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VN/TEXT Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I'll have to look forward to that. almost done with FSN now. Still shocking how much was left out or removed altogether. I definitely don't remember a scene with kotomine's little underground altar
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Kotomine is a boss. Heaven's Feel makes you love/hate him so MUCH.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I'll look forward to that. I'd be pleasantly surprised if any point of view could make me even think about kotomine not being a complete douche. How could he leave Rin like that at the end of FSN?
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

As a person, there's no better word for Kotomine then douchebag. But, he is easily the most badass Priest-who-is-really-a-bad-guy I swear in anime/gaming history.

But the full stories in F/SN would actually make you love all the characters (except Shingi and I still to this day hate Shirou). I think I purposely went down every bad end JUST to see him die. Illya you still have the best killing of the damn idiot, which is why you're my fav.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I agree, most all of the characters are quite likable when you get down to it. Shirou just is too whiny for my tastes. I did feel for him though with his efforts with saber. I'm a firm believer in stores with the guy getting the girl in the end.
Shinji is just so terrible you gotta hate him. Not only is he incompetent but he's supremely confident in his abilities he thinks he has. The only thing he had going for him was that sexy rider. =D...
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

They make you hate Shinji in Fate/Extra but he's actually not a bad person. If you choose Archer for your Servant he even remarks "He actually doesn't have a bad heart." He just was a bit of a naive idiot. I mean, he didn't actually realize that people died when they lost the elimination battle. lol
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Um no... Shinji is just a horrible person. Extra Shinji is a different Shinji all-together. Regular Shinji is an douche through and through but Extra Shinji is just an 8 year-old kid who's a talented hacker who basically thinks that it's just an MMO where you can call other people noobs and crap.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I was specifically talking about Fate/Extra Shinji, so you don't have to go "Um..no" on me, relax, buddy.

I feel that if Shinji had not been a Matou he would have been a better person. Having Zouken for a parent is probably one of the least healthy things that could happen. I mean, Shirou was buddies with him for some reason, up until the war. Shinji is a slimeball and his actions inexcusable but I do believe that he could have been a good guy, if not just arrogant.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I agree that the Extra Shinji is just a poor kid in a bad circumstance.
I can't feel too badly though. I just am jealous he gets these sexy servants, lol.
FSN's Shinji I'm not so certain. Yeah, he was raised by the matou family but I think that's only part of the problem. I think part of it is his personality too. Some people just are jerks regardless of how they were brought up. Being a matou just made him worse. I feel badly for Sakura though since she's in that abusive situation and covers for him in spite of all he does.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

From what I gather, Sakura (indirectly) was part of the transformation into douchebagness for Shinji. From script when asked why they were friends, Shirou always said that Shinji wasn't that bad of a guy in middle school. But I think the constantly being reminded by good ol' gramps that you're a worthless mage so we got Sakura instead got to him. Plus I think there was plans to make Sakura conceive Shinji's child, think like if you have this girl you're suppose to marry when you're young. You watch that girl become quite the beauty...then fall in love with your friend.

All in all, I still hate him. (though I actually liked him in extra, him and Rider's exchanges were always funny.)
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I don't hate Shinji much, I think he got what he deserved though.
But the reason I don't hate him is probably because of the overwhelming sense of pity I have for him.
I only hate him a little for "attempting" to rape Rin.
That's just a no.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

From what I gather, Sakura (indirectly) was part of the transformation into douchebagness for Shinji. From script when asked why they were friends, Shirou always said that Shinji wasn't that bad of a guy in middle school. But I think the constantly being reminded by good ol' gramps that you're a worthless mage so we got Sakura instead got to him. Plus I think there was plans to make Sakura conceive Shinji's child, think like if you have this girl you're suppose to marry when you're young. You watch that girl become quite the beauty...then fall in love with your friend.

All in all, I still hate him. (though I actually liked him in extra, him and Rider's exchanges were always funny.)

Hm, maybe she was. In Fate/Zero she was taken to the Matou family from the Tohsakas since Berserker's master(can't think of his name) had at the time opted out of becoming a magus and a master. He only came back because Sakura was taken over there to fill that role and hopefully revitalize the Matou magus line since they were dying out magically. I don't know if she was there specifically for Shinji but it wouldn't surprise me. That family gives me the willies, lol.

Listening to the voice bits during Shinji's elimination battle in Extra was pretty hilarious to me. "Are you drunk?!" Best time to be trashed. During a battle to the death!
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

No, she's not there for Shinji but the old man did say that if she couldn't win the next holy grail war that she would at least be able to produce a strong heir.

And yes, as much as I love Aksys Games for taking up games that usually wouldn't see the light of day outside Japan...I HATE their obsession with over localization in the dialog. Most of the time, the "what you read" is totally different (mood-wise) from the "what they said". Blazblue was bad...but EXTRA had me down on my kneels in disappointment sometimes. Saber was much funnier than her written lines showed...
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

hm, I didn't think aksys did that bad of a job at localizing it. I'll admit my knowledge of speaking japanese is hardly perfect but I thought it was ok. I was surprised to see Extra Saber's Tsundere moment though. Too funny.

Being a Tohsaka she would produce a strong magical heir but I would think unless she paired with Shinji there wouldn't be much point. They'd be the Matou family in name only.
Even though they aren't related that still gives me the heebie-jeebies.
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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

You gotta think Shinji is kinda weird for sticking it in a girl with worms inside of her, hot sister or not.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

well, you gotta think Shirou is kinda strange. After all he's banging a technical dead chick. At least a parasite girl is still alive =D
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Being a Tohsaka she would produce a strong magical heir but I would think unless she paired with Shinji there wouldn't be much point. They'd be the Matou family in name only.
Even though they aren't related that still gives me the heebie-jeebies.

You learn more about it in Heaven's Feel, but part of the point of the worms/etc was to make Sakura the actual successor to the Matou family magic crest. So while the biological bloodline might be different, a strong magical heir would in fact be a true (magical) Matou capable of having the crest passed down. Or at least that was the theory. Also Zouken is a douche. :p
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

well, you gotta think Shirou is kinda strange. After all he's banging a technical dead chick. At least a parasite girl is still alive =D

In Fate/Stay, Saber wasn't dead yet. She became an heroic spirit right before her death and it was kinda held off until she completed her role in a Holy Grail War (which her true death happens at the end of her route).

But either way, Spirit Girl or Girl with Magical Worms....as long as she's hot, it's free game to Shirou. Hell, if it wasn't for Type-Moon's budget you would have seen him with a 18+ Loli and two maid dolls.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

oh god, he was gonna make Ilya 18? Just no, I can't help but think that would have killed some of her charm. Though her maids...could be fun ;D
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Canonically Illya is older than Shirou. She's just small cause she's not human.