He hated such horrible visions, even though hypocritically he wanted to hurt her when they first met. But it was for a different reason and well.. knowing what he did now he would

Roxy had pretty much allowed Zoltan to prove that he was capable of such a ritual, and to and he would not disappoint. He spoke in a higher tone of voice though one of submission. "As you wish mistress... and what shall be suggested? to test her vassal's mettle?" Zoltan pulled back his hood his eyes scanning one of the ladies who was interested in such a prospect of gauging his magical energies. If no one stepped forward then he would simply work with an inanimate object.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Grinning, the Baphomet clicked the butt of her scythe against the rock ground. "I'm in a rather good mood today. As such, why don't you do something that will make me happy?" she suggested, though most of it sounded like a command. And soon following were her witches, each with smiles on their faces, trying to shout in their suggestions. Many seemed interested in the idea of sex, while a few others wanted Zoltan to create something pretty, or amusing.

With so many various suggestions, Roxy discreetly bit her lower lip in worry over how Zoltan would react. Again, her eyes directed signs of warning to him, speaking without words, "Do not mess this up..."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan would think on this moment, his thumb and fingers rubbing over his chin and the slight stubble of facial hair that was becoming evident from a lack of a proper shave since they were on the move for so long. Pacing slowly for a while his eyes quietly searching the area for what felt like a few minutes he then extends a hand removing a small section of dead branch and quietly shifts via magic it into a more useful instrument. It would bend and mold into a long staff with a blunt tip on the bottom and a small cap on the top of it. Walking towards a large boulder he would begin drawing a ritual circle around it in preparation for the feat of magic he would perform.

Once completed, he would set the staff down now done with it. His eyes looked to Roxy and exhales slowly as he would let the magic inhabiting the rune he imparted with his spiritual energy and physical labor, be invoked as the advanced magic would begin shifting the rock into a more malleable form. Clay to be exact and Zoltan does not move as his arms were extended and his eyes looked upon the rocks. His spirit wills its own influence upon the clay to give it a proper shape. He would shift it into the form of a beautiful woman his eyes focusing upon every detail he had in mind.

A smoothed face, round and with a touch of youth behind it. A hypnotic sheen to her eyes which he crafted via shifting her eyes into a deep garnet giving her a kind of orange-amber shade. Her skin was of a deep tan, taking the clay texture and letting it darken to promote the beauty. Her hair was a radiant sheen of golden curls that run down to the shoulder blades. Her height was that of of a small woman no more then four feet ten inches in height. Her breasts were a small handful, capable of fitting one in the palm of the hand, if one was an adult. Her belly was soft yet slightly toned and her nether regions had no hair upon them, her legs were smooth and she had a slight curve to her posterior.

Zoltan seemed to slightly sweat as he continued the last few moments as he would begin letting his magic shape the runes upon a pair of copper bracers he had infused upon her during the creation and along her shin guards. These were the only parts that would be marked in such a way save for a small glyph just above the breasts which is to be the arcane mark of the wizard who created her and finally a soft rune upon her lower back. His work complete upon the body he would begin the final step.

A portion of his spirit reaches out to touch the newly created golem who's skin was hardening into the resistance of solid steel reinforced by magic. Her eyes twitched now and then and her fingers slightly curled. Energy crackled around the ritual circle and then began to disperse slowly. Zoltan's arms lower slowly his breaths deep and his brow sweaty from the enduring labor he invoked. For the moment seconds go by and nothing happens before a sudden intake of air came from the golem's soft lips. It sounded sweet and melodic. Zoltan smiled satisfied by this as the golem stood there now fully born and sentient.

(This is the golem's appearance.)

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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Watching intently as Zoltan went about creating the golem, standing for about a few minutes as the artistic creation took place, the Baphomet began to walk in circles around the golem, stepping slowly to inspect the animate material that stood at about her own height, using her scythe as a walking stick. During one pass she made, Zoltan would notice, albeit discreetly, that the floating 'sphere' in the middle of a curve in the weapon's design was staring at him...

Stepping in front of the golem, the Baphomet clicked her scythe against the rock ground. "I suppose this will make a suitable tribute." she decided, before putting a hand to her chin, "But... There's still something missing."

