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ADV [hentaicook] Aching Dreams 2

Re: Aching Dreams 2

Well, I might try the demo.

im only 17

Considering that you're stupid enough to post that(with a misspelling, at that), I don't think we'll miss you.
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Re: Aching Dreams 2

The demo lets you try the game and complete one of the characters, so you can make a good judgment on if the new game's not to your taste (honestly the second one is better, but not very different)

I'm also making a space station alien survival game next year. If you like kicking ass for a piece of ass, stay tuned.

Are you ever going to release a downloadable version? I've been waiting for something I can play offline...
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I'm hesitant to release it since it would be too easy to spread around on the net. Would I rather make the few customers happy, or lose a lot of potential sales? Since the game is my only source of income ATM, I'd rather just receive the backlash from customers, sorry. I'll just have to make it up to you some other way.

By the way, this free offer only applies to the two I offered it to, who definitely show no intent of purchasing it (yet begging for it)... Someone just PM'd me for a freebie. The product is still being sold, and not free.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I'm hesitant to release it since it would be too easy to spread around on the net. Would I rather make the few customers happy, or lose a lot of potential sales? Since the game is my only source of income ATM, I'd rather just receive the backlash from customers, sorry. I'll just have to make it up to you some other way.

By the way, this free offer only applies to the two I offered it to, who definitely show no intent of purchasing it (yet begging for it)... Someone just PM'd me for a freebie. The product is still being sold, and not free.

I'm amazed you haven't been flooded already...:eek:
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I'm hesitant to release it since it would be too easy to spread around on the net. Would I rather make the few customers happy, or lose a lot of potential sales? Since the game is my only source of income ATM, I'd rather just receive the backlash from customers, sorry. I'll just have to make it up to you some other way.

By the way, this free offer only applies to the two I offered it to, who definitely show no intent of purchasing it (yet begging for it)... Someone just PM'd me for a freebie. The product is still being sold, and not free.

Eh, I can understand that, and from memory the way the password protection works on it cannot simply be transferred to a downloadable version and maintain the same level of password/account protection. Pity that.

I just don't like the idea of paying for something I can't keep in a physical sense, i.e. on my hard disk so have refrained from doing so. I'd even probably be willing to pay a little more to get a hard disc copy of it and get it shipped out to me than I would for it in the current medium, depending on how nasty the shipping costs ended up being. Of course, such a format would have to be supported by patches to keep the game current as you update it, and unless there are enough people like me who'd be willing to get the hard copy but not the current format (seems unlikely) it likely isn't financially viable to pursue.

And thus we segue into business studies.

Still, might be worth considering and doing some market research on your forums and abroad as it may give you some additional revenue streams.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I did survey players of the demo. Here's two important questions regarding your comment.

1. Would you pirate AD2S if you could?
2. Would you rather have an offline version or an online version?

The people that voted that said they would pirate the game (at least they were honest), subsequently made up for most of the people that voted for the offline version of the game.

Seeing this made up my opinion above.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I did survey players of the demo. Here's two important questions regarding your comment.

1. Would you pirate AD2S if you could?
2. Would you rather have an offline version or an online version?

The people that voted that said they would pirate the game (at least they were honest), subsequently made up for most of the people that voted for the offline version of the game.

Seeing this made up my opinion above.

To the bold in question there.

1.) I would pirate this game. I'm sorry, but being honest here, I would attempt to not pay a dime for it :x.
2.) I would rather have an offline version over an online version. As inc said, having it in hardware is nice... No worries of sudden disappearance over the net and never to be found again.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I did survey players of the demo. Here's two important questions regarding your comment.

1. Would you pirate AD2S if you could?
2. Would you rather have an offline version or an online version?

The people that voted that said they would pirate the game (at least they were honest), subsequently made up for most of the people that voted for the offline version of the game.

Seeing this made up my opinion above.

1: game didnt fit what i wanted, so i doubt id pay for it. if it had what i wanted, then yes i would.
2: to have a dl-able version would be nice, but i can deal with an online version.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I did survey players of the demo. Here's two important questions regarding your comment.

1. Would you pirate AD2S if you could?
2. Would you rather have an offline version or an online version?

The people that voted that said they would pirate the game (at least they were honest), subsequently made up for most of the people that voted for the offline version of the game.

Seeing this made up my opinion above.

1. I would never ever do something as low and disgustingly unrespectful as that even if your life and the life of those dearest to you was in dire peril, just thinking about imagining of supposing to do this kind of horrible act of desecrating profanation send a chill of rejection down my spine. Just the fact that you are implying i might have the slightest intention of performing such an evil action is beyond my ability to comprehend and forgive, thus i will pirate it, for your subtle and miscreant accusations deeply offend my pure and untainted soul.
2. Online, i have cramped harddisks already...
Re: Aching Dreams 2

This is my first post here, and before the questions, I gotta say, it's been interesting reading this for the first time, watching it go from "hype" to "It's almost here" to "If you don't gimme, You'll never hear the end of it" and now, finally to "Thoughts on the game and Q&A with the creator." There is a metaphor for the human condition here, I KNOW there is...

