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Re: Hate Thread

I am angry. Angry and full of anger. The reason being is a long story, so here is the following.

A long long time ago, I have bought a DS game. This DS game was legitimately purchased from a gamestop that went out of business much later. This game worked on all of my DS systems. It has worked on my DS, my DSi, and even my old 3DS when I had it. I let my friend borrow my game, since I gave him my old DS for his birthday.

He gave it back after a while. I let him borrow it for a long time. So long in fact, that my 3DS XL had a fully upgraded Firmware. I put in my game to play it once more, but something went wrong. The cartridge always errored in a black screen and a white error message.

I looked online to see the problem, and one problem that was said was that it could have been a pirated copy. I did not believe at first it was a pirated copy, and looked online for any discrepencies between mine, and pictures on the internet.

The label of my cartridge is the same. Kirby Squeak Squad. But the HAL logo was missing. Thingking this was negligible, I looks online again for anything else. It is said that Nintendo has a VERY SPECIFIC numbering system writting on the green of the contacts on a DS game. It is as obvious as an evil grin, that if it says anything in lower case letters, or forms a word, then the game is illegitimate.

My copy says "nintendo" in small letters on the green of the contacts.

So Gamestop sold me a bootleg copy of a game. And now it is useless because I alway play the latest Nintendo System. I do not know who to be mad at.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, you even said it yourself that it took prowling around on the internet for some apparently miniscule details that identified the game as bootleg. When places buy games, they generally don't do that. They look at the disc/cartridge/whatnot, see if it appears to be in serviceable condition and send you on your merry way with 1/10th of what you paid for it. Occasionally, they might pop it into an existing machine to make certain that it works. As you said that it did on earlier machines (and the game has apparently been around for a while), even if they did test it, it would have worked for them as it did you. Can't really fault them for selling something they may not have known was bootleg in the first place.

That being said, you've still got every right to be raging pissed at finding out your legitimately acquired game is a bootleg. Just going to be an instance of not really having anything to rage *at* in this case, except maybe the people that managed to cobble together a bootleg DS game. Only bad thing is that if it's as old as you say, there's probably little chance of getting compensation for it, unless you turn around and do as someone else did and trade it in (which, imho, would be a dick move.) Only thing I can think of is if you still have an older system that it works on, use that.

Reminds me of the time my friend took home a used copy of Tomb Raider that we got in at our store. Popped it into the player and it refused to read. Checked it out, turned it over and realized the disc was blue. Come to find out, someone had printed out a Tomb Raider disc label and slapped it onto one of those free AOL install discs. And then traded it in to our store. The lengths people will go to for a scam, I tell ya...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that a total of 3 people and counting it looks like, across all communities I am in, are having mental breakdowns at the same time. Is the reaper here? I don't know, but the best thing I should do right now is stay neutral and let everyone get over their pains on their own. Providing the small help I can, and nothing more than my ability.
Re: Hate Thread

In my experience, mental breakdowns usually come from a lack of understanding between that person and the rest of the world..

The original stress can stem from anything.. Dead parents, test scores, even just simple bullying..

But it's choosing to let them be which perpetuates their problems..

People have mental breakdowns as a desperate plea for help.
The last sane part of their brain trying to claim some piece of sense
to justify all the bad that has happened to them lately.

The mental breakdown is no different than a person putting on the emergency lights on their car when their engine malfunctions.

They cannot progress further and need assistance, not space.

If you really want to help, stick your neck out. Prove to them you have
what it takes to be "That one person who actually cares".. Even if they
don't acknowledge you or push you away, a part of their mind will
register that you DID try, and trust me.. That can go a long way..

... Unless you yourself of course were the one who caused one of those mental breakdowns by being a
heartless ninny and pecking at them while they were down.. In which case, you get no sympathy..
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Re: Hate Thread

I have learned a long time ago that some people just stay sad, without any healing factors from your support through "talking it out". Trying to help them in such a manner, when they choose to let bad lump over everything good at all points, is fruitless and emotionally taxing. It is better to just be a soft thing you can pet and hug and squeeze.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm sorry..