Both hands gripping her scythe, the Baphomet spun the weapon skillfully over her head, closing her eyes as she chanted incomprehensible words. A dark aura began to plague the air around her, influencing Zoltan with it's dark energy, a 'tent' growing in his pants from the perverse energy. She continued to build herself up, before slamming the butt of her scythe down, directing her fingers at the golem with a toothy grin. Dark threads shot forth from her fingers, stabbing into the golem's body, polluting the magic within it, color coding it into a far less innocent presence.

Pulling back, the Baphomet watched the golem intently as it slowly turned around to face Zoltan, smiling at him with a new set of lettering on her bracers. As well, the other runs on her body had been erased, including the one on her back, replaced with a rune that simply translated to, 'sex.'

A moment after looking at him, the golem suddenly reached for him, attempting to grab at his clothes as the Baphomet giggled happily. "Much better," she commented, "This golem will work perfectly for extracting enough energy for the portal. And I just love seeing toys turn on their creators!"

Looking away from Zoltan, expecting him to keep playing the role, and be taken by the golem, Roxy spoke to the Baphomet, "So, you'll do it? You'll open the portal for me?"

The Baphomet shrugged, "Depends on how much energy the golem extracts before he collapses." She stretched her arms up into the air, before patting her belly, "But that'll be awhile from now, and I think I could do with some food."

Stepping away, the Baphomet rounds her witches to follow her, headed towards the fire circle, no doubt to prepare a meal. Roxy stays behind a moment to approach Zoltan, who would have a little golem clinging to him, trying to coax him into sex. "Do you think you can handle it? Being drained, I mean." she asks him, gesturing at the blond golem, "And if she's too small for your tastes, I could hump you instead."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan noticed and analyzed what was happening as he allowed the sex magic to work against him. Not like he had a choice if he wanted to keep the ruse up. He had to show himself to be weak enough for it to be a successful lie after all. That didn't however stop Zoltan from noticing just how the Baphomet worked her own magic. This was a good chance to learn how she did magic and more importantly what to do just in case he ran into her again. He watched how her spirit reacts and bends to her will altering his golem. His erection was full and proud and knew well what was coming so he parted the robes slightly so it would be easier. Last thing he needed was his robes ripped apart.

He had been using a weaker binding to the runes with little to no contingencies to guard them in order to make sure she could do this effortlessly. If he had tried to show his work in that regard it would have tipped her off that there was more to him then meets the eye and that the roles were reversed with the master and servant. As Roxy said no self respecting demon would allow herself to be dominated by a human, let alone a male one. He kept his eyes low whilst the "eye" or the Baphomet's own were on him.

He didn't fight it when the golem had removed his erection from his robes and watched as she knelt down and began nursing upon the tip. Utterly silent as his erection was toyed with by the golem as she walked off. Within his heart it annoyed him to have one of his creations perverted like this and so easily turned on him even if it was something that had to happen. When Roxy came over he didn't even speak to her for a moment as he just let the suckling continue. He gave a soft gasp feeling a sensitive spot touched before he would address her.

He knew she didn't enjoy anything less then an angel so he doubted shed enjoy such an act let alone fake it. This was how it had to be for now. Besides... it wouldn't look good if the mistress subjected herself like this. "I can handle it. I can handle anything mistress. I cannot deny the hospitality shown after all." He said continuing to play along with it. "You have made it clear what your desires are and I will obey your words. I appreciate your concern though my mistress." he gave a soft gasp before speaking "Name her mistress. For my vassal is your vassal"

Only Roxy would see the smile on his face after he spoke once the witches were all gone. It was nice to know she had such concern for his well being. Honestly putting up with this was worth it if it spared a bit of dignity for her by fucking a human. He knew she wouldn't want to subject herself like that and honestly it would look bad since it seemed well established that she didn't like humans even around the others. Though he did have other motives for staying with the golem on this act they were not for prying ears and would be done well away from this place. Even though the golem looked far smaller then most she was actually a full adult. She was just shorter and for her height she was well blessed physically.

When they were all well out of earshot he spoke normally. "One thing. Think you can give me a bit of extra endurance? Wouldn't look good if your 'vassal' can't handle this task well." Zoltan figured that was the best way for both mistress and vassal to one up the Baphomet. To have his golem, the bitch turned on him spent and on the ground and Zoltan still standing. Hell it was even more plausible because what kind of self respecting succubus would have a servant be lousy at sexual techniques? If he was the vassal of a succubus then he should have endured far worse marathons then that from Roxy's sisters at least if not her. Zoltan trusted that Roxy would do this and discreetly. There could be no more words for now. He had to start and Roxy had to stay with the Coven for now.

