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Re: Hate Thread

i hate blight town in dark souls. Those messed up grunts scare the fuck out of me.
Re: Hate Thread

I would imagine he's seperating them exactly as he said, math that can be used by everyone in their everyday life and high-level math that rarely sees use outside of specialised fields (compared to the amount basic arithmatic is used) and instances (and math junkies). though I did manage to say it a little more positively
Re: Hate Thread

This is off topic and I know that so I'll probably wind up getting more -reps because of it and if this happens so be it, but I have to get this off my chest and I promise this is the last time I post out of the Klub community. I made a post about how majority of ya'll are assholes, I was wrong. If anything I was the asshole. Anyway I just wanted to apolgize.
Re: Hate Thread

But how is higher math any less real? D:

I'm sure I could come up with some smartass way of saying that it is, but quite frankly I wouldn't know. I only got as far as algebra before I felt like my time would be better spent bludgeoning myself to death with the textbook than trying to understand it. Oddly enough though, when combined with physics algebra makes perfect sense and is even enjoyable.
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Re: Hate Thread

I'm sure I could come up with some smartass way of saying that it is, but quite frankly I wouldn't know. I only got as far as algebra before I felt like my time would be better spent bludgeoning myself to death with the textbook than trying to understand it. Oddly enough though, when combined with physics algebra makes perfect sense and is even enjoyable.

I hate anything above algebra, though I enjoy it in an abstract sense when reading about it in scientific magazines. But I don't deny it's reality.
Re: Hate Thread

I actually quite like algebra, both in its base form and the multiple ways it ends up being applicable to programming.

...Wait, shit, wrong thread
Re: Hate Thread

So the water in my building is shut off until four in the afternoon, I was drinking yesterday, and work starts at three... I NEED MY SHOWER! (This is hate of the shutoff water...)
Re: Hate Thread

this is why god invented lakes.
Re: Hate Thread

Snow... Outside window... And the only lake in my vicinity would need me breaking through the ice to take a bath. Also, it's too far away and would mess up my schedule. /whine.
Re: Hate Thread

Snow... Outside window... And the only lake in my vicinity would need me breaking through the ice to take a bath. Also, it's too far away and would mess up my schedule. /whine.

Well, go roll in the snow naked? Not a good substitute, but better than not washing.
Re: Hate Thread

As much fun as it is to roll around in the snow naked, there's also friends and family that have working showers!
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Re: Hate Thread

now thats just silly ranger.

You put the snow in a pot and melt it, then you sponge yourself down with the snow.
Re: Hate Thread

As much fun as it is to roll around in the snow naked, there's also friends and family that have working showers!

Fuck! The image of girls making naked snow angels is making me horny. And I just fapped too... T_T
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Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate?

Having a secret identity...

I KNOW this will probably get me neg-repped (a third of which will contain the word "faggot") but I want to be honest.

Being the leader of a team of people who distribute hentai games and personally distributing other hentai games myself gives me a wonderful sense of pride and accomplishment, being useful to the community. (mostly just the lurkers though)

Meanwhile on other communities I'm in, I'm usually just a useless loser, but compared to those places, on here, I'm like a hero!

I sometimes ponder what would happen if I suddenly blurted out somewhere on my other homes "Hey, did you know I'm the leader of SVS?" or "I'm actually a professional RoR hentai game collector"..

So far I've only done this twice, and both times I immediately desperately tried to retract what I said, but ended up just begging them to keep it a secret...

I "would" be ashamed of this, but to be honest, peddling hentai games isn't such an embarrassing thing.. I mean, it's just a video game, and I'm just distributing it.. Not much more to it than that... Right?

Dangerous tip: If anyone saw me on another site with a different identity, because of my personality, they would recognize me INSTANTLY, and if you actually do know who I am after reading this (And thinking and digging a bit), it would be nice if you didn't say anything. (But feel free to PM me about it)

Reply to the 1st negrep: (You're making out like it's a big deal or something. And since you're not getting paid, you're not professional.)
The term professional has nothing to do with getting paid, it merely means you're good, or well-skilled in something, and I don't care what you think, I would consider myself a professional RoR game collector based on my impressive collection.. Feel free to PM me and I'll give you a list of my games if you want proof.
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Re: Hate Thread

Nunu is fortunante enough to be well regarded and liked in both lives.
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Re: Hate Thread

As much fun as it is to roll around in the snow naked, there's also friends and family that have working showers!

I'm pretty sure half the point of rolling around in the snow naked isn't to get clean...
Re: Hate Thread

The term professional has nothing to do with getting paid, it merely means you're good, or well-skilled in something.



Let's start with the word that Professional originates from.

1. Profession; pro·fes·sion /prəˈfeSHən/

Noun: A paid occupation, esp. one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.


Now for the actual word.

1. Profession; pro·fes·sion·al /prəˈfeSHənl/

Adjective: Of, relating to, or connected with a profession.

Noun: A person engaged or qualified in a profession.


Literally speaking, you are not a professional. You're an okay guy Stiff, but in this case you're wrong.