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Re: Hate Thread

I hate sites which force me to use a complex password despite being completely fucking irrelevant to security. Seriously, I just want to ask a support question. I'm not going to give you any personal information, and I don't give a shit if my account gets hacked. There's no fucking reason for you to require me to create a 32-character password with numbers, special symbols and non-english characters.
Re: Hate Thread

I've been getting that as well. But its automaticaly enforced on the hosting for the email accounts on the server.
Re: Hate Thread

My School is only covered under the Federal Stafford Loan.

Fuck. My. Life.

I hate this. I could have gotten something with Wells Fargo or Sallie Mae but noooooo. -grumpgrumble-
Re: Hate Thread

Ergh, screamed myself fucking hoarse in work because of the useless cunts that refused to do any work.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate sites which force me to use a complex password despite being completely fucking irrelevant to security. Seriously, I just want to ask a support question. I'm not going to give you any personal information, and I don't give a shit if my account gets hacked. There's no fucking reason for you to require me to create a 32-character password with numbers, special symbols and non-english characters.

Re: Hate Thread

i'm actualy having trouble with one person accessing their ewbmail, their iphone wont let them enter the complex password that the server enforces... and being the website person its up to me to fix it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how sensitive my fingers are, I have no calluses.
Re: Hate Thread

Now, before I go into my post, I'd like to elaborate that I do pirate games, and for anybody living in South Africa I would advocate pirating games because of how bad of a deal we get from certain developers and ideals within the anti-piracy division of gaming as a whole. AKA always-online security clarification and DRMs etc etc... This applies in particular to steam games, who even without DRMs, can be fucking annoying to get installed and working when I should have only had to have paid for it.

I have been trying to get Xcom: Enemy Unknown working for ages, and recently I managed to succeed, even applying an update patch and getting it up to date. And, in a way, I am not disappointed at all, it's an awesome game. Addictive, and in a way the less respectable and buggy parts of the game are funny as hell. And not just that, intended game mechanisms are also funny at times as well.

For example, immediately after shooting a Muton in face at point blank range with a scatterlaser, the muton uses his intimidation ability on my squaddie, causing him to panic, and immediately shoot him in the face again. GREAT IDEA!

But that brings me to the Hate part, the game rigs percentages and falsely represents your odds during battle, meaning that 50% is more like 40% and 60% is more like 70% at times. What!? I know this might sound farfetched, and false, but I've missed when the shot was supposed to be at 100% accuracy. It might be a bug, but that implies something about the game mechanics.

That, and the difficulty scale can be a tad unfair at times. I understand that sometimes I'll miss a 70% shot, sure. But does it really have to be three times in a row, when you've just had 6 chryssalids and 3 mutons come out of buttfuck nowhere? And why is it, when I get the jump on a chryssalid on my last unit's turn, can it run halfway across the universe into the middle of my squadron, and then immediately begin it's turn? I love Enemy Unknown, but it doesn't play fair, and the enemies follow different rules than I do, making it seem even more unfair at times. I hate that.
Re: Hate Thread

The problem with XCOM's accuracy system, I believe, is that the actual percentage of the shot is determined after the shot is fired. Even then, the system it displays is often the result of rounding (so there's still a miniscule chance to miss).

Taking these into account, I did a little experiment with the... "RNG" that XCOM uses. If you save at the start of a turn and move in this particular fashion, a certain chain of events (shots fired, enemy moves made, etc) will play out the same way regardless of how many times you save scum. Change one move, and it changes the entire chain (so whereas Soldier A will always miss if he goes first in the save, Soldier B's earlier movement will make Solder A's shot recalculate even if they follow the same pattern).

So I'm probably just unlucky, but it seems the RNG gets its randomiser from your character movements.
Re: Hate Thread

semi deterministic rolls are used to stop people fudging a 100% hit rate by reloading whenever they miss.
Re: Hate Thread

I have a problem with that way of working things, while I don't save during the mission and then save-scum constantly, I WILL reload the mission as a whole if I fuck up horribly and lose my squad, because frankly, there's an Iron Man option for people who want to use it. I am not one of those people, Xcom is harsh enough as it is.