Zoltan watched as the Golem continued to nurse upon his cock feeling intense warmth flood his blood and his nerves go alight with electricity. His hands rest upon her head and his hips slowly thrust letting her take as much as she wished in. His hands pet her soft cheeks as she knelt there before him. His eyes remained opened only shutting to suppress a wave of pleasure. He fell backwards figuring him standing for too long would tip one off. He sat there watching the blonde curls hide her face from him leaving him to experience the sensations she granted him. His cock throbbed in the golem's mouth easily manipulated by her. She worked the tip with her tongue rolling about steadily. He would have to deal with the golem's altered runes in time but not just yet. It would have to wait and he would have to observe how the ritual worked.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Roxy shrugs, shaking her head, "My magic is parasitic and hellish in nature... All I can do is cause chaos, and suck the life out of things. I'm sure at least one witch here knows something that could help you, but they're more interested in sucking everything out of you, rather than nurturing you, as if that wasn't obvious." she said with a slightly humorous tone.

Looking to the golem, she continued to speak, "They plan to have her fuck you until you've got nothing left. They do that with every human they subject to their projects. There's always excess energy, and they keep that for future purposes, whether to use it to feed themselves, or otherwise. And, she empowered that golem with her own magic... I figured you'd know, but you've been daft in the past, so I'll go ahead and tell you now that the Baphomet is no pushover. Even with that temporary boost in magic Naznia had back there, the Baphomet is not easily defeated..."

She sighed, putting a hand to her head, "I'm saying this because... I'm honestly worried about you're overzealous behavior. When we get to Heaven, I really need you to keep a lid on that attitude of yours. It's bad enough that a succubus is having to tell you about self-control... You know?" she giggled. "I don't want you to tell me yes or no... Just, please, let me know through your actions. Show me that you're listening to me... We'll need to depend on each other once we cross that portal..." Roxy turned about, keeping her eyes on him, not wanting to hear a word of response, "If not for our agreement, then for me... Please..." she told him, before walking off.

After Roxy had left, the golem that had been happily sucking him off suddenly stopped, pulling her mouth back from his cock, laying her hands on his crotch as she smiled up at him, her blue eyes now a deep red, "Master is not giving me sufficient energy... He is not pleased with me..." she announced aloud, as if reporting that Zoltan was not turned on by what she was doing. "I must collect your energy inside me, what can I do to please you, master?"
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan watches her leave quietly. Hell forbid that any mortal male show himself to be superior to a monster girl. He understood all of it and why it happened. He understood why she said it and why she was telling him this now. He got that the Baphomet was queen of the mountain and not someone he could best at the immediate moment.

Still even when the circumstances should indicate things should properly be in a favorable position, things would somehow turn south and become unfavorable again. It was like someone was willing to tug the cord around a proverbial neck and fate conspires in such a way to make it that way. Well he wasn't going to play that tune for those that are so used to it. He was doing the best he could to comply with this whole bullshit status quo and powerful as the current was, the only thing he could do was not fight it yet to make it to shore. Even if he had to drift along with it for a while she should know him enough to know that he only put up with this for her sake and for others.

He was complying with what was said and the fact that he would have no help but Roxy's own was evident when they would reach what remains of heaven. It went against everything he knew and taught himself to play the part of a true submissive for this but he was doing it anyway. It was his greatest display of willpower to subject himself so. But enough with how he felt on the situation as a whole. Zoltan had a matter at hand to deal with which was his golem.

