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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

Interestingly enough, a lot of men supposedly like women in bondage because deep down inside, they want to be the one tied up. Some sort of social, male-dominance, primal thing or something. Interesting to think about it.

Hell I admit to liking being the tied up one.

And the thing about bondage is because sex is not intimate in any way shape or form, despite us really wanting to say it is. It's animalistic in a way and is a completely stimulatory, practically necessary base instinct and arguably human right. It's something that the normal biological body needs to preform so how can doing it with a person, no matter how you feel about them be considered intimate when it's almost a regular action? However, bringing bondage into it, I feel, also brings levels of trust. True intimacy is sharing each other in a moment of true vulnerability and this fits the bill, at least a lot more than regular sex. So in that fashion, I view it as slightly more romantic and a lot more meaningful.
Re: Bondage Corner

truer words never spoken but ill say right now that when you honestly love someone (i have adrian) sex can and has been the most intimate thing we've ever done. animalistic yes but there is a difference between having sex and making love.
Re: Bondage Corner

There are millions of things you can think of off the top of your head that take more trust and togetherness than having sex. I just don't like giving it the benefit considering people work so hard to achieve something so minimal. I also don't like the idea of having it even being close to a defining of relationship which people often do. When I take a far side to an argument of strictly opinion like this, what I state is, I'll admit, a little more extreme than I feel, just because I'm pissed at what I hear coming from the other side a lot of the time. For this, it's hurt people too much and completely damaging when marking sex as the end-all be-all. People spending their hard work and time and effort and emotional and mental strain just cuz someone wants to get their dick wet. Honestly making love is on a different plane, but when it comes to comparing that and sex, it still all ends with *blort* (thanks stanhope)

Now, if we wanna talk tantric-no-finish, I will completely and honestly 100% have no argument to say that is not intimate in the least because there's nothing I can argue on the physical stimulation/satisfaction side and it's all making love with none of the downplay that people seem so pursuant of.
Re: Bondage Corner

The way I see it, is there there are two types of sex. Love and Lust. Love is more caring while your lust is like your one night stand or your more animalistic positions. The act of intercourse though is an animal emotion in my opinion though it is what surrounds the actual act that defines it as animal or human.

*stops rambling.
Re: Bondage Corner

seems plenty intimate to me. the only time its a problem is when idiots let it destroy a relationship
Re: Bondage Corner

Meh, join the club. Guys in general are jerks (sorry anyone who might be offended, just being emo today).
Re: Bondage Corner

Bondage and S&M go hand-in-hand quite often, actually.

Agreed, but I for one prefer bondage to be forcing pleasure as opposed to pain.

Forced to orgasm over and over again, that sort of thing.

That probably explains why I like tentacle rape :p

Having said that, degredation (private humiliation) also gets me off. So there is a bit of sadist in me.
Re: Bondage Corner

Meh, join the club. Guys in general are jerks (sorry anyone who might be offended, just being emo today).

Don't mind us, it was in our best interest throughout the course of evolution to be interested in nothing but good looks, physical stimulation, and be all around chauvinistic pigs. It was the best choice for males, kind of like how women are evolutionary gold-diggers. It's a sad sad truth, but it's been ingrained just from our biology and mating strategies.
Re: Bondage Corner

Don't mind us, it was in our best interest throughout the course of evolution to be interested in nothing but good looks, physical stimulation, and be all around chauvinistic pigs. It was the best choice for males, kind of like how women are evolutionary gold-diggers. It's a sad sad truth, but it's been ingrained just from our biology and mating strategies.

Touche! *rolls wrist*

Re: Bondage Corner

Er? Gatorbait declares all men jerks. That hurts, sigh 98% of human males are jerks. >.> Damn you chauviserrnsm argh! Sigh, Well since were being a little sexist here let me say this, femisism is dominating the developed world.
Re: Bondage Corner

feminism is nice, but some people take it waaay too far.

And to stay on topic, isn't Bondage great?? ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

Bondage is great to people who want to dominate other people. I don't like people who take pleasure in S&M it gives me no pleasure if their excited. >..<
Re: Bondage Corner

Agreed, but I for one prefer bondage to be forcing pleasure as opposed to pain.

Forced to orgasm over and over again, that sort of thing.

That probably explains why I like tentacle rape :p

Having said that, degredation (private humiliation) also gets me off. So there is a bit of sadist in me.
Up until the last line, I was all set to be 'Your ideas interest me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.' I like bondage but not the pain or humiliation aspects of S&M stuff.
Re: Bondage Corner

Well it's a degree thing. Don't you think some consider just being handcuffed to the bed "degrading?" I mean I don't even know where I stand cuz I haven't gone through it all, but I enjoy pain and being uncomfortable but some things (cbt, coprophilia) are just too far in my mind. It's really how far down degradation you're willing to go.
Re: Bondage Corner

Well it's a degree thing. Don't you think some consider just being handcuffed to the bed "degrading?"
No, not really. Being restrained in some way, even just held down, is exciting and feels good to me. I've never really been bound in a way that is uncomfortable (or at least never stayed that way once it was discovered to be uncomfortable).
Re: Bondage Corner

You don't think a single person thinks being tied down like that is degrading?
Re: Bondage Corner

You don't think a single person thinks being tied down like that is degrading?
Oops, I misread what you were saying. That's what happens when I post when I'm half-asleep.

Some people almost certainly do consider almost anything degrading. Catherine MacKinnon once wrote "“Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks.” But that doesn't make them right or make their experiences the only valid way to define something. Human sexuality is just as complicated and diverse as the human mind and nobody else gets to tell me what I find degrading or humiliating. :D That's all I was reacting to.
Re: Bondage Corner

So you agree it's up to personal interpretation.
I'm just defending aika in that he never said what was degrading, which we both agree is different for different people.
Re: Bondage Corner

This is something that gets me a little bit, as well.. the whole humiliation/pain aspects of S & M..

Humiliation, well.. don't you think it's okay when you're made to ask for things, out loud, with specific wording...? Humiliating, maybe, but also, a real turn-on.. for me, at least. I often get this weird feeling that if the person in question is saying the things, but with the right intention.. I.E, NOT trying to degrade me, make me feel worthless.. but rather, deliberately pushing my buttons... that, that's all good.. <3.

As for pain? Well.. spanking..? A little pain can be extremely erotic. I don't mean knife-to-the-genitals kind of pain.. but spanking, or candle wax.. biting? Those, again with the right intention, are all good..

So yeah, my take on the whole thing is that a lot of this stuff would feel shameful, bad, coming from someone you don't trust. If there's someone you're intimate with, whom you trust explicitly... it's very different.

Re: Bondage Corner


I like rape!