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A thought about ULMF...

Re: A thought about ULMF...

Heh, he forgot his own baby.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

And Somehow I became a member just before Oni had his rage quit moment. The original proboards was better IMHO but... ULMF of today still has it's own charm.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

How come I'm never mentioned whenever people talk about "the elder members".... makes me sad, in a rather lowly way.

Don't feel bad, I'm usually forgotten too, though I tend to be a little less high profile than the others named.

I dunno, I mean, the forum has definitely changed, but I don't know if that is necessarily a bad thing. I don't usually read most of the hentai sections where the lurkers tend to... well... lurk. My biggest fear has always been that someone will notice the traffic and start asking questions.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

If Lurker Wars is my baby, I'm leaving that thing in a dumpster.

something we seem to have in common i guess.

i want a new list of the old members, and we shall form a council.
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Re: A thought about ULMF...

old meaning age, or seniority for the forums? Ironically, I don't really make either of those lists.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

something we seem to have in common i guess.

i want a new list of the old members, and we shall form a council.

But. I thought we were friends. Don't we already have plenty of things in common?
Re: A thought about ULMF...

A council sounds spiffy. We can be all "Well, I say that we need to take action to preserve the values of the forum." "Hear hear"

Also Toxic, shutup newfag, you've been around long enough imo.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Nunu: By "council" you mean something like a noble's court, where the decisions are made, or veteran lounge type of thing?

And as to OP, I've only really been here since the start of this forum, but I can totally see what he means. When the forum started, there were something like 20 active members and everyone was acting nice and mature(except Obe and whoever else I'm supposed to mention). Now? Hentai section has been almost completely overtaken by dumpers and elsewhere feels completely different.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

shutup newfag, you've been around long enough imo.

Hey hey hey, don't steal my gimmick Incubus, self-contradiction is my thing.
Re: A thought about ULMF...


I'm not a- Oh right. Err, well you're a double hypocrite. How about that? There is no possible come back to my insult. None.
Triple Hypocrite.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Re: A thought about ULMF...

Yer just trying much too hard for attention now Cappy

If Lurker Wars is my baby, I'm leaving that thing in a dumpster.

Ye already did. I found it and left in the dumpster up the road.

And a council sounds rather interesting.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Well see, at least you picked up the baby and kind of dusted it off before leaving it again.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

Lets see...
Myself, Nunu, Aika, Lurker, Unknown Squid, Incubus, Gatorbait, Chibi, Sinful, LDF, Rule, Lucas, Copper, Darkfire, Siphon, Pale, Kusanagi, SirOni, Bei, and probably (definitely) more than a few people I'm forgetting, and maybe a couple I've misidentified, are all from the original forum I think.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

even when they haven't been form the start, Toxicshock and RJ should be there, the council will be soo boring without them.
Re: A thought about ULMF...

I disagree
Re: A thought about ULMF...

And I disagree with ts.

Yes it would be easier just to agree with plmnko, but I'm feeling like being an ass atm ^.^