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Re: Hate Thread

I'm with Newbie on this one. You've definitely got "reasonable doubt" on your side for this, since they cannot prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that *you* specifically were the one who took the money from the wallet. There are too many x-factors in the scenario. (And that's actually coming from slightly personal experience. Madre was on a jury where they used reasonable doubt to clear a guy. Apparently, while he was on parole, they found drugs in his jacket, which had been hung up, unsecured, all day, in an area that was easily accessible to not only him but other employees as well. So while the drugs *might* have really and truly been his, there was that *one slim chance* that someone else could have put them in his coat. Translation = guy was found innocent.)

Also, how stupid is this woman? "Hi, I found your wallet. But I took the 50 bucks in it first before I returned it you, okay?" Really? Really?

Someone needs to hit this woman with a clue bat.
Re: Hate Thread

As somewhat of a digression from the current discussion:

Whoever invented the selling of textbooks in 'three-ring-punched bundle/packet' form is a sick, twisted, and craven individual.

Jesus Christ, it's not even significantly cheaper than the hardcover version I found on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
Re: Hate Thread

Yep, textbook companies are a sadistic, predatory life form that feeds off of the souls of students in order to exist.

I know a lot of professors are starting to move to electronic form, but there's still a lot of stuff a core text can provide. At least with things like literature and theory, there's nothing wrong with using an old text.

It's really up to the professor though... and some of them are in league with the soul suckers. You could always try bringing it up to him or her. They might change. Not that it'll help anyone except future students...
Re: Hate Thread

I'd be pretty okay with an actual textbook, though. At least I can maybe return those. The thing in the store is literally a bigass fucking handout that costs a hundred and ten dollars. It's basically a textbook that I also have to buy a cover (as in: a binder) for, that I can't return at the end of the semester. They've got these for like, three of my classes. I didn't even see my fourth classes' book there, but I saw dudes with the actual bookandnotahandout in class... but then again, I had a book with a cover last year due to getting it off Amazon.

This year, though, online alternatives aren't providing much reason to go for them. They're only like, ten bucks or cheaper, and I'd have to deal with delivery times and shit.

Oh well. I'll just sit outside the bookstore come next semester and sell my copies at like, half price, or something.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh yeah that definitely sucks. Not that they give you much back for books anyway. :(

I recommend trying abebooks.com. They tend to have way better deals than amazon, but the shipping can take forever.
Re: Hate Thread

Jesus Christ these books are like seven dollars. They're using stock images, though, and they're still saying 'binder ready'... but still. Even if they're fucked up copies, they're like less than a tenth of the shitty new one's costs.

I'll have to remember this for when I'm less time-starved. <_>
Re: Hate Thread

Not to gloat, but we have book rental here. Much cheaper ;)
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, the whole textbook thing is a racket. I think I remember reading somewhere as to why the schools got to sell them for so much when you can buy them cheaper online, though I don't remember where. And Ranger's right, I think some professors, if not just the school's outright, are in on it with publishing companies.

Might want to look into Amazon Prime, Blarg. CB has it and they give you a discount/it's free for students (I *think*) and you get, like, free 2 day shipping while Prime is active.

Another alternative, though I think it depends on the school, is renting the textbook. It's still expensive and you can't, like, deface the books (no notes in the margins, highlighting, etc etc) but it's cheaper than buying it.

Reminds me of me and my Calc book. Lucked out and needed the thing for two semesters before failing out of Honors Calc and taking something else (heh.) Book was, like, 150 bucks and they were buying it back for under 10, so I held onto it for pure spite. One of my friends showed up in the campus lobby with a copy of it. I'm like "You needed that?" "Yeah?" "I've got one in my car still. 75." So he goes, returns the book to the bookstore, gets his money back, and I get half and he keeps half and it's all good.

At least binders are cheap? Either that, or the prof could get ahold of the pdf or something and let you print out pages as needed. Get some use out of the school computer lab, heh.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate my luck. First early yesterday morning, our waterpump for the well went out and we spent 3-4 hours last night trying to get it fixed to no avail because we thought it was the pressure switch that makes the pumps kick in and push the pressure through the pipes. Now just about half an hour or so ago our downstairs AC went out and won't come back on.

I had been saving up some money to buy a new PC for Christmas, a nice but fairly affordable one, but that plan is now completely shot to shit and back because I'd rather have water, and at least the downstairs airconditioning working even though upstairs me and my brother have to suffer through these damn window airconditioners.

Re-edit: Found out what was wrong with the airconditioner downstairs. My stepdad had flipped the breaker off thinking it was one to a different thing and that caused it to go off. XD

So... that's a win at least, and the guys that checked the waterpump told me that they could have it fixed by lunchtime tomorrow round about. So things are looking a little up at least, though still don't have any running water at the moment at all.
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Re: Hate Thread


I've been working as a parcel delivery driver lately. ' _ '

So if you happen to be one of those scumbags who sits at home expecting a package, in a house with no clear signage visible from the road, or perhaps with one of those amazingly helpful black backed signs with tiny dark brown calligraphic text on them, then know this...

You may, or may not, get your mail on the expected date. But know that some poor bastard new-guy/temp-worker has spent the best part of an hour driving up and down every road in your neighbourhood, leaning out of the window to squint for crappy or absent signs, sweating in a hot van cab, asking random passers by for your address, getting out of the van to look for signs under bushes and down driveways, holding up traffic, confusing elderly ladies by using their driveway to turn the van in, phoning up the depot to get some useless directions, and finally discovering via pure trial and error that the address is down some stupid path hidden between a pair of other houses, with the house name on the doormat.

