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VN/TEXT Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Perhaps he might have been more boring if he had been a proper archer but IMO I think facing an archer should be like facing an assassin. Attacks from somewhere afar. It should be like running around in a field avoiding a sniper's scope.
I know they can't really illustrate that well with Archer being a protagonist but that's just how I think an archer should be handled narratively speaking. I think that's why I liked Extra's Archer so much. He used the independant skill to it's utmost and struck using any means he had at his disposal even though Blackmore screwed him over since he had to act as a knight would rather than as a soldier would.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Exactly, which is why I feel bad for Archer classes sometimes when they need to have the attention on them, it feels like the story doesn't allow them to do their job which is shoot, move, shoot, move, kiting opponents etc.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

that's it. I want a new Fate game with the option to chose your servant. I wanna see some of the other classes win. That's half the reason I used caster in Extra. I would love to see a story with the protagonist having berserker or assassin
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

that's it. I want a new Fate game with the option to chose your servant. I wanna see some of the other classes win. That's half the reason I used caster in Extra. I would love to see a story with the protagonist having berserker or assassin

I personally would like to see another Caster heroine. Assassin too though, the whole time watching Zero was always wondering "Wonder what she looks like under that mask...". Or even better, a female protagonist with a Berser-car! (Actually I just want Illya to have her own....another, spin-off.)
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Just give me my Bazett x Lancer already!
Not to mention, I am still waiting for more Sion x Ries(Can't get enough of that shit, need MOAR DOUJINS! MOAR DOUJINS!!!! Offical work would be even better but I doubt they are gonna do Yuri all of a sudden...).
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Quick revival to note that Fate/Extra is getting a sequel!
It's set to arrive stateside in october!
Fate/Extra CCC appears to be a heaven's feel sort of replay of Fate/Extra. Sakura appears to be taking an active role and there's a new servant as well.
For those who played through Fate/Extra there will be an option to use your save data for CCC. It loads the affection levels you built up with your servants that you played through with.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

just wondering if anyone knows where i can get fate/hollow ataraxia ? thourouly enjoyed stay night and cxurrently awaiting the release of zero second season in april, also archer FTW =P
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

that I know of there isn't a complete translation of it. If you can read japanese I'm sure there's more than a couple torrents or something you can dig up.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

thanks, i guess ill wait for the patch then =P
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

could someone give me a link for Tsukihime the link on the 1st page is down