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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to both X man (some kind of mutant killing spree turn the team into the singular form?) and Jericho (You better not disappoint me like the game. Clive Barker still owes me 60 bucks as far as I'm concerned). Do enjoy yer time here amongst the rest of us, and wonder if you really are as strange as you think is the cesspit of madness... and boredom.

Mostly boredom.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Thanks for the welcome wolf.

The names unrelated, my usual screen names Xabo or Aelin but i figured i'd go for something different for a change :)

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Look at you, already on a nickname basis with some of us! I wish I was that bold!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

What can I say, i'm a friendly bloke ;)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hey hey, looks like we've got a new Brit, welcome aboard.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Si, welcome to both of you X man and Jericho, enjoy the community...take care "wink"
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Thanks guys!

Like I said i've been lurking for a little while so it's nice to see names i've seen dotted about the place being so welcoming :)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Thanks gentlemen for showing me respect for my introduction. :) I guess I should say I hope not only me but X Man as well, get to learn to enjoy our stay here at ULMF. I don't know X Man (other then the fact I found myself putting a little hyphen in the middle of his name every damn time) but it seems we both joined pretty much at the same moment, so I guess it just feels like common courtesy of me.

On that note, I did want to ask if anyone had any tips on how to stay on the good side of most of the members? I'm scared of accidentally pissing someone right off on my first days here.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I can't speak for the rest of them but to not piss me off don't say anything fucktardidly idiotic.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well personally speaking, we can't be friends unless you say stuff that's fucktardidly idio-
I can't speak for the rest of them but to not piss me off don't say anything fucktardidly idiotic.
And thus, we are now mortal enemies.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the new members, etc etc, *reads from queue cards*

Welcome to our lovely forums. Enjoy your stay, have fun, and try not to piss Oni or myself off. Extend hand for friendly handshake.

Drop by the shoutbox sometime and have some randomness with us!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

On that note, I did want to ask if anyone had any tips on how to stay on the good side of most of the members? I'm scared of accidentally pissing someone right off on my first days here.

Treat me with respect, and I shall treat you thusly.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

On that note, I did want to ask if anyone had any tips on how to stay on the good side of most of the members? I'm scared of accidentally pissing someone right off on my first days here.

This place isn't your typical forum where every little word is monitored by the mods. The people here are understanding. Just act like an adult and don't roll around like a childish troll.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

This place isn't your typical forum where every little word is monitored by the mods.

Excuse me?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

This place isn't your typical forum where every little word is monitored by the mods. The people here are understanding. Just act like an adult and don't roll around like a childish troll.

*roll, roll, roll* Notice how Dark didn't monitor the second half of the post?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread


You're excused


...Oh, and hi to the new guys.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well personally speaking, we can't be friends unless you say stuff that's fucktardidly idio-
And thus, we are now mortal enemies.

Tonight we do battle!