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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

At least one of the Torries scowls at Claire's comment about the painting, but they just turn their back away from the Gangrel as if responding would be beneath them. The painting actually looks somewhat familiar for some reason, though she doesn't know why as it seems like just a bunch of different colored cubes put randomly together to form three people. Though Eve may recognize the painting as Picasso's Three Musicians.

Once past the painting she comes up just as the pasty-faced fellow with Renee and Lee finishes explaining something or other about obtene-something. The pale guy seems to go on and on with his explanation as if lecturing to a class, stopping abruptly as Claire comes up and just staring at her intently.

Renee smiles and introduces Claire and the other bodyguard, Norris. Apparently one of the Tremere, who bows a little as he's introduced and smiles uneasily as if he's way out of his depth in this sort of setting.

"So you have apparently run a foul of one of the Lasombra clan from Renee's description of your first night. I would be careful, they're known to be even less trustworthy than your clan is. At least they have reason to be so being the leaders of the sabbat. Good night."

Turning form the group he immediately heads for the bar, as Claire follows him with her eyes she sees Ronny has come back in from outside and is standing and talking to the one person in the place who everyone else seems to avoid. The Giovanni woman, who they had retrieved the book for earlier in the week.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch arrives a bit later than the others. Combing through his hair nervously, he mutters "an artsy get-together, just what I needed" and moves towards the bar. He sees that Alexander guy arguing about artsy stuff, the walls are decorated with even more artsy stuff... "Should've stayed and cut out s'more sheets," he grumbles.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve is astounded. She knows it's the real deal, though she's not sure how she knows that. She felt like an uneducated rube, staring at the painting, but she was just in awe at standing in front of an original, here of all places, that she completely forgot herself. She was still trying to ferret out what exactly the argument was about, however.

((It's the original right? I'll redo my post if it isn't))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Lasombra," Claire whispered, as if saying the name would help her properly remember that night. She was still trying to peer through the haze left behind by the drugs, and it wasn't going well.

Raising her eyes from the ground Claire noticed Ronny speaking with a woman she didn't fully recognize, or remember. Eve was still chattering away about that damn painting. Then she blinked, bringing herself back to the conversation. She'd been mostly out of contact for the past week and was slowly forgetting social graces.

"Evening. Doesn't this night look cheerful," Claire muttered to the two, before letting her eyes sweep the area again. She notes Fletch and throws him a two fingered salute in way of greeting, before pushing her attention back to her caretaker and Lee.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The ghoul bartender hands Fletch a champagne glass of blood, and moves to the other end of the bar to serve some of the other kindred. Surveying the scene Fletch realizes how few of the kindred knows besides his coterie mates. He recognizes Jack, Alexander, Alana, and the woman that Ronny was talking to. All together only about 22 kindred in the room with the serving staff, which he assumed were both ghouls.

From what Eve can tell just from looking at the painting it is indeed authentic, from the snippets of argument she's heard so far it was recently bought by Alize. Alexander doesn't seem to like the painting she gathers, mostly because he seems to think that more modern art such as Picasso's is no where near as good as the classics. Looking around Eve notices that most of the other paintings in the hall are done in a more classic style. Some of them are easily recognized others are not, but it seems a very nice collection indeed.

Renee nods at Claire before saying, "Yep, Lasombra apparently which means there's even more Sabbat around then we thought. Don't pay attention to Norris, he was just trying to push your buttons. I'm sure others will try to do the same thing to get you in more trouble, just means you have to be careful pretty much everywhere."
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch looks at the glass for a moment with a frown, wondering if he's supposed to swirl it now or something. Quickly looking up and making sure nobody's checking, he gives it a quick swirl and curses quietly as the blood spills over the edge - as a champagne glass is clearly not a brandy snifter. Deciding to fuck it, he just downs the blood and picks the spills up with his finger, scooping them up and licking them off. One of the Torries sees him and stares in bewilderment. Fletch just gives him a big, bloodstained grin.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve notices Fletch out of the corner of her eye and smothers a grin. Taking a deep breath (Again, out of habit) she opens her mouth and speaks, hoping that she isn't making a huge faux pas, "Just because a piece is more modern than others, or isn't to one's particular tastes, that doesn't make it any less art. Picasso, while definitely not to my specific taste, is still very awe inspiring to see."