I rambled a bit there. That may or may not describe your address. But if yours is anything like that, I hope your parcel is a box of angry bees.

I don't get paid by the hour. And an hour spent on one parcel = £1. A parcel that cannot be delivered, is added to tomorrows work load. Too many failures to deliver = out of a job.

These people have no idea of how much pain they cause to new drivers, merely by failing to put up a good readable sign. T-T
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Re: Hate Thread

Don't you have a navigation system? Or at least some kind of app for that purpose? Maybe get yourself one of those old map thingies.
Re: Hate Thread

We're all given satnavs and several types of up-to-date detailed maps. But in practice, all they can do on many rural roads is direct you to the correct road/street. Once you're there, it's all by eye. Some of these roads can often be as long as 5 miles of narrow backroad full of blind corners, with a hundred houses spaced at random along the entire length of the road, using house names instead of numbers. Quite often the road will have one or more unmarked long dirt/gravel track offshoots, leading to one or two houses hidden down the end.

To locate a house you left with little alternative other than slowly creeping along the road at under 10 mph, leaning round and trying to peer past overgrown hedges and round the corners of fences to spot tiny house name signs, which are often as not seemingly placed for the owners to admire, rather than intended to be visible from the road.

Today I had to deliver to a place called "The Villas". Half the sign had rotted off and left only "las" left to read, practically written in moss, and practically invisible against it's old gate and overhanging bushes. I drove past the property three times before I even realised it was a sign. I only discovered it when I got out of the van to investigate on foot, the property being one of the last places I hadn't eliminated as not being the destination.

The other day I was looking for number 6 Church Rd. Tiny short road, seemed like one of the quick and easy ones at first. Heading down the lane from one end I came across in order, houses 9, 8, signless, 7, 5, 4, 2, 2a, 2b, 5a. And that was the end of the road. No off shoot lanes or hidden houses to account for. Knocked and asked at the signless place, and it wasn't them. Stumped. After a while longer checking and struggling to make sense of the road, I was finally tipped off by a cyclist that Church Rd continued further on, in a disconnected stretch of road, some 500 meters down the next road and round a bend. Where I finally found #6. I incidentally didn't see #3 on either bits of road, so hopefully I won't ever deliver to them, if the place exists.

(There also was no church anywhere near either of these roads)

Or for a simple one, "The Green Cottage, CowDun Rd". Fairly short road, most of which is clearly numbered and in plain sight (bless their kind souls). So only a few houses at the other end of the road to consider. One doesn't have any visible sign, and a quick process of elimination removes the rest. Coming back to the unmarked home, a woman is waiting at the gate and calls over, "I saw you drive past. Are you looking for The Green Cottage?"

The house wasn't even green. ¬_¬

The postal service does not work by magic. But it may be a miracle that it works.
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Re: Hate Thread

Just once more, after a bad day...

My job. And people who don't make sure their address is properly identifiable from the road side. Road side. Name/Number. Readable. Roadside. Not from the bottom of the drive. Not from standing at the front door. Not from standing at the back door. Not from sticking my head inside a hedge. Roadside.

If I had my way, it would be a couriers legal right to choose not to deliver to addresses that can't be positively and reasonably identified. Would save on a lot of hassle/sweat/time/fuel/pollution/frustration/pain.
Re: Hate Thread

I am getting an alarming amount of spam on my page. Like, as personal comments. Not only is it annoying, but it's also disappointing to get notifications that are ultimately just noise.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that you're getting so much. It's filling up me inbox.
Re: Hate Thread

Not only your inbox thats getting the memo's Sin...

On a second note... What the crap is UP today?

Click Random Manga to read
Turns up Elfin Lied
Okay, was on my list, no biggie... But it's known to be a Feels Manga more than a Horror one... Bleh, oh well... Read on and eventually finish all 12 books

My favorite cats personal health takes a nose dive and now needs to be put down after an awesome 20+ year run... Yea... Things are getting pretty sucky... Pretty quick here!

Flip onto Youtube and three of the four daily suggestions are Silent Hill 2 Ending: Maria... This is growing into quite an irritating coincidence...

Walk into the restroom... Lights flickering till I actually glance over at it, then it dims fades and gives one last flicker before dying... Even a GOD DAMN LIGHTBULB?

I'm about to just head to bed... Fuck today...
Re: Hate Thread

Just make sure you post again in due time, Bei. We don't need certain trends repeating themselves.

Also, sorry to hear about your kitty. Twenty years was a good run for a fuzzy, but it still sucks. *hugs*
Re: Hate Thread

And the Fullmetal Hate prize of the day goes to the IGN reviewer Mitch Dyer, for being a biased and un-informed imbecile who thinks that by just writing something that looks official makes it valid.

With just reading the first sentence you will probably realize what's wrong with this guy.
Re: Hate Thread

I'll have to check if it was IGN reviewers, but they did something about Dragon Age: Inquisition and reading through the article (rather, listening to it) it was "OMG, did you guys even *play* the first game?"

Plus, I'd like to see if he does anything with the Ducktales reboot, to see if there's any compare and contrast there.