I have no problem with losing my two highest ranked soldiers in one foul swoop if I deserve it, but sometimes Xcom tries my patience with fudged accuracies and glitch-tastic results. Also, I would like to point out, that just because what doesn't work the first time always fails afterwards, DOES NOT mean it works both ways. It can and will fail the next time around.

That, and like I said, the computer has things rigged in it's favour sometimes, with aliums literally swarming you if you so much as take one step. Sometimes it puts you in nearly unwinnable situations. I don't want to have to start over my campaign AGAIN. I don't want to learn the exact order of priorities for construction in order to actually have a chance.

There is merit to randomised mechanics, but not if you misrepresent them like an ASSHOLE.
Re: Hate Thread

have you considered playing on a lower difficulty?
Re: Hate Thread

have you considered playing on a lower difficulty?

It'll do the same thing, except in my favour, making it largely the same problem. SO FUCK IT NO, I DON'T WANNA. I have no problem with the difficulty, I have a problem with the means to the ends.
Re: Hate Thread

Cappy, i thought you knew that XCOM has a deterministic rolle system where the probabilities are determined at the start of turn or so. This specificaly stops people from breaking the game by reloading whenever something fails, because the same thing will happen. if you want something else to happen do something else.
Re: Hate Thread

Cappy, i thought you knew that XCOM has a deterministic rolle system where the probabilities are determined at the start of turn or so. This specificaly stops people from breaking the game by reloading whenever something fails, because the same thing will happen. if you want something else to happen do something else.

There are only so many ways to do things. And sometimes, after the fifth time of trying things in a particular order, getting zerg rushed by cyber discs and chryssalids stops being fun.

Frankly, it's only sometimes when Xcom decides to be a problem in the exact way I'm talking, 80% of the time it's fine. But it's those moments when you feel you have to be defeated in order to progress that frustrate me. Either that, or play out six alternate threads of the same reality and get tired of reloading, before going "Fuck it, I'll try again tomorrow." Because my good soldiers are all injured and all that's left is eight snipers.
Re: Hate Thread

I believe that XCom's odds work by rolling every shot you could take when you step into the space and using those numbers. So long as you keep moving the same guy to the same space, you'll get the same miss. Maybe even a different guy, I dunno.

I did read the patch notes for the last update, and saw something hilarious: "Easy mode made easier."
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when a thread get updated and the new post is a spammer.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the Walking Dead game, but I want to love it so so much.

Shortly after the release of episode 4, the game deleted all my save information and sent me all the way back to Episode 1. That had been very frustrating as I now had to go through the story all over again. I tried doing that recently... except now whenever I try to load up the second episode, it just loads up the very end of Episode 1 instead. So I get to see the ending all over again.

If the game didn't change for the choices you make, I'd have just skipped to Episode 4, but I want the experience I was promised, not to jump ahead in the story and find characters that had been killed some ways back.

So, good on you Walking Dead for your great writing and story. But fuck you to hell for your really really shitty coding that won't even let me play the fucking game. Absolute bullshit.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the Walking Dead game, but I want to love it so so much.

Shortly after the release of episode 4, the game deleted all my save information and sent me all the way back to Episode 1. That had been very frustrating as I now had to go through the story all over again. I tried doing that recently... except now whenever I try to load up the second episode, it just loads up the very end of Episode 1 instead. So I get to see the ending all over again.

If the game didn't change for the choices you make, I'd have just skipped to Episode 4, but I want the experience I was promised, not to jump ahead in the story and find characters that had been killed some ways back.

So, good on you Walking Dead for your great writing and story. But fuck you to hell for your really really shitty coding that won't even let me play the fucking game. Absolute bullshit.

Poor Sadfulwolf.
Technical halfarsery sucks, especially so with this one. However well written the story with all the branches may be, I couldn't come up with the courage to install Ep. 5 just yet.

This game also has given me a lot of trouble technical-wise.
There seems to be a law of nature that states that games may either be running smooth OR may have a great story - especially considering the ending.
Innovative game mechanics OR non-stereotypical characters.

Good-looking OR smart. But never both.
Y'know, like with people.