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Demon's Tale

Re: Demon's Tale

B Check up on him double-dealing with some angels.
Re: Demon's Tale

"Lets find this meeting room. Might as well go directly to him, I guess," Iniel decided, studying over the map. "Which means we go... this way."

For several minutes the pair rather silently, barring their footfalls, made their way up two flights of stairs and down a long, barely lit corridor, passing rows of doors containing various classrooms.

Eventually, they came to a large double-door made of a thick wood, with a bright light shining from beneath it. "This is the place," Iniel confirmed, to clear up any doubts. A quick examination of the area outside revealed nothing of interest, there was a few plaques naming honour students and the like, a couple of potted plants, and a few sofa benches for people waiting to sit on.

Trying to listen at the door resulted only in muffled speech, unable to be made out. Neither Iniel nor Tamiel could hear anything either listening through the door, or at the crack at the bottom. "Well, what now then?" he asked, rather sarcastically.

Decision Time!

a) Knock on the door.

b) Just walk into the meeting room

c) Attempt to use the Spell of Thoughts through the door.

d) Take a seat and wait.

e) Head to his office instead.
Re: Demon's Tale

Damn it, none of these are eavesdropping!

Except C. For Close to Best. Surely this cannot explode in our faces.
Re: Demon's Tale

C. We shall not be deterred.
Re: Demon's Tale

Focusing her mind and muttering the incantation under her breath, Iniel casts the Spell of Thoughts, trying to teach out through the doors before her. All she can read, however, is silence. Broadening her spell a little, she does pick up the soft drone from Tamiel's mind, a background noise she could hear from any active minds in the area, but she was unable to detect anything from the room.

Drawing upon her almost instinctive knowledge of the spell, she guessed that either the wooden doors were too thick for the spell to penetrate, a possibility considering how good they were at muffling sound; or the doors were somehow warded to protect again celestial magic; also distinctly possible. Another, more mundane possibility, was that the room was empty, and simply made to look like people were in there.

Either way, the spell wasn't doing anything helpful. Tamiel, from behind, gave an short amused chuckle at his sister's efforts, adding insult to injury, so to speak.

Decision Time!

a) Knock on the door.

b) Just walk into the meeting room

c) Attempt to use the Spell of Thoughts through the door.

d) Take a seat and wait.

e) Head to his office instead.
Re: Demon's Tale


We want a secluded place for a few minutes.
Re: Demon's Tale

e and i knew this was gonna happen
Re: Demon's Tale

E. And am I the only one who thinks that if Professor Austin is an associate of our mistress, he might be able to BLOCK the SoT?
Re: Demon's Tale

"Well this sucks. Let's just go wait in his office," Iniel declared, turning and taking a few steps away.

"Why?" Tamiel asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean why?" Iniel snapped back.

"Well, he's just in there, isn't he? What's the point of waiting for him somewhere else, we're already here..."

Iniel paused for a split second as she reconsidered her options, this was the first time Tamiel hadn't just followed along as she called the shots. "Maybe he'll have the things we're looking for in there and we don't even need to wait for him?"

"Maybe we won't be able to get them without him. Do you eve know what they look like? Maybe we'll set off some kind of security system he's got in place, he doesn't want just anyone leafing through information about the arcane. Or maybe we do make off with them, and he panics because he thinks someone stolen them and all sorts of shit goes down. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one, sis, unless..." His eyes visibly narrow, and his grin broadens.

"Unless what?" Iniel challenges, taking a firm stance.

Tamiel chuckles to himself and wanders over to one of the seats, almost falling into a lounging position. "Oh, nothing. If you want to break into the man's office, go right ahead. But I'm waiting right here. I am fond of you sister, but you should remember which of us is the spiritual power here; you may have stolen a little power from me, but I could still make you my little bitch at any time if you try and start things with me; It's only out of goodwill I didn't play along with your little game and turn on you before you did me. I'm not so stupid I'd fall for such a transparent scheme, okay?"

He smiled sweetly at her, before lounging back further, his hands crossed under his head as he keeps an eye on her.

Decision Time!

a) Storm off and head to the office.

b) Storm off and leave the University.

c) Stick around and wait, keeping your distance from Tamiel.

d) Apologise to Tamiel, move over and sit next to him.

e) Apologise to Tamiel, move over and sit next to him, then throw your will against his and try to break him.
Re: Demon's Tale

Where's the option to sneak off and rape the secretary?

A We would have let him have the stolen power back, but if he wants to be a flaccid kill joy, that's his problem.
Re: Demon's Tale

F. Apologize, but keep your distance.