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Re: Hate Thread

I just remembered a song that someone said reminded them of me like years ago. Except I can't remember the artist, the title, or any of the lyrics - just that I want to listen to it and have no way of contacting this person because they are no longer in my life.


Get back in my life you pretty person. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
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Re: Hate Thread

This reminds me: I hate spammers.
Re: Hate Thread

Hard drive apparently died, days after having to replace the rest of the guts of the system. Rage.
Re: Hate Thread

People might know from the shoutbox last night, but might as well put it up here as well.

Hentai Foundry is currently ip-blocking ALL OF GERMANY because some Germans caused some stir over there. Not only is it annoying for me and other regulars (some of their more popular artists are German), but it's also COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE because me and anybody else that figured this out can just use a proxy service to access the site. So yeah, great job, HF. GG.
Re: Hate Thread

The pain of toothache is really distracting me x_x
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who suddenly lose their ability to drive because there's a light downfall of snow.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the low violence version of l4d2.

because of a nanny state decree my version of the game has no dismemberment, blood spray or corpses. that might sound like only gratuitous things but i've seen more violence in pg things and the entire aesthetic of the game is ruined.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the low violence version of l4d2.

because of a nanny state decree my version of the game has no dismemberment, blood spray or corpses. that might sound like only gratuitous things but i've seen more violence in pg things and the entire aesthetic of the game is ruined.

I realize that the problem is bigger than the game itself, but hopefully this helps maybe?

I really don't know if it works so I can't guarantee anything.

EDIT: also had these come up in google.

Everything I'm finding is 2-4 years old, so dunno if any even still work.
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Re: Hate Thread

Thanks for trying kusunagi but it appears valve are ahead of the modders here.

Actually after further investigation there was that worked and if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have found it.
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Re: Hate Thread

British people at Chinese restaurants and takeaways.

Don't you dare order chips. Shaming the whole group with that crap.
And stop sitting up straight floundering around with your chopsticks, just pick up the bloody bowl, put it to your mouth, and shovel the rice in.
Also, why do you have to treat everything like it has to be a set meal on one plate. It's a buffet for petes sake. Take a bit of this and that, eat it, and then get some more. Try something else. Then something else. Have a bit of everything, and finish with your favourite. Just please don't fill one plate with a mountain of a single item or two, and get fed up of it halfway through.

When my siblings and I order a takeaway, we just pool how much we're willing to spend, and then grab a bit of everything with what we have, and treat it like a home buffet. You end up with far more variety, and as long as you like even at least half the items on the order, you have more than enough food. It's quick, easy, and hassle free. Or it should be.

Tried to do this for our group of friends at newyears, carefully explaining how we were going to do it. Asked people if there was anything they wanted to make sure made it onto the order list. Barely anyone friggin understood, and made it hell to arrange. Everyone starts asking "which one is mine? I ordered black bean/foo-yung/chicken." etc

Dude, we ordered THREE portions of assorted blackbean dishes. Have a bit of all of them, and feel free to have the rest as well. But no, when we're not looking he picks up one of blackbean pots, and wanders off to the corner with it to have that and nothing else. Then latter complains that he preferred one of the other blackbean dishes. One that we had ordered and was right there on the table the entire time.

Just... grrr. ¬_¬
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how I wanna jump in on this conversation but I dont really hate anything!
Except golden showers and poop fetish's..
I'm like wtf!!!

Re: Hate Thread

I hate how "Black Ops 2 Zombies" ended..
And I really hate they might not be making a third!

I love Zombs!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I didn't get to spend more time with my cousin who we lost on Monday evening and the fact he didn't make it past at least 40. He was a good man, a good friend, and just about as close to me as my brother, and he left us much too early. [R.I.P cuz, I love you ;_;]
Re: Hate Thread

Know how that is Flayer... RIP: Great Uncle Petro, Uncle Glen, Uncle David, Uncle Howie, my cat Shadow and several close calls for my brother, cousin Randy, and cousin Kevin...

...Well shit... Now that I put the last years worth of hospital visits together, its almost exclusively male!

On a lighter side however, bro should be discharged tomorrow if everything goes well...

... I hate hospitals...
Re: Hate Thread

That's good to hear about your brother Bei, glad he's getting discharged and coming home to you all and hoping everything goes alright for him. Also I'm with you on hating hospitals, having to be down at the hospital my grandfather was in just before he died was horrible... having to stay in that same waiting room just outside of that dammed ICU area he was in every time we went down there for almost a month. Now with my granddad I knew it was coming eventually because he'd had a stroke about 3 months prior to him dying, and I had more than enough time to steel myself for it, though it still hurt like hell and still does to this day... hell it probably will for the rest of my life because I was quite close to my grandfather. But my cousin though was even closer to me. Now he'd been sick with the flu yeah, but his fever had broke and he was starting to feel a bit better the day it happened up until not long before it did happen from what I've gathered from the rest of my family members.

Probably the worst part about it is that he literally died in his mom's arms from what she's told me, while she was on the phone with 911, and he was an only child as well and lived at home with his mom and dad to help take care of them both, mostly financially, but not only that. And what I believe to be the second worst part of it is one of his friends had lost his own dad literally the day before my cousin Joey died, and he found out while he was at the funeral home for his own dad only to find out that probably his best friend had died the day after his dad did. I was crying just looking at how devastated he looked about the whole thing, he looked so pitiful and had this just totally lost look in his eyes the whole time I saw him.
Re: Hate Thread

Sorry for the double post, but I don't give a damn honestly if it is one or not. I hate funeral homes and said my final goodbye to one of my best friends and cousins earlier and just got back not too long ago. Was one of the pallbearers and I have to say I hate it too. It feels like I left a piece of my very soul in the graveyard with him, like it'd been just ripped out of me. Luckily I had my bottle of Disaronno with me to drink and calm down on the way to the graveyard or I don't think I'd have been able to make it through all of it. I want to just down the rest of that bottle, but I know he wouldn't want me to resort to that and it ain't worth it.
Re: Hate Thread

I find myself really starting to hate Steam's growing tendency to just randomly set my status to Offline without any notice.
Re: Hate Thread

I haven't noticed this, but the same person keeps telling me that I appear offline to them even though it tells me I'm online. It screws up their message system when talking to me.

I always thought it was just my computer since I think I'm apparently signed out of skype and aim when I lock and leave my computer.
Re: Hate Thread

Hate thread, so things I hate. Despite I personally know some of these people are great and awesome people who do their job I hate the police the majority of them do not do their job the right way. I hate thy enemy.
This may sound slightly hypocritical I hate haters!
I hate those who hate humanity. I can hate alot of things but i love alot more then I hate. But hate is easy why its so addicting but it will suck you into the void if you let it