(OH GOD. Talking art with people who know a shit ton more about it than she does, XD )
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Ronny walks over beside Fletch and leaning back against the bar says, "I don't think you have to swirl blood like brandy, but the look on that torrie's face was worth it. So anyone else taken pot shots at you lately, or did the rest of you're week go by without any annoying interruptions?" (2 BP's gained for Fletch)

As Eve offers her opinion on the piece of art in question she notices a faint smile pass across Alize's face. Alexander on the other hand is much harder to read and eve registers no emotion what so ever on his face. Alana finally speaks up as well from her spot in the middle of the pack. "An excellent observation, Eve, I've never much liked Picasso myself but it is still art to someone. So what medium do you work in, we all know so little about you?" (True but the person running the ones who know more about the art doesn't exactly know much himself.)
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I'm sure after the couple of stunts I already pulled, that there's going to be a few people who want to toy with me... reap what you sow no?" Claire said, before seeing Fletch's display and giving out a snort of a laugh.

"More importantly though is the Sabbot... at least I think so. Why are we here drinking from fancy fucking glasses and discussing art while Sabbot are running around not only eating out food supply, but coming perhaps more dangerously close to breaking the masquerade then I was. Never mind having to find out whoever's running around embracing folks without a care," Claire muttered, folding her arms across her chest and tossing a look of contempt towards the Torries.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch tilts his head at Ronny for a moment as he listens. "Oh, I bet they'd be heartbroken if anybody treated an actual glass of high-end brandy that way. There may be tears." He chuckles for a moment into his beard. "No, actually, nobody causing any ruckus. Been nice to actually have some downtime. I'm sure I'll be aching for something to do once I'm as old as some of these folks." Actually, Fletch is really curious if Ronny took the job the Anarchs offered them, but he bites his tongue before blurting that out. This may be the wrong place.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River shows up outside, walking around a corner from the North end. She seems to have covered her usual black tank for a partially shredded jean jacket, but her usual excersize pants are visible. She'll give a grin and a wave to whoever is left outside before heading in.

Once inside, she'll strip the jacket and hang it on the nearest available statue, one of the ghouls taking it mere seconds later with a scowl. Underneath it she wore a black men's t-shirt, the design on the front a mockery of a tuxedo. After that, she takes a drink from a passing ghoul and seats herself in a corner, making sure to stick her pinky in the air as she sips at it.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Renee nods her head as she looks over the room at the various groups of kindred. "Some will toy with you like the Tremere and Ventrue, some will treat you as beneath them like the Toreador, some will even try to help if you happen to be their type like the Brujah. Then there's the others like you and I who have to put up with the rest of them."

She says the last part while poking Lee in the ribs playfully, before looking towards Ronny and Fletch. "So are they some of the others in your coterie, or whatever it is the elders call usually call the groups. They're kind of cute for a couple of blood sucking weirdos."

Lee finally moves from staring off into space at the jab in the ribs. "Hey what am I chopped liver, I'm obviously a much better looking weirdo than those two."

Turning to Claire he says, "Actually the Sabbat are being hunted by some of us, even as you and I are standing here at this silly gathering. Unfortunately getting the whole Camarilla to react to the Sabbat is like getting the human government to react to a problem with the environment."

Ronny chuckles at the comment about brandy himself before saying, "From the looks of things, they probably would react with far too much angst over spilled brandy. Hopefully Eve doesn't start acting too much like the rest of them or I may be driven insane. It's been a pretty quiet week for me too, except for a visit from that Vincent guy. He was actually waiting outside my apartment after I got back from turning down the job offer from that Eliza broad. He can be one scary guy, especially when he tries to stare a hole in you." When he sees River come in he actually has to turn around so that his grin isn't quite so apparent to the other kindred gathered in the hall.

As can be expected most of the other kindred gathered, who seem to be mostly Toreador and Ventrue, react with utter disgust at River's antics. Though Jack who briefly walks in to say something to one of the ghouls can be seen stifling laughter as he heads back towards the door.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve gives a faint little smile. "I paint and sketch. Mostly oil paints and charcoals. I tend toward landscapes more than people and lately I paint using photos of sunsets and sunrises I find online and from my own older photos. Modified a bit, of course. I wouldn't want someone who has a photo copyrighted to get upset. I mean, photography is an art in and of itself."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I'd rather be hunting them then... I don't belong in this room. It's politics, conversation about overpriced paintings, and the worst offense: chilled blood," Claire said and hung her head as if ashamed.