I did survey players of the demo. Here's two important questions regarding your comment.

1. Would you pirate AD2S if you could?
2. Would you rather have an offline version or an online version?

The people that voted that said they would pirate the game (at least they were honest), subsequently made up for most of the people that voted for the offline version of the game.

Seeing this made up my opinion above.

1. Well, I wouldn't, and though that sounds like a BS answer, there is a reason. It's been said in this topic that updates are planned in the future, and I can't see a way to get updates with a pirated copy without getting NAILED in the process. So, yeah, purely covering my own ass on that one.
2. Why not a mixture of the two? A .exe program that you run, put in your UN/PW, and it gets all the relevant info from cyberspace? That would allow you to put backups on different servers, in case your main server crashed/got cut off from the net, so customers could still play their game, no matter what. And it would put a .exe on the hard drive to settle the pounding hearts of the customers that hate paying for a pure online game.

I dunno, maybe not the best choice for a first post.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

1. Well, I wouldn't, and though that sounds like a BS answer, there is a reason. It's been said in this topic that updates are planned in the future, and I can't see a way to get updates with a pirated copy without getting NAILED in the process. So, yeah, purely covering my own ass on that one.
2. Why not a mixture of the two? A .exe program that you run, put in your UN/PW, and it gets all the relevant info from cyberspace? That would allow you to put backups on different servers, in case your main server crashed/got cut off from the net, so customers could still play their game, no matter what. And it would put a .exe on the hard drive to settle the pounding hearts of the customers that hate paying for a pure online game.

I dunno, maybe not the best choice for a first post.

See, it's a nice idea and all, but not the most economical. It is, however, closer to what I was originally suggesting, minus the different servers, which hentaicook has perhaps sadly not realised. At least it certainly seemed he didn't actually understand what i was trying to say. Perhaps he never bothered to read it. Who knows.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

Like my old man used to say, your choices are safe, wealthy, and sane, pick any two. But, in all seriousness, it was just a random thought, and it seemed like a FAIRLY economical way to keep it online-thus safe from piracy-and still guarantee customers access, in the case of something going wrong.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

See, it's a nice idea and all, but not the most economical. It is, however, closer to what I was originally suggesting, minus the different servers, which hentaicook has perhaps sadly not realised. At least it certainly seemed he didn't actually understand what i was trying to say. Perhaps he never bothered to read it. Who knows.

I could make a user/pass type offline game, but as soon as that happens, someone will upload their game, username and pass. It's that simple and I wouldn't be able to stop them.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

I could make a user/pass type offline game, but as soon as that happens, someone will upload their game, username and pass. It's that simple and I wouldn't be able to stop them.

Are people stopped from sharing around user-names and passwords now?
Re: Aching Dreams 2

Are people stopped from sharing around user-names and passwords now?

In online games, usually, one ip can use one account at one time, if you spread your username and password you will probably not be able to play the game ever again with those since that accont would be assaulted by countles people.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

How dare you sacrifice a minor customer convenience for protection against piracy. I don't want to live in a world where people are rewarded for their effort.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

Are people stopped from sharing around user-names and passwords now?

Yes and no. You're free to play the game on a reasonable amount of computers. The moment we see 100 people playing on your account the same time, you're banned for life.

As for whether or not the computer you're sharing the game to actually belongs to you or not, I'll leave it up to you.
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Re: Aching Dreams 2

BerryPolter, Noskcaj... (jackson backwards btw)

If you guys can't pay for the game but manage to beg for it for a month, then sure, I'll let you guys have the game. It's not like you were ever going to pay for it anyways, so no bread off my table. Just PM me your email address and I'll give the game to you guys.

I will take this generous offer.

I send my email by MP

Thanks a lot. I will help you if i see some bug or anything else
Re: Aching Dreams 2

BerryPolter, Noskcaj... (jackson backwards btw)

If you guys can't pay for the game but manage to beg for it for a month, then sure, I'll let you guys have the game. It's not like you were ever going to pay for it anyways, so no bread off my table. Just PM me your email address and I'll give the game to you guys.

I like your style. Makes me almost want to buy your game. But since I didn't particularly like the first one(no offense, just not my type of game), I'll pass.

I´m sorry but he is not as cool as he seems. I sent him my email. Not only here also in but he didn´t reply me, and he read the message :(

It´s true that I don´t deserved play the game free, but I don´t know why he wrote the previous message.

Well I will forget the game forever because 10$ is too much for this game.
Re: Aching Dreams 2

you truly thought he would just give it away to anyone who asks for it? That kinda defeat the whole purpose of "pay-for-play" game, he could have just set up a donations option.

This was in the heat of the moment, and BerryPolter did beg for it for over a month. So maybe if you keep spamming letters to him, you have a chance :)

And i think 10$ isn't just for the game, but payment for the membership.So all new content for that game, or future games that he will host on his site(if there will be any) could be acessed. Just my speculations though, don't need to quote me on that.