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VN/TEXT Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Oh! I thought maybe the different arcs were dependant on the choices you make. That makes things easier then

It is, but the choices to open up different arcs don't show up until you complete the previous arc.

As far as Fate goes, uh...
Fate/stay Night
Fate/hollow Ataraxia

that's about it. >_>
There's Battlemoon Wars too but...yeah.
And Fate/Unlimited Codes is a fighting game made by Capcom that I love to death but nobody plays in the US except for like, me and a few other people I know haha.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I play it. Ironically I main both Shirou AND Archer. lol.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I was playing for UBW, because I love all the things you can get Rin to say and Lancer was such a bro in that one.
And Archer, always asskicking.
I never liked HF's storyline and I never got indepth for it.
I also never got into much other Fate stuff, maybe this is my chance to get into it huh?
Anyone want to give me a recap for most Fate stuff and the order I should try and play/read them in?

IF you're going to play/watch/read through them all then the chronological order would be
Fate/Stay night
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

That I know of there is only an incomplete english translation for Ataraxia but it's underway. Also, I don't know if there's a VN for Zero either. I heard something about a manga or book being written for it but past that there's the anime which is badass I might note.

Fate/Extra is a spinoff game that isn't canon as far as I know but it's loads of fun I think.

I keep meaning to get Fate Unlimited codes but haven't had the spare cash to do so yet.
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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I play Lancer and Leysritt in F/UC. >_> I'm pretty darn good at it too.
And I wouldn't recommend doing Fate/Zero first to be honest. You should progress how Nasu intended, which means Fate/Stay night before Fate/Zero.
That way you catch all the little things that make things click, "AHA!!!" and stuff. If you watch the prequel first you lose out on that. =(
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

gah, now I'm gonna have to get that once I get the spare cash. F/UC sounds like fun.
Though I put it in chronological order I'd be inclined to agree. Seeing/Playing FSN before Zero would probably be a good idea. It's neat seeing some of FSN's cast before their actual Grail war and what drives them after seeing them in Zero.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

So a full english trans'd Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is impossible to find then?
How do we know what happens in it then? How do YOU GUYS know?
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I don't. I just forget about it's existence for a while until a buddy of mine taps me on the shoulder and screams in my ear "OMG THE TRANSLATION IS OUT GO GET IT". Then I leisurely head to the dark parts of the internet to acquire whatever it takes to play it.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Anything I know about Ataraxia is just from cursory searches of the internet.

Thanks to Fate/Unlimited codes I know a little more about it and see a little more behind Lancer's most unfortunate case. He really is just a nice guy dealt a crappy hand.
I'd be interested in seeing Ataraxia finished so I can learn more about Blazett.

So, after playing F/UC I've decided that Rider is AMAZING and not just because of her assets ;D
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I know some info because people like to spoil storyline too. If you post any info about this game please alert and spoiler tag, I would really love to read it myself. But also, there are things that are hinted at in different games and Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel. Heaven's Feel really touches a lot on stuff that has to do with Ataraxia. And though we read English, there are people who can read Japanese. So there are people who know the story from just reading it.

I play Lancer and Leysritt in F/UC. >_> I'm pretty darn good at it too.
And I wouldn't recommend doing Fate/Zero first to be honest. You should progress how Nasu intended, which means Fate/Stay night before Fate/Zero.
That way you catch all the little things that make things click, "AHA!!!" and stuff. If you watch the prequel first you lose out on that. =(

Check out Crucis Fatal/Fake - That 'fangame' is damn sexy. Shirou and Lancer is one of my main teams, and Shirou isn't seriously OP like in Unlimited Codes.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

The funny thing is even his downfall in real life was because he was such a nice guy. He made so many geas' just to keep the enemy army in check then proceeded to have them all broken not due to his own volition but because of trickery and circumstance.

If he just assassinated the enemy leader with Gae Bolg as opposed to fighting so honorably it makes knights look like bandits he probably would have won.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Nanie link pls, I just a different kind of google and it got me complicated results.
And yeah Lancer is such a bro, but y'know people be hatin' on him.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Nanie link pls, I just a different kind of google and it got me complicated results.
And yeah Lancer is such a bro, but y'know people be hatin' on him.

