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Weird Dream Thread

Re: Weird Dream Thread

I hope so! I'm not sure really. I just remember thinking I needed to rewind it back far enough, so I could throw the bowling ball into a weak spot in the wood (I know wtf right?)

I guess I rewound the time anyway, so hopefully something good happened!
Re: Weird Dream Thread

You know, the Time Goddess in Half Minute Hero rewinds time by 30 seconds.

Just sayin'.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I don't know what that is, but Time Goddess sounds pretty cool! I've actually messed around with time a few times in my dreams now. It's like my signature move. :eek:
Re: Weird Dream Thread

It beats my dream super power, all I can do is jump really high. Which might not seem like a bad power until I add that I have no ability at slowing my fall after jumping. So basically after jumping for so long I end up in one of those falling dreams and end up on the floor beside my bed.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I had a dream once where i had been taken prisoner and was tied to a chair. My captors held a revolver and shot me in the head, which wasn't any where near as painful as i was expecting. It didn't seem to work so they shot me in the head twice more before i got fed up with it and told them if they wanted it done properly to let me do it myself. They gave me the gun so i shot them and escaped.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Gotta say that my weirdest dream was when i found myself jumping on a trampoline with the 101 dalmatians. It's funny but for some reason this is the only dream that i've bothered to remember since i had it in middle school. Might come in handy in the future? :O
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Of course not! You have to cut their head to actually kill them and also absorb their powers.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

In my dream, someone gave me tickets to see some sort of broadway show. As soon as I sat down in roughly the 11th row, the show started. The curtain rose to reveal a nude, pale futa with midnight hair and a horse cock. Drips of cum were falling onto the stage, echoing throughout the theater. The lights were turned on and the futa began singing, her thick japanese accent giving some flair to the words:

"Darling, darling!, I want to fuck my darling."
"I want to fuck you, You want to fuck me."

Each time she said "fuck", she swung her large member to either the left or right, splashing the first few rows with her protein laden liquid.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Well, I dreamt of me being in a forest at night. It was incredibly realistic, I could see everything clearly, look around me, feel stuff (pain, cold, heat) and think about where I was.

So it was around nightime, I checked my watch and instead of the handles going crazy, spinning super fast (which is what happens in dreams) it said that it was 12:34 am. I don't know how I can remember that, but I just do.

While walking around the forest and checking the whole place out, I heard a scream, from deep within the woods. I rushed out to see what was going on, and I saw a girl (around my age) walking as if she went through the woods every day.

Behind her, a beast. It was nothing that I could have ever imagined. It looked similar to a wolf. Instead of furr it had sick-green scales (many of them falling off), bones coming out of it's elbows, recent flesh hanging from it's exposed teeth and black voids where it's eyes should be. It was very big, like a liger.

The girl did not seem to realize what was behind her, while I observed with horror as the beast crouched to jump on her. I didn't think. I jumped in with no second thought and pushed the girl aside. And, of course, this was supposed to be the moment where my trusty golden excalibur should have appeared in my hand and slayed the beast. Instead, I get pierced through the heart.

After that, I woke up. I'm going to write an RP story about this, just got inspired, yaaaaay~
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I don't know if I ever mentioned any of my death dreams in here or not, but this morning I had a really freaky one, especially considering I was going on a big drive today.

In my dream, we were driving down the highway at night. I was in the passenger seat. I don't even remember who was driving, but I don't think I even knew them. Anyway, it was fine for a while until the the road suddenly was overflowing with deer. They were EVERYWHERE, and they kept coming. I pointed and was like "Look out there's deer! Stop!!" ....But the driver kept going like they wanted to do the fucking deer obstacle course. They swerved in and out but eventually hit a few. I still remember the sound of the animals hitting the car - it was so awful.