Zoltan looked down at his golem with a quiet manner as she declared he was not enjoying what she was doing currently as he then says "Its not your doing thats the problem. I just want us to sit back and enjoy it. No need to rush." He said as he would help her rise up to her feet whilst he knelt down before her kissing his way down her young womanly build his hands running slowly along her soft skin kneading the firm flesh on her hips and buttocks. His tongue trails along her subtle curves and pulled gently upon her firm nipples with his firm mouth. He took better satisfaction in making a woman scream out then he did in his own needs. His eyes soon were beholden to her hairless mound of womanhood and his quiet worship of her wet passage soon commenced with his tongue lapping over the labia with a few kisses given to the clitoris.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Perhaps as a result of the dark magic that filled her, the golem enjoyed Zoltan's touch in every degree. Her hands placed upon his head, yelping as Zoltan's lips met her labia, thighs twitching and waist twisting as he stimulated her orally. "I'm already wet for you, master." she announced to him, "Please do not make me wait."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan suckled hungrily upon her soft nether lips his tongue delving between the folds of her forbidden passage. His eyes shut he savored her and prolonged this as best as he could before he took hold of her by the waist and carefully lowered her down to the ground below his hands taking hold of her legs. He would need help aiming himself into her and knowing well that it would be a long and enduring ride he took the plunge into his golem. Penetrating her folds deeply with his rod of wizardry he pressed forward until his length had sunk into her as far as he could manage to put in. Slowly he established a rhythm within her his eyes shut as if to try and keep his mind steady and let himself be convinced that this was how it needed to be for now. His hands took hold of her soft breasts taking them in with firm hands and kneading the handfuls of flesh whilst he drilled himself in a casual pace inside of her.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Happily allowing herself to be lowered, the golem's legs were already spread wide for Zoltan by the time he'd grab her legs, moaning as he inserted his phallus into her sex. Her cheeks slightly crimson, she continuously stared down at her crotch, watching his cock steadily slide in and out of her pussy. "I can feel your energy flowing into me." she announced happily, "Please don't hold back, I am very durable."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan moaned softly thrusting firmly into her tight passage with every passing moment letting his energy be siphoned through him and into the golem. His cock pounds into her up to the hilt. He reached down to grab a handful of her soft breasts kneading them gently. He felt her legs wrap around him to keep him closer as his eyes peered down at her nether regions so filled with his physical self. With every moment of this copulation the pleasure intensifies making his cock swell with delight and blood rushes through his phallus. When she said not to hold back he did as told pumping rapidly in and out of her tight canal.

Hooking his arms around the small her back after a few minutes in he changes the position so her lovely form was now cradled with her bouncing on his lap with him vertically whilst he was upon his knees within the dirt and grass. His moans were soft and he deeply kissed her upon the lips trying not to think of the consequences anymore. His cock pounds deeper and deeper and she could feel the first of his soon to be many releases becoming more and more imminent. She would feel him stiffen and slam his cock into her hilting inside and then with a sharp moan in her mouth he began to cum inside the golem.

He stilled for the moment lying down with her now straddling his lap. Her lithe form still upright for she had much endurance and she grinds slowly trying to stir him back to life with her own limited magic due to the rituals involvement and in this she would be quite successful as it would keep him going give her more of his energy. She bounced sensually upon his cock her hands resting upon his stomach letting her hips and his do the work of this intense union that they now shared for what felt like a good thirty to forty-five minutes. His cum slicked cock made it much more easier to slide in and out of her and in this position he could drive deep into her however she could control the depth of which he delves into her silken folds.

He began to slowly sit up kissing her upon the neck with his hands holding her rear end to help them grind firmly against one another their hips rolling. This way would cause his cock to rotate within her soft walls and cause her passage to hug at his cock and massage it in new ways. Her arms would cradle along his shoulders allowing him to go at this pace as it felt nice and it would help her get the energy much more faster if she kept this kind of pace up. She smiled softly her blush deepening with every thrust and every move meant to stimulate her creator. She would have his energy in good time and it was abundant along with his male essence.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

After those thirty or forty minutes, and then some as Zoltan would cum again, feeding the golem in profound amounts, he would suddenly hear the familiar click of a scythe along the rock ground, the flat chested Baphomet approaching, having considered enough time had passed. Stepping five paces away from where Zoltan was making love to his corrupted creation, she clicked her scythe on the ground, the golem's eyes blinking in response. She suddenly tried to get off of Zoltan, to stand, and face the Baphomet.

