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Re: Hate Thread

I have been hearing about technical issues, but I haven't had any. I have heard news of a number of updates, though.

Ep. 5 will hurt if you care at all about what's gone before.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck Pharmacology. It can kiss my ass and not let the door hit it on the way out.

And fuck Dr. G for giving us 15 minutes to use our books on our test because I don't goddamn ever bring my book because it's useless to study right before the test. It's useless and it doesn't help you retain the knowledge you're going after. But no, as a "present" to those that cram right before the test let's let all the students use their books on a bloody final that we should never be allowed to use our book on.

ARGH. It's just... FUCK.
Re: Hate Thread

If I were that particular teacher, I'd try and pay attention to who used the book and who didn't. Y'know...so I'd know who was studying and who wasn't.
Re: Hate Thread

If I was that teacher, I'd quit teaching.
Re: Hate Thread

She's a good Professor, I love her to pieces. I'm just insanely jealous that other people got to use their book (ie everyone but me) because I have anxiety issues and can't cram or even glance at notes or I'll start to freak out.

I hate that, I just wish I could be like everyone else.
Re: Hate Thread

Just a few days before Christmas - read: when you need it - the car goes down the crapper.

Genius. It's like Windows on Wheels.
Re: Hate Thread

How stupid people get while driving when there is the slightest change in road conditions. This has become my biggest annoyance lately.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not sleeping. Seriously body. Melatonin plus Robitussin plus Unisom and you still wake up every few minutes?

Re: Hate Thread

have you tried hot chocolate?
Re: Hate Thread

Where are you from to have such "tea" Oo ?

Tea does have caffeine, especially black tea(meaning most actual tea not marketed as green tea). Not nearly as much as coffee, but still.
Re: Hate Thread

And as someone diagnosed with ADHD, it works to make me sleepy.
Re: Hate Thread

I have enough reason to double post.

Spoilers for The Hobbit below


How could you Peter Jackson there were few things that I wanted from this movie and you turned them over and stomped on them.

How could you

I'm not watching the other two. I can't. How can you make two movies from less than half a book? Seriously? Fuck.
Re: Hate Thread

I have enough reason to double post.

Spoilers for The Hobbit below


How could you Peter Jackson there were few things that I wanted from this movie and you turned them over and stomped on them.

How could you

I'm not watching the other two. I can't. How can you make two movies from less than half a book? Seriously? Fuck.

Smaug was blue? >.>

It was a few days ago, but I distinctly remember Smaug being the classic black-red dragon that he was supposed to be. That could be a problem with your theater. And Riddles in the Dark was more or less exactly how it was in the book, minus Gollum paddling back to island at the end to find that he'd lost the ring. The "bored the whole damn time" isn't something that one can argue against, and it was an admittedly long and occasionally slow paced movie. I enjoyed it thoroughly despite seeing it on like 2 hours of sleep though, so it's probably just you.

Also, given that the majority of the action happened in the second half of the book, particularly when they actually reach the Lonely Mountain and the giant war that happens there, it seems like there's plenty of material left. Particularly since they only got to about a bit past the 1/3 marker of the book in this movie, and they're adding a bunch of things from the side books.
Re: Hate Thread

Smaug was blue? >.>

It was a few days ago, but I distinctly remember Smaug being the classic black-red dragon that he was supposed to be. That could be a problem with your theater. And Riddles in the Dark was more or less exactly how it was in the book, minus Gollum paddling back to island at the end to find that he'd lost the ring. The "bored the whole damn time" isn't something that one can argue against, and it was an admittedly long and occasionally slow paced movie. I enjoyed it thoroughly despite seeing it on like 2 hours of sleep though, so it's probably just you.

Also, given that the majority of the action happened in the second half of the book, particularly when they actually reach the Lonely Mountain and the giant war that happens there, it seems like there's plenty of material left. Particularly since they only got to about a bit past the 1/3 marker of the book in this movie, and they're adding a bunch of things from the side books.

Seriously. Spoilers.
Re: Hate Thread

I really enjoyed it. There were no parts that I felt were tacked on or useless, though the set-up took it's sweet time. I liked how the dwarf songs were woven into the rest of the soundtrack. I like how it was clear that the story of the film was not the story of the trilogy, or rather that they were able to make a coherent film out of a third of a book. The end tends to suffer.
While I understand it, it bothers me from a narrative standpoint that Gandalf is a such shady dick throughout. The fact that he can just wander off and then wander back and save the day, especially when Thorin and Bilbo are supposed to be our heroes, bothers me, as does the fact that they continue to trust this shady dick who's always wandering off and always back just in the nick of time when they have to give Bilbo no end of shit. I know how it works, I know why it works, but I'm not a fan.
Re: Hate Thread

Smaug was blue? >.>

It was a few days ago, but I distinctly remember Smaug being the classic black-red dragon that he was supposed to be. That could be a problem with your theater. And Riddles in the Dark was more or less exactly how it was in the book, minus Gollum paddling back to island at the end to find that he'd lost the ring. The "bored the whole damn time" isn't something that one can argue against, and it was an admittedly long and occasionally slow paced movie. I enjoyed it thoroughly despite seeing it on like 2 hours of sleep though, so it's probably just you.

Also, given that the majority of the action happened in the second half of the book, particularly when they actually reach the Lonely Mountain and the giant war that happens there, it seems like there's plenty of material left. Particularly since they only got to about a bit past the 1/3 marker of the book in this movie, and they're adding a bunch of things from the side books.
when his face becomes uncovered by the gold at the end. It was blue. BLUUUUE. AGH.

Re: Hate Thread

Seriously. Spoilers.

Oh shut up. The book's ancient and the movie's been out for a week. :p

I didn't even spoil anything important.

when his face becomes uncovered by the gold at the end. It was blue. BLUUUUE. AGH.


He looked black with hints of red to me. I don't even know where you're getting the blue from.