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Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.

Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day...

The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston , a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack.

The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted.

The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read:

To: My Loving Wife
Subject: I've Arrived
Date: October 16, 2005

I know you're surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in.

I've seen that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then!!!! Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was.

P. S. Sure is freaking hot down here!!!!
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.


Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Hehehe, that's cute.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Heh. That was pretty good.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

lmfao either you people are just humoring this shit or you have the worst sense of humor ever xd
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

lmfao either you people are just humoring this shit or you have the worst sense of humor ever xd

I never did claim to have a good sense of humour.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Don't feed Obe after midnight Sin you should know that already.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

coming from the butthurt failure who neg rep'd me because I hurt his feelings xd
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Don't feed Obe after midnight Sin you should know that already.

But he looks so cute with scaly green skin.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Haha. That got a laugh out of me. I like these jokes. Please post more.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Heard it before...
I vote we shower Obe in cotton candy, jellybeans and teddybears!
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

lmfao either you people are just humoring this shit or you have the worst sense of humor ever xd
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

I'm sorry, but I'm kinda with obe on this. It's not the first time I've heard it, and I knew what was coming the first time I was told.

I didn't find it funny and though I recognize any of you might have found it funny, it's just.. a thread for it? I don't know, that's just a little over the top for me.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Haha. That got a laugh out of me. I like these jokes. Please post more.

D.. darkfire, I...

I just can't even look at you right now..

I'm sorry, but I'm kinda with obe on this. It's not the first time I've heard it, and I knew what was coming the first time I was told.

I didn't find it funny and though I recognize any of you might have found it funny, it's just.. a thread for it? I don't know, that's just a little over the top for me.

Yeah seriously I know I just come off as a troll but this was seriously unfunny and a waste of space. Even if it was funny, could you at least make a megathread for bad jokes? By the way all of these are super old. I read this one when I was like 13.

I love that macro it perfectly describes the opposite of what I do on these forums <3

also, this one is better
Last edited:
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

We need more threads like this
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

Did this just turn into..... the troll discussion thread?

And also, I read that joke in a church back in south africa, I read it in a church... A CHURCH, you can't get much older than that.
jokes found on church hand-outs and posters or of the like =/= humorous.

Although I must admit, I lol'd seeing it here, it made me nostalgia abit.
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

@Anon Negrepper

You trolled me THREE DAYS after I posted? I can't be insulted by a comment on my intelligence when it takes you three days to think of something witty.

Also, anon negrepperz have no BAWLZ
Re: Always make sure you have the email address right before sending.

lmfao either you people are just humoring this shit or you have the worst sense of humor ever xd

actually its a cruel sense of humor.