"Even if I wouldn't be able to handle it, at least I'd feel like I was doing something," she said and noticed River's entrance.

"At least someone can enjoy themselves."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy and Raven are likely the last to arrive, outside of the guest of honor, at it were. Given the fact that the blonde still has a messenger bag slung over her shoulder, which is likely handed over to a ghoul along with her coat, the two have likely just gotten out of class. She seems a bit relieved that folks are still socializing, taking the opportunity to see who's where and talking to whom.

Knowing how wonderful her Sire feels about events like this, she slides her fingers into his and takes a path through the room that brings them close to the bar, in case he's for a drink. She greets Fletch and Ronny with a soft "Hey," the volume more for decorum than anything. She does, though, let out a snicker as she catches sight of River's shirt. "God, I haven't seen one of those since prom. And there were a whole pack of guys running around in them."

She notes the lack of the titled Kindred in the room, baring a few exceptions. "We miss anything exciting or has the party not gotten started yet?" she asks the other two.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch notices them clinging, like they almost always do. He, who never managed to hold a relationship for long, is pretty convinced they're going to tire of each other sooner or later - he shakes his head, both to answer her and to get his thoughts in order. "No, the Prince ain't here yet. Most of the big wigs ain't either, save for the Torries." He nods over to Alexander and the others.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Watching Izzy and Raven come into the hall and move towards the bar, Claire tossed the pair another two fingered salute. She didn't move from her conversation but felt it would be at the very least... polite to acknowledge the rest of her coterie.

Though, after Fletch had ignored her she wondered if the others were being told to ignore her, to shun her for her mistakes. Or perhaps they were doing it of their own will.

"Reap what you sow," she whispered.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Alexander still as unreadable as before he simply says, "It's true that anything can be a wonderful form of art, but I always felt that it's not really art unless judged so by an artist themselves. Anything can have a price tag stuck to it and be called art but that doesn't mean it's art. Now I'm afraid I must be off to check on where the Prince is. He seems to be a little behind schedule, please continue to enjoy yourselves until my return."

Alana smiles after Alexander as he leaves before turning back to Eve and saying. "I love landscapes myself, perhaps you'll get the chance to show us some of your work one of these days. I myself have little talent in that area, I do love the ballet though."

As Alana keeps the others busy with conversation, Alize also excuses herself and makes her way over to where the other Primogen are seated at a table near the empty podium. A bit of miffed look on her face as she leaves her clan mates behind.

Renee thinks a little before answering Claire, "Maybe you don't really belong here, but as silly as this party may seem. Most of us need to do this sort of thing once in a while to remind ourselves of our human sides. Otherwise we may as well go and join the Sabbat. Plus it's always a good idea to get an idea of where to look for the bad guys before you go hunt them. That's why most of my coterie is here right now. We usually pick up a tidbit of information at Elysium before we go looking for trouble."

Ronny shakes his head as well, "Nope nothing exciting at all, just the same that you're seeing right now. I almost wish I knew someone in here besides you guys, I feel sort of like a fish out of water if you know what I mean."

Raven comfortable in Izzy's grip just makes himself as unnoticeable as possible, politely taking a glass from one of the servers while listening to the conversations around them.

Apparently it must be getting close to the Prince's grand entrance as Jack hurries across toward the back of the hall, his spot at the door being taken over by a few of the ghoul staff.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Humanity... I sometimes forget," Claire says sheepishly letting her tongue roll across the pointed tip of a fang. Renee's comment makes her calm down for a moment, looking around the party, at everyone acting like life hadn't changed so much.

"How would I volunteer for the hunting parties? And where can I get training to be good enough?" she asked suddenly, of both Lee and Renee.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Renee smiles, "I think you probably already got the best training possible to help with hunting Sabbat. River has taken enough of them out to put the rest of us around here to shame. As to a hunting party, why not get your coterie mates on board. I'm sure they would probably enjoy getting a chance to go after their sires as well."