I had assumed "Trying" wasn't below your standards of human behavior.. disappointment.jpg
Re: Hate Thread

Well, this applies to people I have been supporting for a longer time, due to more aquaintanceship.

If you expect anything more than a posrep from me, I apologize for your expectations. It is, however, purely your problem that you have to work out yourself.
Re: Hate Thread

I was only vaguely mentioning myself.. I only expect recognition of the mistake people make for being asses to one another.. Rep does not do that.

Years of my life have been spent counseling people who were torn apart by
others.. "Others" who were such gigantic jerks they left an entire wake of
depressed and discouraged people behind them, that I collectively scooped
up and tended to one after another.

It's one thing when I myself get hurt, but when I see that very specific kind of douche-baggery.. The kind that comes from someone who is so fluent in it they aren't even aware of who they hurt.. THAT pisses me off..

Because I know I am NOT the first person that piece of trash has hurt, and
that there's probably a small lake of tears that person has wrung from other
people without even knowing it.

Granted we have all caused great pain to a number of people.. But I know exactly whom i've hurt, why, and how.. I pay for every mistake I make and I
know what I have done..

Does that make me a better person? In THIS day and age? Probably not..
But back when morality meant more than just preserving life and planting trees, hell yes..

I guess I was just born in the wrong era... Boy I hate that..
Re: Hate Thread


I Hate to be hungry at this moment
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when I go back on my creedo and it flies in my face. Sorry you are an ass badger. I was trying what I could to provide support for you, Mr. Stranger. Sorry for trying to get on your good side.

*Sticks tongue out at sponge and gives a pichu a Ham Sandwich*
Re: Hate Thread

Stop your whining.
You know what's bad? I have currently 32 °C in my apartment. I'm dying.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh please, i was at 45C today and still is hot at mid night. But yes lets all stop whining and focus on the important here than is complain of random issues at ours days.
Re: Hate Thread

Temperatures only have relative effect, people are free to be upset about height outside their range
Re: Hate Thread

Temperatures? I'll give ya temperatures..

I live in a mystical place where the sun can turn you into bacon in
under an hour flat, and yet it RAINS ICE IN THE SUMMER..

A strange place where the temperature goes from 90 to 60 the second
the sun starts setting, and there's mountains in every direction you look.

The wildlife ranges from "harmless unless you fuck with it" to
"if it touches you, you'll probably die." and the plant life is equally unforgiving,
some of which looks very creepy.

And no, it's not a fictional location, all of those things happen where I live,
and it is both fascinating, and frustrating. (And at times, scary)
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Re: Hate Thread

Fucking hate how my cintiq screen has just suddenly stopped syncing with my PC. I've tried all the appropriate cables I own with it as well as testing them with all the relevant ports I have on my PC and still nothing. It works fine as a standard tablet, and I can move my cursor on my main monitor with the stylus but that's not what it's supposed to do. I've even tested it on my laptop and it works on that, so I'm guessing there's either something wrong with a cable somewhere or there's a fault with my PC.
Re: Hate Thread

Writer's block and all similar issues. Seriously, trying to work on tying together details of an idea I've had, and the brain just keeps refusing to cooperate.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate today. Not only did I wake up after only some six hours of sleep, I'm feeling sick, my arm hurts and it's way too cold to be summer.
Re: Hate Thread

Ever play a game that's literally so fun you severely OD on the essence of fun itself, and then for the next week you're just sitting there in a frustrated stupor trying to futilishly find something that even tries to compare to the level of fun
you previously had?

I finally perfected the ultimate RPG game, my magnum opus, and I played
the crap out of it, but now there's just nothing left.. FPS games don't tickle
my funny bones, puzzles games don't excite me, only way I can get my rocks
off is with a game that involves heavy amounts of chaos, like amorphous+.

It's like using cheats on a game you barely started and doing everything
fun, and then trying to play the game without cheats.. There's just no spark
anymore. I hate not having ideas..
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my job. But more so I hate my self for not being able to handle a better job. Also Still hate Dolphins