People love Lancer

But he is always made fun of since all Lancers have E luck (that includes the lancer from Fate Zero)

Look up Cannival Phantasm, it's sort of a Parody for Type Moon work.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

The first time I saw him in the FSN anime I just discarded him as kind of a second rate lackey. Now I can appreciate him more as a character since I've seen more with him.
He's rough around the edges but he's pretty damn awesome. I just think he was put in with a bad group of heroes. As a hero he feels a little small-time in the shadows of some of the FSN heroes. Though it would have been worse had it been Fate/Zero I think
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I couldn't disagree more. Lancer's time to shine is definitely in UBW, in which he demonstrates he is more than capable of stealing the spotlight. You cannot say that his fight with Archer or his final stand are any less than other epic moments in the game.
But it's okay, they made him one of the best characters in Unlimited Codes so they made up for it. >_> Him and Zero Lancer are really good haha. And Shirou ain't that good in F/UC. Top tier is Gilgamesh, Lancer, Zero Lancer, then Kirie, then everyone else, then Leysritt, Sakura, Assassin.
Assassin is the worst character in the game because he does no damage and he only, I repeat, ONLY has two infinite combos. <_<
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I couldn't disagree more. Lancer's time to shine is definitely in UBW, in which he demonstrates he is more than capable of stealing the spotlight. You cannot say that his fight with Archer or his final stand are any less than other epic moments in the game.
But it's okay, they made him one of the best characters in Unlimited Codes so they made up for it. >_> Him and Zero Lancer are really good haha. And Shirou ain't that good in F/UC. Top tier is Gilgamesh, Lancer, Zero Lancer, then Kirie, then everyone else, then Leysritt, Sakura, Assassin.
Assassin is the worst character in the game because he does no damage and he only, I repeat, ONLY has two infinite combos. <_<

I'm not disagreeing with you. as I said I discarded him "At first" I've gained more appreciation for him the second time through.
Assassin "only" has 2 infinite combos? Meaning others have more? What kind of broke as hell game did I pick up here? This is starting to sound like the level of un-funness that playing the MVC games has. Great characters that I love but I just don't stand a chance in hell i sounds like
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Sorry, passionate Lancer fan here. >_>

And to be fair, the execution required to do any of the infinites in the game is almost inhuman. It takes a lot of skill in order to do them, unlike Marvel.
It's still a pretty broken game but a lot of fun at a casual level, especially among TYPE-MOON fans. And relax, there isn't a scene for F/UC so chances are that if you play it with anyone you'll be the only one who knows about it haha.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Sorry, passionate Lancer fan here. >_>

And to be fair, the execution required to do any of the infinites in the game is almost inhuman. It takes a lot of skill in order to do them, unlike Marvel.
It's still a pretty broken game but a lot of fun at a casual level, especially among TYPE-MOON fans. And relax, there isn't a scene for F/UC so chances are that if you play it with anyone you'll be the only one who knows about it haha.

sadly, I think I'll be the only person I know that'll play it. Still, I've had a blast so far with it. It was neat seeing that little bit of back story with lancer and his master. Seeing how his arcade story started I couldn't help but think "you big 'ol softie!" He definitely earned a few points in my book with that
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I like Gilgamesh's ending in arcade mode, what with him corrupting Saber. x3
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

hm, Gil finally gets the girl in his ending 'eh?
I just foresee her being like in carnival phantasm and dominating him when she's all corrupted. I just know he's really looking for someone to push HIM around.

On a side note I've been reading through FSN and just got to Caster starting to move on her own. I shouldn't be surprised but I can't believe how much more is in the game content-wise. It's as bad as some american books being brought to movie format.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Yeah, I watched the anime first, then played the game. FS/N is long. Like... really looooooooong. Like the printed script may be novel length. :p When you're done with the UBW route, go back and watch the movie again. I guarantee it'll be at least 2 more levels of awesome now that you know all the stuff they left out. They basically took the route and used the Rule of Cool to decide what should go into the movie. :D