The dream didn't stop there though. The car spun out, and I hit my head on the dash. I ended up staggering out of the car and walking a few steps. The world was literally kind of spinning around me, and started turning kind of a hazy red. My head was pounding so hard like my heart beat was going at maximum volume. I think maybe it was supposed to be a concussion. Anyway, I fell to my knees, and just kinda stared at the driver... who wasn't dialing 911. I touched my hand to my head, looked at the blood all over my hands, and then woke up.

What. The. Fuck. Brain.

Also, did I mention I almost walked right into a deer in the yard this morning? Scared me to death when it ran away. Yep.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Dreams tell many tales and show lots of coincidences with real life Rangy. I've got a recent dream and event (happened two days ago) which adds to that.

Midnight, huge full moon, and when I say huge I mean HUMONGOUS, like the moon from Majora's Mask at the third day. Everything was dark, and the lurking shadows around me appeared to be dancing to the magelight emanating from a few metres in front of me.

I take a step forward to see what was beyond that light, but it shined so much that I couldn't see anything. Suddenly, a girl of about my age appears right at my side, waves at me, and then vanishes. After she vanishes, the light grows much more intense, and appeared to be closing in. Then, a car runs me over.

Well, after waking up and having breakfast and starting to go walking to work I am nearly run over by a car. A police car. Nothing out of the ordinary, usually the police around my street are always drunk.

I arrive to work and BAM! There's a new girl working at my place, and guess who that is? That's right, the one I dreamt of that last night.

Fuck my brain man.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I had a weird dream last night that I was in high school. And in this high school there would be a week of certain anomalous events.

It starts with a bold apparently "printed" piece of paper being stuck to the glass door in the front marked "D". Upon further inspection, even though it looks printed, it seems that the "ink" was made of black make-up.

Second anomalous effect is the lunch workers. They mysteriously bump the price up to ridiculous levels. The papers seeming legitimate in this rule when reported. A lemon wedge and a waffle for example went from 2 dollars to $52.20. Parents were advised to have their kids bring in a lunch from home.

The third anomalous event was the use of books. ANY books that enter the school during that week become highly illegible. The words get jumbled or misspelled. Teachers were made aware of this and have told students to simply make the best of it, and guess at what the words are trying to say. Some smarter teachers have just avoided book study for the entire week.

I call it Demon Week.

It is weird...
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Not necessarily a weird dream that I had last night, but I was getting to make out with Tony Stark. I call that a win.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I had a dream today where I woke up

And then I woke up from that dream to find I was still dreaming

Then I actually woke up, about 4 hours before when I planned to get up
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Wow, that's an awesome dream Copper. You know what they say about Tony Stark, hehe. Now just get me a date with Natasha so we can go doubles. :)
Re: Weird Dream Thread

I hope you succeeded, or that you will in a follow up dream Copp.
Re: Weird Dream Thread

Kevin Bacon was a serial killer that had murdered women around town, always leaving clues beforehand to tell them they're doomed - and he still managed to kill them. One day, I found a barrel from Warframe on my front porch and immediately knew he was coming for me (for some reason, since I'm not female). He did. He was threatening me with a knife and did all the things that psychotic killers do before they actually kill their victim. I tired to calm him down and at some point said, afraid to death, "I'm doing a really shitty job at making you not want to kill me." He laughed at that, put the knife down and went to the toilet after drawing two lines on the floor that I was not allowed to cross. The knife was outside of those lines, so I couldn't get to it.

As soon as he came back, he grabbed the knife and rammed it into my arm. "YEAH, YOU COULD SAY THAT," he screamed as he pushed it deeper, so far that it came out the other side and nailed it to the inside of my lip. I died then, but what Kevin Bacon didn't know was that I had already died before in an unrelated dream, and with the living part gone only the dead part remained. And the dead part pulled the knife out of its lip and threatened to eat him.

"Then it did," I read as if it was written on the pages of a book, and I woke up.

EDIT: Heh. This just occurred to me. I ate Bacon, even though I hate the stuff.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Wow, that's different. In fact I would say you might be a shoo-in for oddest dream of the year.