But, the nearly harmless looking war beast did not pay attention to the golem just yet, instead, she looked down at Zoltan with intent. "First, I'll let you know that my witches silently applaud your performance," she raised her paw to direct it at him, "But, I'm really here to appease an inquiry I've developed about your situation. Can you walk? If you don't mind, I'd like to see you in my hut, privately. Don't worry about the golem, if you've grown fond of her, you can keep her." the small demon tells him, eager to lead him back to her hut if he would follow.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan forced himself to his feet completely nude though he could not move completely just yet as his body still felt quite number from the pleasure he had just endured for a long marathon. He took the time to get his clothes back on for now but was rather clumsy in his endeavors. In due time he would follow behind the Baphomet into her hut and remained quiet for now figuring it best to let her explain what it was she wanted and to not speak unless prompted to unless the act had to be dropped. He would want to keep the golem but only after removing the runes that had been tampered with and to fortify his own runes more proper and through. For now all he could do was stand there and wait.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Once in her hut, the Baphomet clicked her scythe loudly, her back turned to Zoltan as a confident grin crossed her face. "Speak!" she shouted. Spinning around, the Baphomet landed flat on her butt right on top of a small pillow made seemingly just for her. She slouched before Zoltan, and made a gesture with her weapon towards the comfortable looking carpet before her, urging Zoltan to do the same.

"You don't need to keep up the facade. Even if it weren't for my making your golem my own monitoring device, I would be blind if I could not detect the clear independence glinting from your eyes." she says calmly, still slouching as if it were no big deal.

"Now," she clicks her scythe again, "I'm not saying I'm an often consultant of humans, but your situation intrigues me. I've never met a human wanting to stir up some hell in Heaven, and had a plan to do it. Even if it's just to do something stupid, like save someone, causing Heaven problems is always in Hell's interest." She directed her scythe at Zoltan, the non-sharp end. "That's why I'm interested in your angle. Why are you wanting to invade Heaven? How did you convince Roxy to help you? And more importantly..."

She grins, "Can I help?"
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan followed and had to wonder how long she knew about this. Probably from when Roxy decided to switch places with the golem or further when he whispered to amplify his endurance which was unable to be done as she omitted. He looked on at the Baphomet as the facade drops and Zoltan's more willful and independent power of personality manifests itself from the more fragile ruse he and Roxy orchestrated. He took a seat calmly humoring her since he really didn't have much options and analyzing the situation in the meantime.

Her questions and admission of curiosity were akin to Roxy's own willingness to help him despite no obligation to see it done when Naznia had him against the ropes. Sure she allowed him to bind her as a familiar but it was more pact then anything rather then a master and servant relation. He suspected that Roxy originally was ease dropping on what Naznia intended and realized that he was her best chance at stopping her from effectively cutting her food supply off permanently but now the more Roxy acted the more he suspected she was falling for the human. Which would be perhaps one of the greatest jokes of pure irony fate could ever craft. He had no way of proving that last part and if he told the truth on what he thought the Baphomet might not even believe it. Speaking of which...

"Where exactly is Roxy at the moment?" Zoltan said wondering about that as it had been a while since he last saw her. None the less Zoltan figured the best way to go about this was to give a few spoonful of truth. Zoltan folds his hands slowly together as he then says "It's mutually beneficial. Your former observation of Roxy being unwilling to feed on a human is still accurate. She still seeks angels for that purpose and whilst Heaven is in a state of anarchy Roxy would have limited or no angels to feed on." This would explain why Roxy was helping Zoltan without revealing the rest of the situation concerning her. It would maintain Roxy's prestige as a succubus and it was something the Baphomet already suspected so Zoltan should give her what she expects to hear.

Zoltan would think on what to say to the Baphomet concerning his own matter. "I am simply trying to recover my losses. My own establishment miles and miles from here is in ruins because of a prior event concerning the angels. As such my research has now been stolen and is being misused. To me that is motivation enough." A very straight forward answer that was very much true but it wasn't everything to the situation. Revenge is a beautiful and honest motivation and would hopefully be a good enough answer.

Zoltan would exhale before he came to the final question concerning the Baphomet and her desire to help. More then likely she was in it for the pure thrill of going up into Heaven and taking advantage of the situation. Still perhaps there was something that she wanted from such a plane of existence. Maybe she was just that damn bored and wanted a touch of adventure to put some meaning back into her long existence. For the moment he would wish to know more about her motivation in all of this "Well you are already helping with the portal with your coven. So why do you wish to get further involved by chance?" Again an honest response that would hopefully shed light upon the subject matter.